19 October 201816 October 2018 Millions in funding and partnerships bolster Genomatica’s personal care ingredient business $90 million financing to accelerate new products; strengthens Ginkgo partnership
13 September 201810 September 2018 The Digest’s 2018 Guide to Italy in the Advanced Bioeconomy Italy is the first country in the EU to decide to create a 0.6% advanced biofuels blending mandate by 2018, the first in Europe to set up such a policy to boost demand for next generation fuels
4 September 20183 September 2018 Genomatica and the new road to bioeconomy innovation We’ll commence in the country where Genomatica process technology is on view, at scale — that’s Italy
29 May 201828 May 2018 Aquafil and Genomatica Collaborate on Project EFFECTIVE to Increase Adoption of Sustainable Materials A coalition of brands, ingredient manufacturers, technology developers supported by EU’s Horizon 2020 program
15 May 20183 May 2018 Bio-Botanica Inc. Partners with Genomatica to Create New Extract Line Made with Brontide Butylene Glycol New botanical extract line helps personal care manufacturers meet growing consumer demand for natural products
29 March 201827 March 2018 20 Expert Insights from Day One of World Bio Markets Central question posed by Luke Upton, founder and editor of Bio-Based World News: "What role does bio-based plays within the circular economy?"
28 February 201826 February 2018 5 Minutes With… Christophe Schilling, CEO of Genomatica Company’s 'programme biology' is backed by an intellectual property portfolio that includes around 700 patents and applications
6 February 20181 February 2018 LanzaTech, Novozymes, Amyris, DSM, Enerkem, POET, BASF, Genomatica and Braskem Hot 50 voting lead as voting nears final week This week’s summary includes photo and other bonus votes which are just now beginning to come in
30 January 201826 January 2018 Aquafil and Genomatica join forces for bio-nylon – target more sustainable apparel, carpets and fibers Aquafil to provide R&D collaboration and development funding; gains option for commercial plant
29 January 201825 January 2018 Leaps and bounds in sustainable plastics and nylons: U Wisconsin, Genomatica, Aquafil, Anellotech, Suntory, ADM, DuPont in the mix Performance improvement is universally compelling in the industry, even to those who don’t value new materials simply for a sustainable attribute
12 December 20178 December 2017 LanzaTech, Novozymes, Amyris, DSM, Enerkem, POET, BASF, Genomatica and Avantium among early Hot 50 voting leaders The Digest released the early-voting totals from Subscriber Voting — which do not yet include Invited International Selector votes
30 November 201729 November 2017 World Bio Markets returns in 2018 to focus on recent developments in the bio-based sector Bio-based chemicals, bio-fuels and sustainable products
29 November 201727 November 2017 New survey by Genomatica and ICIS: renewable chemicals will be in common use in five years Survey covered topics including overall strategy and actions with regards to sustainable chemicals
28 November 201722 November 2017 Renewable Chemicals Accelerate Advance into Mainstream Chemical Industry Fourth survey reveals increased importance, action and optimism; Genomatica, Novozymes and BASF rated as the leaders in sustainable technology
12 September 20178 September 2017 Fermentation Frontiers: Top 10 Trendlines in industrial biotech fermentation The targets are diversifying and cellulosics themselves are shifting gears from process to feedstocks
18 August 201717 August 2017 Genomatica introduces next process technology A new biobased process technology to make a naturally sourced 1,3-butylene glycol
24 July 201723 July 2017 Strong results in Italy for Genomatica’s GENO BDO biobased process technology Novamont has officially confirmed that its new industrial plant in Italy has met all performance guarantees committed to Genomatica
7 July 20176 July 2017 Genomatica delivers on plant performance guarantees Novamont confirms Bottrighe plant meets performance parameters
20 April 201718 April 2017 Sustainable Polyurethanes and the Bio Economy Reducing the environmental impact of polymers by replacing fossil derived carbon
10 March 20173 March 2017 LanzaTech leads 2017’s 50 Hottest Companies in the Advanced Bioeconomy It's the second year at the top for LanzaTech, which also ranked #1 two years ago
22 February 201720 February 2017 Versalis–Genomatica biobutadiene awarded in Hannover 1,3 bio-BDE technology representing a significant milestone for the rubber industry
25 January 201723 January 2017 Bioplastics: disruptive shift to come Biobased materials show a stable growth world-wide, according to nova-Institute and European Bioplastics
9 December 20167 December 2016 Christophe Schilling talks to Il Bioeconomista An exclusive interview with the CEO of Genomatica
23 November 201619 November 2016 Five bio-based companies to watch List of the top five companies to keep your eyes on, that have the potential for capturing the right markets
11 October 201610 October 2016 The Rise of Organic Manufacturing: Ginkgo, Amyris, ’s circle of innovation is a trend to watch Out with the old inorganic feedstocks like coal, oil and gas – in with the new feedstocks like woods, grasses, fibers and sugars
10 October 20168 October 2016 Opening of the World’s First Industrial Scale Plant for the Production of Butanediol via Fermentation of Renewable Raw Materials The Mater-Biotech plant in Bottrighe (Rovigo) will be the world’s first industrial plant dedicated to the production of bio-butanediol (BDO)
8 October 20166 October 2016 Ginkgo Bioworks and Genomatica forge alliance to accelerate commercialization of more sustainable high-volume chemicals Delivers the full package to chemical producers to cost-effectively make many mainstream chemicals
21 September 201619 September 2016 Who is shortlisted for the Bio-Based Americas Innovation Awards 2016? Winners will be announced at Bio-Based Live in San Francisco on 27th September
17 August 20169 September 2021 50 Hot Bio-Based Companies, 50 Quick Takes Which goals and projects should be considered top-priority in the coming years besides solar, wind and hydro-based companies in regards to upgrading biomass?
1 July 201621 June 2016 Novamont’s bio-based butanediol plant will be on stream by the next September The plant of Bottrighe di Adria will be the first facility in the world capable of producing butanediol (BDO) directly from sugars (30 thousand tons yearly)
29 June 201621 June 2016 Hot Prospects for Chemicals from Biomass A major theme of 21st Century industrial development will be replacement of fossil resources by renewable resources in the production of fuels and chemicals
17 June 201615 June 2016 Synthetic Biology – The next renewables frontier? More and more interests focusing on microbial genome engineering tools for chemicals production
11 May 20163 May 2016 Integrating the Production of Biofuels and Bioproducts through Advanced Biotechnology The development of bio-based products has quickly become one of the fastest-growing segments of the biotech industry
16 March 201615 March 2016 Will Berlin Be the Global Capital of the Bioeconomy? Vision, Strategy and Teamwork: The German Winning Formula
2 March 201625 February 2016 Henri Colens, Braskem Europe: “At the moment biobased is seen as a niche alternative” Interview on raising public awareness and communicating the potential of the bioeconomy
26 February 201616 February 2016 Versalis and Genomatica produce bio-rubber with bio-butadiene from sugars Breakthrough accomplishments continue progress toward commercial plants
25 February 201616 February 2016 Harnessing the power of biology: The Digest’s 2016 8-Slide Guide to Genomatica Harnessing the power of biology to unlock new alternative feedstocks
23 February 201622 February 2016 The 50 Hottest Companies in the Advanced Bioeconomy 2016 Rankings recognize innovation and achievement in fuels, biobased chemicals and materials
1 February 201626 January 2016 Gevo Adds William H. Baum to Board of Directors Mr. Baum currently serves as a member of the Board of Directors of Genomatica
22 January 201621 January 2016 Plug-and play synthbio: Arzeda, INVISTA, others finding new pathways to affordable, everyday materials Large petrochemical players are building ethane crackers to make ethylene
11 January 201616 January 2016 That was the biobased year that was! NNFCC takes a look at the highlights 2015
8 December 20157 December 2015 Commercializing Synthetic Biology Innovation to Tackle Climate Change and Feed a Growing Population
26 November 201525 November 2015 Genomatica and Braskem Confirm Direct, Single-Step Biological Production of Butadiene Companies have been producing renewable butadiene in a one-pot process at lab-scale
2 October 20151 October 2015 The Digest’s 2015 Guide to Italy in the Advanced Bioeconomy The key takeaways - the mandates and national targets - the key producers - process technology R&D - feedstock & supply chain development
1 October 201529 September 2015 BASF und Genomatica erweitern Lizenzvereinbarung für 1,4-Butandiol (BDO) aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen Lizenzvereinbarung auf Länder in Südostasien ausgeweitet - Optionale Kapazität für bis zu 75.000 Tonnen pro Jahr
28 September 201525 September 2015 BASF and Genomatica expand license agreement License agreement for 1,4-butanediol (BDO) from renewable feedstock adds countries in Southeast Asia
22 July 201521 July 2015 Cargill offering feedstock and production services New Genomatica-Cargill Collaboration Will Bring More Renewable Chemicals to Market
29 June 201526 June 2015 LEGO commits $150M to search for sustainable alternative plastics $150 million, 100+ employees, a new sustainable materials center, and a commitment to move off fossil fuels dependency by 2030
22 June 201519 June 2015 Genomatica Advances the Commercial Readiness of Biomass Feedstocks for Chemicals Boosts potential for bioprocess plants worldwide; details published in DOE report