24 September 201523 September 2015 Soy-polyols expand in Europe Bio-polyol market is going through a rebirth in Europe as customers are realizing the benefits of using renewable and reusable products in their manufacturing
3 September 20152 September 2015 Malama Composites Earns USDA Certified Biobased Product Certification and Label for Studio BioFoam® Bio-based alternative for stage sets, exhibits and museum displays, architectural and industrial design modeling or medical applications
Biokerosin mittelfristig die einzige klimaneutrale Alternative im Luftverkehr IEA Bioenergy Konferenz 2015 diskutiert u.a. nachhaltige Biomassepotenziale und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Biokerosinherstellung vom 27. bis 29. Oktober in Berlin
19 February 2013 Great big things from tiny lil’ algae: 10 Algae Trends for 2013 22 projects around the world show the multi-faceted promise of algae
10 January 2013 Great big things made from tiny algae: Changing the material world one cell at a time Concrete, polyurethane, bioplastics, cosmetics and a cake as big as the world - big things to make from algae to become a big deal
11 September 2012 Malama Composites announces official launch of studio BioFoam™ YouTube® Video Demonstrates Hollywood Set Builders Using New Green Material
28 February 201223 October 2013 5. Biowerkstoff-Kongress- “Biowerkstoff des Jahres 2012” Nominierte Firmen und Produkte
5 October 201121 February 2018 Legendary San Diego Design Collective Launches Modern, Eco-Friendly Furniture Line at Sacred Craft Nomad Mobili line to debut with revolutionary asymmetrical surfboard designs