13 March 202511 March 2025 Fashion for Good Launches Fibre Fragmentation Project – Behind the Break Testing will be conducted across three laboratories to analyse fibre fragmentation in cotton knit, cotton woven, and polyester knit fabrics
8 May 202430 April 2024 LanzaTech x lululemon collab births a new sustainable fashion item Combining two innovative techniques, the fabric was created with captured carbon emissions and an enzyme-based recycling process
21 March 20242 April 2024 National Biobased Products Day reminds us of the importance of biotech Switching to biobased products can help reduce waste and greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, compostable biobased items help boost soil health and water quality
2 February 202430 January 2024 BASF and Inditex make a breakthrough in textile-to-textile recycling with loopamid, the first circular nylon 6 entirely based on textile waste The technology behind loopamid enables recycling of polyamide 6 discarded textiles into new, virgin-quality synthetic fibers and materials
BASF und Inditex erzielen Durchbruch im Textil-zu-Textil-Recycling mit loopamid, dem ersten zirkulären Nylon 6, das vollständig auf Textilabfällen basiert Die loopamid-Technologie ermöglicht das Recycling von Polyamid 6-Textilien zu synthetischen Fasern und Materialien in Neuwarenqualität
10 February 20237 February 2023 Fashion for Good Sorting for Circularity Advances into the US Market Project expands to the North-American market to drive fibre-to-fibre recycling
2 November 202231 October 2022 Lenzing verstärkt Ambitionen beim Textilrecycling Lenzing ist eines von 27 Konsortium-Mitgliedern, darunter der Branchenverband Euratex, die Textilunternehmen Inditex, PVH und Decathlon sowie die Nichtregierungsorganisation Oxfam
Lenzing strengthens ambitions in textile recycling New consortium with 27 members include as well as Lenzing, the industry association Euratex, textile company Inditex, PVH, Decathlon and non-governmental organization Oxfam
4 July 202229 June 2022 Infinited Fiber picks site of shut paper plant in Finnish Lapland for its planned EUR 400 million textile fiber factory investment Recycling and green transition took a step forward when a Finnish company announced its plans to build a factory re-using textile waste
6 January 20224 January 2022 LanzaTech and Zara Collaborate to Create a Capsule Collection Made from Recycled Carbon Emissions LanzaTech teams with Inditex to launch carbon emissions-based fabric for Zara