7 August 20203 August 2020 Innovative Werkstoffe: Abbaubare Biopolymere für 3D-Druck und Mikro-Spritzguss Kooperationsprojekt untersucht das Verhalten diverser Naturfasern im 3D-Druckprozess
7 July 202030 June 2020 Biodegradable biopolymers for 3D Printing and micro-injection moulding Dutch and German companies and institutions are working together on this, supported by EDR
17 December 201516 February 2016 Winners of the “Wood and Natural Fibre Composite Award 2015” announced Coffins, flower pots and clarinets made from Natural Fibre Composites
Sieger des „Wood and Natural Fibre Composite Award 2015“ gekürt Särge, Pflanztöpfe und Klarinetten aus Naturfaser-Verbundwerkstoffen
26 November 201526 November 2015 Wood- and Natural Fibre Composites Current Trend in Consumer Goods Unique look and feel well received by customers
Holz- und Naturfaser-Kunststoffe im Trend bei Konsumgütern Besondere Optik und Haptik finden beim Kunden Anklang
26 October 201526 October 2015 Candidates nominated for “The Wood and Natural Fibre Composite Award 2015” Companies were invited to submit their recently or soon to be launched products for the award that highlights new materials and products from the world of WPC and NFC
Kandidaten für den „Wood and Natural Fibre Composites Award 2015“ nominiert Dieser Innovationspreis würdigt neue Materialien und Produkte aus der Welt der Holz-Polymer- (WPC) und Naturfaserverbundwerkstoffe (NFC
9 October 2015 Six companies nominated for “The Wood and Natural Fibre Composite Award 2015” announced The innovation award highlights products that entered the market in 2015 or are just about to be launched
17 March 201516 March 2015 Plant Pole: Sustainable sheet piling, necessity and first in Drenthe Dutch cooperation project developed unique and green product for sheet piling
16 October 201416 October 2014 Biobased Delta European chemical ‘sweet spot’ Innovative dutch companies to jointly develop biobased materials, chemicals and coatings