26 February 202520 February 2025 Air Liquide announces major investments to support European decarbonization in collaboration with TotalEnergies The project will notably supply TotalEnergies’ industrial platform through a long term contract and Air Liquide will also be able to serve additional Dutch and Belgian customers with industrial and heavy-duty mobility needs
6 October 202130 September 2021 Seaweed is the future HZ research and product development under supervision of Dockwize
20 April 201818 April 2018 Doing Dutch biobased business in Midwest USA Availability of biomass, knowledge on agriculture and biotechnology combined with relatively low costs of doing business could provide openings for Dutch industry
28 February 201724 February 2017 Whole crop valorisation Industry aims at using the whole crop, among others by valorisation of what used to be called waste streams
13 January 201711 January 2017 ECN brings thermochemical aromatics production to Biorizon Shared Research Center Biorizon is working with partners to develop aromatics from organic waste
19 January 201618 January 2016 Green Chemistry Campus tenants move forward with bio-aromatics research Chemelot InSciTe gets European grant for research on biobased building blocks
16 April 201515 April 2015 New Dutch collaboration to accelerate sustainable biobased economy Partnership very important step to achieve good business cases for the industry in the Netherlands
13 April 201510 April 2015 Growing guide about ‘incredibly versatile’ fiber crops New brochure to unfold the chain around fiber and hemp, advantages of these crops
8 December 20145 December 2014 Bioasphalt with lignin in Zeeland Biobased Infra project comprises various forms of cooperation on applying biobased (green) materials in infrastructure
31 October 201429 October 2014 Netherlands: Worldwide first complete plant bridge CoE BBE to build 'first of its kind' bridge that is entirely made of natural materials