11 October 202111 October 2021 Does your innovation have what it takes for the innovation award “Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year 2022”? International Conference on Cellulose Fibres 2022, 2-3 February in Cologne, Germany and online – Call for Innovations – Six nominees will get the chance to present their unique products
6 September 20211 September 2021 60. Dornbirn-GFC 2021, 15. – 17. September, Online event 96 Lectures from Industry, Universities and Research Institutes, 20 Exhibitors and Break Out Sessions – guided by top class Keynotes
The Story behind the Development of CELLIANT® Viscose presented at Dornbirn Global Conference » World’s first in-fiber sustainable infrared viscose
2 September 202131 August 2021 Just out: new report on bio-based chemicals, polymers and materials Developing bio-based chemicals, polymers and products in a sustainable manner allows for substantial new business opportunities
31 August 202127 August 2021 Circular economy at Kelheim Fibres Examples of innovation from raw material, product design and all the way to “end of life”
Kreislaufwirtschaft bei Kelheim Fibres Beispiele für Innovationen von Rohstoff, Produktdesign bis zu „End of life“
19 July 202114 July 2021 Kelheim Fibres presents award at “Plan B” start-up competition Newly founded Microbify GmbH has been honoured for the production of green natural gas using extremophilic microorganisms and for the approach of reusing existing infrastructure in an innovative way
Kelheim Fibres überreicht Preis beim „Plan B“-Gründerwettbewerb Neu gegründete Microbify wurde für die Produktion von grünem Erdgas durch extremophile Mikroorganismen geehrt und dafür, bestehende Infrastruktur innovativ umzunutzen
5 July 202130 June 2021 Ohne Start-ups keine Bioökonomie Wettbewerb „PlanB – Biobasiert.Business.Bayern.“ zeichnet grüne Geschäftsideen aus
18 May 202118 June 2021 The Global Market for Natural Fibers 2021 There are global concerns regarding the use of non-renewable materials in manufacturing, and increasing environmental legislation
7 May 202118 June 2021 Ananas-Papier und Torfersatz aus Schokobohnen Start-up-Wettbewerb PlanB zieht Zwischenbilanz - Prämierungsevent im Juni
28 April 202118 June 2021 Kelheim Fibres joins the ZDHC “Roadmap to Zero” Programme The Bavarian viscose speciality fibre manufacturer Kelheim Fibres has joined the ZDHC programme “Roadmap to Zero”
Kelheim Fibres tritt dem ZDHC-Programm “Roadmap to Zero” bei Der bayerische Viskose-Spezialfaserhersteller Kelheim Fibres ist dem ZDHC-Programm “Roadmap to Zero” beigetreten
4 February 20219 September 2021 Stora Enso from Sweden wins the innovation award “Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year 2021” with new cellulose foam for packaging They are followed by Kelheim Fibres from Germany with high-quality hygiene products made of cellulose and Metsä Spring from Finland with an innovative cellulose fibre production process
21 January 202121 January 2021 Hologenix, creators of Celliant, and Kelheim Fibres launch Celliant Viscose Celliant Viscose is a finalist in Best Products by ISPO and will be showcased in the Fibers & Insulations Category for ISPO Textrends
19 January 202119 January 2021 Cellulose fibres are virtually miracle materials – Almost endless possibilities and high market growth due to great demand! 2nd International Conference on Cellulose Fibres, 2-3 February (online event) – Cellulose fibres have a wide range of applications that are increasingly expanding. The markets are driven by technological developments and political framework conditions, especially bans and restrictions on plastics and increasing sustainability requirements.
Kelheim Fibres weltweit erster Viskosefaserhersteller mit validierten EMAS-Umweltmanagementsystem EMAS steht für „Eco Management and Audit Scheme“ und ist ein von der Europäischen Union entwickeltes standardisiertes System der Umweltmanagementzertifizierung
Kelheim Fibres first viscose manufacturer worldwide with environmental management system validated to EMAS EMAS stands for “Eco Management and Audit Scheme” and is a standardised eco management certification system developed by the European Union
8 January 20218 January 2021 2nd International Conference on Cellulose Fibres, 2–3 February 2021, Online event Cellulose fibres are the fastest growing fibre group in textiles, the largest investment sector in the bio-based economy, and a solution to avoid microplastics
6 January 202118 December 2020 Opportunities in fiber-based food packaging Production capacity of paper food packaging in Europe has been trending higher annually since 2013
15 December 202015 December 2020 Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year 2021: One of six nominated new technologies or applications will be awarded this title! From cellulose-based foam for packaging over plastic-free menstrual pads to EMI shielding materials, the nominated six applications can help build a sustainable economy
23 November 202018 November 2020 Kelheim Fibres Partner in ETP-Programmen „Bio-Based Fibres“ und “Circular Economy” Man möchte gemeinsam große Player aus Industrie und Forschung zusammenbringen, um gemeinsam die Neuausrichtung der Europäischen Textilindustrie zu gestalten
10 November 20205 November 2020 Kelheim Fibres erreicht Spitzenplatz im Canopy Hot Button Report Unternehmen hat signifikant in die „Next Generation Fibre Solutions“ investiert - mit dem Ziel, hier bis 2025 die Marktreife zu ereichen
Kelheim Fibres scores a leading position in Canopy’s 2020 Hot Button Report Company is proud to have invested significantly in “Next Generation Fibre Solutions,” and hopes to reach commercial scale by 2025
19 October 202019 October 2020 For the first time the innovation award “Cellulose Fibre Innovation of the Year” will be granted at the “2<sup>nd</sup> International Conference on Cellulose Fibres”, 2–3 February 2021, Cologne (Germany) The conference will be held as hybrid event – as physical meeting in which an online audience also participates
5 October 20209 September 2021 Call for abstracts: 2nd International Conference on Cellulose Fibres, 2–3 February 2021, Cologne (Germany) Lenzing, Levaco Chemicals and Kelheim Fibres will support the conference as gold sponsors. Further sponsors are welcome.
Kelheim Fibres nominated for Sustainability Heroes Award The award is presented by DQS (German Association for Sustainability) and DGQ (German Association for Quality) to pioneers in sustainability
Kelheim Fibres für Sustainability Heroes Award nominiert Der Preis von der DQS (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltigkeit) und der DGQ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität) ergeht an Vorreiter im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit
18 March 202017 March 2020 Kelheim Fibres achieves low risk in first CanopyStyle Audit Company’s current supply chain is confirmed as low risk of sourcing wood from Ancient and Endangered Forests
Kelheim Fibres erreicht „Low Risk“ im ersten CanopyStyle-Audit Derzeitige Lieferkette des Unternehmens wird als „low risk“ im Hinblick auf die Verwendung von Holz aus alten und bedrohten Wäldern beurteilt
24 January 202021 January 2020 Wood-Based Alternative: Feminine Hygiene Fibres from Kelheim The viscose hygiene fibres from Kelheim offer significant ecologic advantages: they are made from cellulose and they are fully biodegradable
Holzbasierte Alternative: Damenhygiene-Fasern aus Kelheim Viskose-Hygienefasern aus Kelheim bieten signifikante ökologische Vorteile: Sie bestehen aus Zellulose und sind in üblicher Umgebung vollständig biologisch abbaubar
21 January 202016 January 2020 Kelheim Fibres a Frontrunner in CanopyStyle “Hot-Button“Ranking The company‘s excellent performance as regards to raw material sourcing attained a “green shirt” ranking by the forest conservation organisation Canopy
Kelheim Fibres auf Spitzenplatz beim CanopyStyle „Hot-Button“-Ranking Herausragende Leistung des Unternehmens im Bereich Rohstoffbezug wurde mit dem „grünen Hemd“ der Waldschutzorganisation Canopy ausgezeichnet
10 January 202010 January 2020 Endlich! Die weltweit erste Konferenz zu Cellulosefasern findet vom 11.–12. Februar 2020 in Köln statt: „1st International Conference on Cellulose Fibres“ Märkte, Technologien und Nachhaltigkeit stehen im Fokus
Finally! The world’s first conference on cellulose fibres will take place in Cologne on February 11–12, 2020: “1st International Conference on Cellulose Fibres” The focus is on markets, technologies and sustainability
9 September 20194 September 2019 Viscose Speciality Fibres from Kelheim: Biobased High-Tech Materials at COMPOSITES EUROPE Fibres from wood-pulp have been tested and certified as a compostable material and at the end of their life span they are completely biodegradable
Viskosespezialfasern aus Kelheim: Biobasierte High-Tech Werkstoffe auf der COMPOSITES EUROPE Fasern aus Holz-Zellstoff sind als kompostierbarer Werkstoff nachgewiesen und werden am Ende ihrer Lebensdauer vollständig biologisch abgebaut
23 May 201925 December 2019 Cellulose Fibers Market to witness a CAGR of 9.02% during 2018-2024 Frequent changes in raw material prices, stringent environmental regulations by governments will act as main challenge for the market in future
11 February 20196 February 2019 BioCampus Straubing GmbH: Mit Start-Ups für mehr Nachhaltigkeit Gründerwettbewerb PlanB zeichnet beste Geschäftsideen für die biobasierte Wirtschaft aus
20 September 201819 September 2018 Almost invisible – but effective: Kelheim Fibres to present transparent viscose speciality fibre at Dornbirn
Kaum zu sehen, aber wirkungsvoll: Kelheim Fibres stellt transparente Viskose-Spezialfaser in Dornbirn vor
1 August 201828 July 2018 Kelheim Fibres’ Viscose Speciality Fibre VILOFT® receives Lighthouse Award from the Bavarian Environmental Cluster The wet toilet tissues made with VILOFT® short cut fibres disintegrates rapidly in the sewage system consisting 100% cellulose, which is completely biodegradable
Kelheim Fibres‘ Viskose-Spezialfaser VILOFT® mit dem „Leuchturm“ des Umweltcluster Bayern ausgezeichnet Die feuchten Toilettentücher mit der VILOFT®-Kurzschnittfaser aus Zellulose lösen sich sehr schnell auf und sind vollständig biologisch abbaubar
14 March 201812 March 2018 Kelheim Fibres Earns USDA Certified Biobased Product Label Clear labelling helps to create awareness for the benefits of biobased products
Kelheim Fibres mit dem USDA Certified Biobased Product Label ausgezeichnet Verständliche Kennzeichnung hilft Bewusstsein für biobasierte Produkte und ihre Vorteile zu schaffen
1 September 201730 August 2017 Viscose Speciality Fibres from Kelheim – an answer to a global problem? New concept to prevent plastic particles pollution by substituting conventional wet wipes made with synthetic fibres, by wet wipes made with Kelheim’s short cut fibre Viloft® and cellulose
22 February 201721 February 2017 Kelheim Fibres breaks new ground in innovation management Viscose fibre expert practices open innovation - competition for new ideas on the subject "100% cellulose fibres"
Kelheim Fibres geht neue Wege im Innovationsmanagement Open Innovation beim Faserspezialisten - Ideenwettbewerb zum Thema „100% Cellulosefasern neu gedacht“
9 August 20168 August 2016 Wound dressings made from bacterial alginate “AlBioTex” project forms the basis for incorporating bacterial alginate in industrial production