23 July 20214 January 2022 Nachhaltige Werkstoffe für neue Anwendungen Rencom gelingt mittels Coperion Doppelschnecken-Extruder die Verarbeitung von Lignin zu einem recyclingfähigen Biowerkstoff
31 March 202118 June 2021 Emballator Innovation Center is testing new bio-based material A bio-based material made from lignin, a residual product from Scandinavian woods, is being tested at Emballator Innovation Center for packagings
9 March 20219 September 2021 Renewable Materials Conference 2021 – A unique concept that covers all renewable materials solutions in one event Program already available – application period for the innovation award “Renewable Material of the Year 2021” still open! The conference will take place as an online event.
4 March 20211 March 2021 RenCom starts the production of its durable biomaterial with ZSK technology Using Coperion’s ZSK twin screw extruder technology lignin can be transformed into durable, reusable biomaterial
RenCom startet Produktion seines langlebigen Biowerkstoffs mit ZSK-Technologie Die Coperion Doppelschneckenextruder-Technologie kann Lignin in einen haltbaren, wiederverwendbaren Biowerkstoff umwandeln
3 March 20219 September 2021 Renewable Materials Conference 2021 – A unique concept that covers all renewable materials solutions in one event Almost final program already available – application period for the innovation award “Renewable Material of the Year” still open! The conference will take place as an online event.
10 August 20203 August 2020 Coperion supports RenCom in production of durable biomaterial New extruder technology has been developed to produce the innovative, lignin-based biomaterial named "Renol"
Coperion: Extrusionssystem für schwedische RenCom zur Produktion von ligninbasiertem Biowerkstoff Neues Extrudersystem wurde eigens für die Herstellung des innovativen, ligninbasierten Werkstoffs "Renol" entwickelt
7 August 20203 August 2020 14 MSEK to produce forest based materials that will replace fossil-based plastics Swedish firm receives funding boost to develop lignin-to-plastic technology