6 November 20242 November 2024 Wasserstoff aus Sonnenenergie und landwirtschaftlichen Abfällen: Mit Kuhmist zur umweltfreundlichen Wasserstoffproduktion U.S.-Wissenschaftlern ist es erstmals gelungen, die für die Wasserspaltung erforderliche Spannung zu verringern, indem sie statt einer herkömmlichen Kohlenstoffquelle nur reine Biomasse in die Reaktion einführten
10 June 20244 November 2024 New method makes hydrogen from solar power and agricultural waste University of Illinois Chicago experts used a carbon-rich substance called biochar to decrease the amount of electricity needed to convert water to hydrogen
16 May 202410 May 2024 Cheap catalyst could help turn carbon dioxide into fuels Molybdenum compound offers an efficient way to make carbon monoxide - a building block of chemicals and fuels
14 December 20238 December 2023 Sustainable, plant-based menstrual pads could improve access to hygiene products Researchers at Stanford have designed a process for turning sisal fibers into absorbent material, creating an opportunity for the local, sustainable manufacture of hygiene products that many communities need
19 October 202217 October 2022 Erneuerbare Energiesysteme weltweit möglich und bezahlbar Allen Zweiflern zum Trotz: Ein weltweiter Umstieg auf ein erneuerbares Energiesystem ist machbar und würde sogar preisdämpfend wirken. Das ist das Ergebnis einer Studie, in der für 145 Länder Gegebenheiten und Szenarien bis 2050 untersucht wurden
19 September 202214 September 2022 How to make recyclable plastics out of CO2 to slow climate change Chemists are manipulating the greenhouse gas to make clothing, mattresses, shoes and more
9 September 20225 September 2022 A simple, cheap material for carbon capture, perhaps from tailpipes With an inexpensive polymer called melamine chemists found a cheap, easy and energy-efficient way to capture carbon dioxide from smokestacks
15 August 202210 August 2022 A simple, cheap material for carbon capture, perhaps from tailpipes Using an inexpensive polymer called melamine — the main component of Formica — chemists have created a cheap, easy and energy-efficient way to capture carbon dioxide from smokestacks, a key goal for the United States and other nations as they seek to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
4 August 20223 August 2022 The Stanford Lab Startup That Found a Constructive Way to Capture Carbon The company is named Twelve, and it built a machine to capture CO2 and turn it into raw materials to produce durable goods. Mercedes is on board. So is Procter & Gamble
12 July 202217 October 2022 Low-cost solutions to global warming, air pollution, and energy insecurity for 145 countries Against all doubts: a worldwide change to a renewable energy system is possible and would even dump the prices. This is the result of a study, which examined situations and szenarios for 145 countries
16 May 202211 May 2022 How a soil microbe could rev up artificial photosynthesis Researchers discover that a spot of molecular glue and a timely twist help a bacterial enzyme convert carbon dioxide into carbon compounds 20 times faster than plant enzymes do during photosynthesis. The results stand to accelerate progress toward converting carbon dioxide into a variety of products
12 May 20229 May 2022 Wie eine Bodenmikrobe die künstliche Photosynthese ankurbeln könnte Das Geheimnis ist ein Enzym, das mit den Reaktionsbestandteilen "jongliert"
13 April 20228 April 2022 A better way to separate gases A new membrane material could make purification of gases significantly more efficient, potentially helping to reduce carbon emissions
7 October 20211 October 2021 New research centre to help solve the climate crisis A new, unique research centre has been launched. The Novo Nordisk Foundation CO2 Research Center is to be established with a grant of DKK 630 million from the Novo Nordisk Foundation (NNF) and based at Aarhus University. The new centre will ensure cross-disciplinary collaboration to reduce the amount of the greenhouse gas, CO2, in the atmosphere through researching and implementing new technology. The centre will be collaborating with a number of Danish and international partners
12 August 20219 September 2021 Scientists show a single catalyst can perform the first step of turning CO2 into fuel in two very different ways Their work aims to bridge two approaches to driving the reaction – one powered by heat, the other by electricity – with the goal of discovering more efficient and sustainable ways to convert carbon dioxide into useful products.
3 March 202126 February 2021 Chemists close in on greener way to make plastics Conventional polyethylene production could one day be replaced by chemical reactors that rely on renewable energy and consume carbon dioxide
24 March 202019 March 2020 Beetle Larvae Can Survive on Polystyrene Alone Also known as superworms, the scavengers are able to digest the plastic, opening up the possibility of harnessing their abilities to help tackle our pollution crisis
26 November 20199 September 2021 Breaking CO2 faster, cheaper, and more efficiently University of Connecticut researchers created an electrochemical cell catalyst to convert CO2 into fuels
Neuer “Wunder-Kat” erzeugt Sprit aus CO2 Wissenschaftler der University of Connecticut entwickeln billigeres und effektiveres Verfahren
26 September 20199 September 2021 New route to carbon-neutral fuels from CO2 discovered by Stanford-DTU team If the idea of flying on battery-powered commercial jets makes you nervous, you can relax a little
19 September 20199 September 2021 Plastics, fuels and chemical feedstocks from CO2? They’re working on it SUNCAT researchers discover a way to improve a key step in these conversions, and explore what it would take to turn the climate-changing gas into valuable products on an industrial scale
19 August 201913 August 2019 Scientists create artificial catalysts inspired by living enzymes Researchers have made a significant advance in the development of artificial catalysts for making cleaner chemicals and fuels at an industrial scale
26 July 20199 September 2021 A novel concept for bio-fuel production Catalytic hydro-pyrolysis is a strong candidate for conversion of biomass into liquid fuels for vehicles and airplanes. The technology can be viewed as part of the solution to the renewable energy storage challenge
7 November 20189 September 2021 Efficient electrochemical cells for CO2 conversion Research provides a new strategy for capturing CO2 and converting it into chemical feedstocks
Effiziente elektrochemische Zellen für die CO2-Konversion Forschung liefert eine neue Strategie zur Abtrennung von CO2 und deren Umwandlung in chemische Rohstoffe
16 August 20189 September 2021 Using microbes to convert CO2 to natural gas DOE-awarded power-to-gas project to convert carbon dioxide directly to methane using renewable electricity - known as microbial electromethanogenesis (ME)
2 February 201831 January 2018 Stanford-led team discovers new cellulose that could have applications from energy to medicine The discovery of a new type of cellulose – the world’s most abundant biomolecule – offers opportunities for multiple advances from renewable fuel to antibiotics
22 December 201720 December 2017 Earth Institute: The Truth About Bioplastics Bioplastics are often touted as being eco-friendly, but do they live up to the hype?
18 October 20179 September 2021 Could CO2 be the new fuel feedstock? Reducing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is one of the defining issues of our times, but the most prominent method — carbon capture and storage (CCS) — has made little progress over the last decade…
12 July 201710 July 2017 Biofuels beyond corn: The pathway from CO2, water and electricity to liquid fuels Elctrofuels made from CO2, water and electricity - how close, how feasible?
29 June 20179 September 2021 Stanford discovery could lead to sustainable source of the fuel additive ethanol Most fuel additive ethanol used in the U.S. is made from corn, new research reveals that copper can turn carbon dioxide into ethanol without using corn or other plants
19 May 201717 May 2017 EU opens door to Canada’s dirty oil EU’s decision to change the way in classifying tar sands fuel is good news for Canadian exports and bad news for the environment
Bio-Beton für Häuser auf dem Mars entwickelt Von Bakterien hergestellte Proteine sollen Standard-Zement ersetzen
18 May 201716 May 2017 Flexible, organic and biodegradable: Stanford researchers develop new wave of electronics A new semiconductor developed by Stanford researchers is as flexible as skin and easily degradable
Organische Halbleiter – Elektronik wird biologisch abbaubar Forscher an der Stanford University haben ein leicht zersetzbares Halbleiter-Polymer entwickelt, das so biegsam ist wie die menschliche Haut
17 May 201715 May 2017 A new technique could help turn Mars or moon rocks into concrete Researchers find a way to build Mars and moon habitats using local materials that could also lead to more energy-efficient concrete right here at home
11 January 20179 September 2021 DTU Researchers Make Molecular Movies of Photocatalysis About to Happen New findings provide a key step towards a general understanding of the dynamics involved in artificial photosynthesis
26 August 201624 August 2016 Scientists Discover New Chemical Catalyst to Create Cheaper, Biodegradable Plastics from Plants IBM Research and Stanford University researchers create inexpensive method to bring plant-based plastics mainstream
15 March 20169 September 2021 Stanford scientists make renewable plastic from carbon dioxide and plants The new technology could provide a green alternative to petroleum-based plastic bottles and other polyester products
Plastik: Durchbruch bei CO2-armer Herstellung PEF als ökologischer Ersatz zu PET - Kohlenstoffdioxid als Grundstoff
19 October 201514 October 2015 Researchers create inside-out plants to watch how cellulose forms Researchers have been able to watch the interior cells of a plant synthesize cellulose for the first time by tricking the cells into growing on the plant’s surface
24 August 201520 August 2015 Complete biosynthesis of opioids in yeast Stanford researchers genetically engineer yeast to produce opioids
20 February 201519 February 2015 Manufacture your own biodegradable drone All the 3D-printable files of the biological aerial vehicle concept are available for download
11 December 201410 December 2014 Bazillen knacken Plastikmüll Forschern gelingt Isolierung von Mikroorganismen, die PE angreifen, zerkleinern und den Kohlenstoff für den eigenen Stoffwechsel nutzen können
Evidence of Polyethylene Biodegradation by Bacterial Strains from the Guts of Plastic-Eating Waxworms Common research identified bacteria which are capable of degrading PE within a limited incubation period
19 November 201418 November 2014 Biologisch abbaubare Drohne aus Pilzen und Bakterien Forscher wollen zusammen mit NASA ökologischen Schaden verunfallter Drohnen begrenzen
Bio-drone simply melts away when it crashes NASA-advised project to develop drone from fungi and bacteria, minimizing crash footprint
10 October 20148 October 2014 Blades of grass inspire advance in organic solar cells UMass Amherst scientists use graphene in new energy conversion architecture
30 September 201429 September 2014 Stanford bioengineers close to brewing painkillers without using opium from poppies A decade-long effort in genetic engineering is close to creating yeast that makes palliative medicines in stainless steel vats