2 August 201831 July 2018 Biochemtex, Beta Renewables, IBP and Italian Bio Products to be auctioned off The four bioenergy and biofuel companies will be auctioned off in Italy’s Court of Alessandria
4 December 201729 November 2017 Mossi Ghisolfi is for sale: Versalis, Total and Chinese industrial groups are interested According to different rumors in Italy, Versalis and various European and Asian industrial groups would be interested in acquiring the Italian chemical company
3 November 201727 October 2017 Biomasse ohne Abfall: Hochwertige Erzeugnisse und Anwendungen aus Bioraffinerie-Nebenprodukten Forschungsverbund untersucht Verfahren zur möglichst vollständigen Verwendung aller Abfallprodukte aus Bioraffinerien
18 October 201718 October 2017 Mossi Ghisolfi is considering selling its business in the biofuels sector Biorefinery of Mossi Ghisolfi is the first plant in the world to be designed and built to produce bioethanol from agricultural residues and energy crops at commercial scale
18 April 201715 April 2017 The EU’s Sweet 16: 16 of the most fascinating projects under development and in deployment in Europe Biofuels Digest's survey looking at emerging projects in this series
18 November 201618 November 2016 Who’s got hot lignin? The Digest’s 2016 Guide to lignin production and prospects Compendium of suppliers to produce and sell cellulosic sugar and/or lignin for use by the research community
22 August 201617 August 2016 European-funded Valor Plus project seeks to boost cellulosic biorefinery capacity Improving by-product output through sustainable and integrated closed loop biorefineries
24 February 201623 February 2016 Commercial Biorefineries in Europe Conventional biofuels plants and pulp and paper mills not considered
23 February 201622 February 2016 The 50 Hottest Companies in the Advanced Bioeconomy 2016 Rankings recognize innovation and achievement in fuels, biobased chemicals and materials
8 December 20157 December 2015 Commercializing Synthetic Biology Innovation to Tackle Climate Change and Feed a Growing Population
6 November 20154 November 2015 Punjab to become Bio-Refinery leader in next two years Beta Renewables, Novozymes and CVC India Infrastructure Pvt. have signed an MOU to develop a biorefinery in India
2 October 20151 October 2015 The Digest’s 2015 Guide to Italy in the Advanced Bioeconomy The key takeaways - the mandates and national targets - the key producers - process technology R&D - feedstock & supply chain development
8 July 20157 July 2015 Cellulosic ethanol: Where are the gallons? Answers for your questions. Seen a number of high-profile cellulosic projects open in recent years, and not much ethanol being produced? Wondered why? Here are answers to your questions!
9 June 20159 June 2015 Virent, Coca-Cola hit key production milestone with the 100% biobased Plant Bottle Production goes from pilot to demonstration scale as Coca-Cola “makes it happy,” showcasing its newest Plant Bottles at Expo Milan
1 June 201529 May 2015 Cellulosic biofuels and perceptions of readiness, viability Readers rate 27 different cellulosic biofuels technologies on perceptions of commercial readiness, viability, reasons for skepticism, and levels of confidence and awareness
30 January 201529 January 2015 A U.S. biorefinery industry is emerging Bioindustry needs to have facilities that focus on high-value-added bioproducts such as chemical intermediates and specialty chemicals
6 January 20155 January 2015 Novozymes will stick to its plans to develop transportation fuel made from agricultural waste Company aims to provide enzymes to 15 advanced bioethanol plants by 2017
10 Biggest Bioeconomy Blockbuster Stories of 2014: Asia and Oceania The East is Green: Asia is confirmed as “the new Brazil” as project developers head en masse to the friendly receptions in Asian countries — based on energy diversification and rural development opportunities
6 October 20143 October 2014 Cellulosics and the EU: chasing higher rates, yields, and more value from lignin EU-scene is lively and well — greatly cheered by news of POET-DSM and Beta Renewables, openings at Abengoa Bioenergy and DuPont
31 July 201430 July 2014 M&G Chemicals in JV with Anhui Guozhen (PRC) to build the world largest cellulosic ethanol bio refinery M&G Chemicals today announces that its wholly owned subsidiary M&G International S.à.r.l ("M&G") has entered into a Sino-foreign joint venture with Anhui Guozhen CO, Ltd ("Guozhen")
1 April 201430 March 2014 Frankfurter Turbohefen vergären Abfälle zu Biosprit Aufspaltung von Pflanzenzuckern in einem Verfahrensschritt boostet Bioethanolgewinnung
25 March 201423 March 2014 Anton Robek (DSM): biobased needs to start simple and learn fast For Europe to play a part in this game at all, it should give more support to first-of-a-kind factories
31 January 201430 January 2014 It’s 2014: Feel the pressure, turn up the heat, and get cracking Hydrotreating, catalytic cracking, pyrolysis, metathesis, supercritical, and catalytic reforming
6 January 20146 January 2014 Vilsack; POET, LanzaTech, Beta Renewables, Genomatica, DuPont, Solazyme, KiOR, Raizen, REG execs win Top 100 People in the Bioeconomy poll for 2013-14 Leaders from organizations based in 15 different countries were recognized
22 November 2013 M&G Chemicals launches green revolution in the polyester chain Joint-venture with Chinese company Guozhen to supply straw biomass, use lignin by-product to feed a 45 MW cogeneration plant
Exclusive interview with Sebastian Søderberg, VP Novozymes: “The Bioeconomy reconciles growth, jobs and sustainability” Il bioeconomista's questions about bioeconomy, with special focus on European policies
21 November 201322 November 2013 Unlocking the universe of biobased (and not so biobased) materials In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, exotic materials are brought from outer space, but in the Digest Cinematic Universe, the most transformative materials are all around you. - Possibly in your trash.
20 November 201320 November 2013 Novozymes and M&G Chemicals to collaborate on biomass-based plastics in China Novozymes will supply enzyme technology to the world’s first biomass to glycols bio-refinery to be constructed by M&G Chemicals
14 October 201314 October 2013 Solazyme, LanzaTech, KiOR, Sapphire Energy and Gevo take top slots in The 50 Hottest Companies in Bioenergy for 2013-14 Annual rankings to recognize innovation and achievement in biobased chemicals and materials development
10 October 20139 October 2013 World’s first advanced biofuels facility opens Beta Renewables to produce 75 million liters of cellulosic ethanol annually from agricultural waste
7 September 2013 What happened to biofuels? Energy technology: Making large amounts of fuel from organic matter has proved to be more difficult and costly than expected
17 June 2013 Biofuels and Renewable Chemicals’s Hottest Partners for 2013-14 You chose - here are the winners in this year’s poll
11 June 2013 Beta Renewables begins shipping cellulosic biofuels Former "moon shot” transitions into "business as usual”
25 March 2013 Biorefinery 2015 – transformations in biofuels costs, financing The first wave of cellulosic biofuels projects are now reaching completion
19 March 2013 Novozymes to Boost R&D in Bioagriculture, Biofuel Race, CEO Says How cellulosic ethanol and more generations of enzymes transform the industrial enzyme business
13 March 2013 The 2013 Winners of 5th annual Sustainable Biofuels Awards DSM wins two Sustainable Biofuels Awards to lead 2013 list
8 March 2013 Beta Renewables sees 2015 as boom year for cellulosic biofuels U.S. cellulosic biofuel goals not reached - Beta sees industry stepping up output by 2015 - New players could emerge from eastern Europe
26 February 2013 EPA green lights camelina, energy cane but keeps the lid on arundo New renewable feedstock OKs. Good news, bad, neutral?
30 October 2012 Biofuels Digest honored: The 30 Hottest Companies in Renewable Chemicals and Biobased Materials for 2012-13 are announced
16 October 2012 Genomatica Wins Prestigious Wall Street Journal Technology Innovation Award Award-winning manufacturing processes produce chemicals from renewable feedstocks rather than oil and gas
23 May 2012 GraalBio announces the first cellulosic ethanol plant in the Southern Hemisphere A forerunner in the production of second-‐generation biofuels in Brazil, with a plant in Alagoas, GraalBio is determined to become a worldwide reference in innovation for converting biomass into chemicals and fuels