6 December 20244 December 2024 Vielseitig, robust und biologisch abbaubar: Werk- und Baustoffe aus Pilzen Verpackungsmaterialien, Dämmstoffe und Lederalternativen aus Pilzen werden bereits angeboten, an weiteren Verwendungen wird geforscht
27 September 202423 September 2024 After circular fashion hits London Fashion Week, where next for sustainable clothing? By showcasing how coherent looks can be conjured up from disparate styles and decades, the point of the show was that circular dressing needn’t be drab or utilitarian
18 March 20242 April 2024 Biotech fashion takes naturally sourced textiles literally As fashion weeks in both the U.S. and Europe come to a close, it begs the question of staying fashionable and environmentally friendly
15 February 20245 February 2024 Särge, Leder, Möbel: So haben Sie Pilze noch nie gesehen Die Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Pilzmyzel scheinen auch außerhalb des Tellers unendlich zu sein. Das zeigen diese fünf Beispiele aus der Bioökonomie
14 February 20239 February 2023 Themendossier: Pilze als Ressource Viele Unternehmen und Universitäten beschäftigen sich mit diesem einzigartigen Material, dessen Einsatzgebiete nahezu grenzenlos sind
25 November 202222 November 2022 Premium Leather Producer ECCO Leather Partners With Ecovative to Pursue New Mycelium Materials The two companies will collaborate directly to develop the next generation of mycelium materials for footwear, fashion and apparel
29 April 202225 April 2022 Mushroom buoys could be contender in fight to reduce ocean plastics In the fight to reduce the amount of plastic in the ocean, an unlikely new combatant has been enlisted: fungi
22 February 202216 February 2022 5 Dinge, die aus Pilzmyzel bestehen können (und sollten!) Pilzmyzel ist ein nachwachsender und komplett recyclebarer Rohstoff und kann sogar als Nahrung für neue Pilze dienen - ein Schritt in Richtung einer Kreislaufwirtschaft
2 September 202131 August 2021 Just out: new report on bio-based chemicals, polymers and materials Developing bio-based chemicals, polymers and products in a sustainable manner allows for substantial new business opportunities
23 March 20217 June 2021 UK start-up The Magical Mushroom Company moves to large-scale production plastic-free packaging The packaging is made possible through mycelium composite technology, pioneered and patented by US firm Ecovative Design LLC
21 October 202016 October 2020 Why the search for the perfect vegan leather starts on the forest floor One of the biggest challenges with fungi-derived leather is making a uniform "mat" with consistent thickness, appearance and color, while to balance durability with biodegradability
20 October 20209 September 2021 Amen grows carbon-negative mycelium packaging to ship its candles New, innovative packaging was created by Grown.bio, based on a process developed by US company Ecovative
28 September 202023 September 2020 Vegan leather for sustainable fashion Recent publication in Nature Sustainability on vegan leather investigates ‘fungus-derived renewable leather substitutes’ versus animal and synthetic leathers
8 October 20194 October 2019 Can We Redesign The Modern City With Synthetic Biology? Could We Grow Our Houses Instead Of Building Them? Incorporating living organisms into our existing construction methods— is already underway
10 May 201930 July 2019 Eco-friendly protective packaging grown from mushrooms Eben Bayer and Gavin McIntyre named European Inventor Award 2019 finalists
7 February 20198 February 2019 Applications are welcome for the “Bio-based Material of the Year 2019” Deadline for submission: end of February 2019
Bewerbungen zum Innovationspreis „Bio-based Material of the Year 2019“ willkommen Einreichungsfrist: Ende Februar 2019
26 April 201824 April 2018 Global Bioplastics Market 2018 by Manufacturers, Countries, Type and Application, Forecast to 2023 New market research report on “Bioplastics Market 2018 Global Analysis By Key Players – Braskem, NatureWorks, Novamont, BASF, Corbion, DuPont”
In the Future, Leather Will Be Made From Mushrooms Not Cows After their synthetic spider silk, Bolt Threads has introduced its second material, Mylo, which is a synthetic leather whose main ingredient is mycelium
4 April 20184 April 2018 The submission deadline for the Innovation Award “Bio-based Material of the Year 2018″ is still open until mid of April! The winners will be chosen by the participants of the “11th International Conference on Bio-based Materials”
16 March 201814 March 2018 Bio concrete and other construction materials from local resources Development of innovative kinds of concrete is needed, but with up to 93% lower CO2
22 December 201720 December 2017 Earth Institute: The Truth About Bioplastics Bioplastics are often touted as being eco-friendly, but do they live up to the hype?
19 May 201717 May 2017 Möbel aus Pilzen einfach wachsen lassen Was wäre, wenn Sie die Einrichtung für Ihre Wohnung einfach züchten könnten, ohne Bäume dafür zu opfern? Möglich machen es nachhaltige Möbel aus Pilzen als Rohstoff, die ein Startup entwickelt hat
18 August 201617 August 2016 Ecovative’s new engineered wood panels eliminate formaldehyde emission problem MycoBoard is a new type of engineered wood panel that is completely safe to use and can help its users to meet sustainability goals
25 September 201524 September 2015 Your next car could be made of fungus Viable eco-friendly replacement could make its way into your car soon
12 March 201512 March 2015 From tea bags to Miatas, bioplastics are on the rise Businesses of all sizes are looking beyond "traditional," petroleum-based plastics to alternatives derived from plants, or even synthesized by microorganisms
26 February 201526 February 2015 Myco Design Lab: art meets industry in mycelium All you can do with mycelium, fungi, threads or hyphae...!
20 February 201519 February 2015 Manufacture your own biodegradable drone All the 3D-printable files of the biological aerial vehicle concept are available for download
13 February 201512 February 2015 Biomimetica: a student project that came to life with Mushroom Materials Ecovative Design to help young researcher creating a sustainable book with new 'Grow it Yourself' (GIY) program
12 February 201511 February 2015 Mushroom-packaging: Ecovative opens second manufacturing plant in Troy, NY Company maintaining its partnership with Sealed Air Corporation in global distribution
20 January 201519 January 2015 Auf der Suche nach dem „Bio-based Material of the Year 2015“ Teilnehmer des Biowerkstoff-Kongresses, 13. – 15. April 2015 in Köln, wählen den Sieger des renommierten Innovationspreises
Looking for the “Bio-based Material of the Year 2015” Participants of the International Conference on Bio-based Materials will choose the winner of the prestigious Innovation Award
20 November 201419 November 2014 Mushroom® Packaging comes to Japan Ecovative to exhibit Mushroom® Packaging at Tokyo Pack 2014, seeking sales and manufacturing partners
19 November 201418 November 2014 Biologisch abbaubare Drohne aus Pilzen und Bakterien Forscher wollen zusammen mit NASA ökologischen Schaden verunfallter Drohnen begrenzen
Bio-drone simply melts away when it crashes NASA-advised project to develop drone from fungi and bacteria, minimizing crash footprint
2 October 20141 October 2014 Gewachsener Lampenschirm aus Biomasse von Pilzen Mycel-Design aus Dänemark für vollständige biologische Abbaubarkeit
29 April 201428 April 2014 NYSERDA awards Ecovative Design to work on mushroom based car insulation Projects are being funded through a competitive solicitation administered by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority
26 March 201425 March 2014 Ecovative Mushroom Surfboard Hartschaum aus Pilzen fasziniert als Styroporersatz
6 August 2013 Help select the Top 10 LAUNCH Systems Challenge Innovators NASA, USAID, Department of State, and NIKE Joint Venture to establish sustainable solutions to the society
11 July 2013 Mushroom Tiny House: The part-grown portable home Building kit with inserted mushroom-based insulation by Ecovative Design
26 March 2013 Ecovative Selects Kenactiv Innovations as Supplier Mushroom-based Technology for Sustainable Packaging Composites
20 July 2012 Future of plastics discussed at Plasticity Rio Plastics took center stage last month at an international environmental summit
29 August 2011 Ecovative Design expanding its Business Move to 10 times bigger location expected in early 2012
13 June 2011 EcoCradle™ Mushroom® Packaging Wins Prestigious DuPont Award Protective secondary packaging to resolve complex global challenges
23 March 2011 Zelfo® zum Biowerkstoff des Jahres 2011 gekürt Platz 2 für EcoCradleTM von Ecovative Design LLC
Zelfo® selected as “Bio-material of the year 2011” Second place for EcoCradleTM by Ecovative Design LLC
3 March 2011 Fünf Biowerkstoffe für den “Biowerkstoff des Jahre 2011” nominiert! Siegerkürung durch das Publikum auf 4. Biowerkstoff-Kongress am 15. und 16. März in Köln
Five Industrial bio-materials nominated for the Innovation Award “Bio-material of the year 2011”! Winners to be elected by the audience at the 4th International Congress on Bio-based Plastics and Composites
15 June 2010 Steelcase Introduces Bio-Based Packaging Material EcoCradle(TM) packaging made from agricultural byproducts developed by Ecovative