3 February 20253 February 2025 Sustainable Textiles – The Way Forward High dependence on fossil carbon, associated high carbon footprint, low recycling rates and microplastics: several solutions are emerging
18 October 202414 October 2024 Rethinking plastics – the new alternative to current plastic materials is born from CO2 Fortum capture the carbon dioxide released during waste incineration and mix it with hydrogen, creating base chemicals such as methane or methanol, which can then be further utilised as raw materials for plastics
18 March 20242 April 2024 Biotech fashion takes naturally sourced textiles literally As fashion weeks in both the U.S. and Europe come to a close, it begs the question of staying fashionable and environmentally friendly
10 October 202310 October 2023 Spinning a sustainable fashion revolution: meet the physicists turning wood into clothes How Spinnova today transforms cellulose from Forest Stewardship Council (FSC)-certified wood into textile fibre without using any chemicals
6 April 20235 April 2023 EU exports of used textiles in Europe’s circular economy The common public perception of used clothing donations as generous gifts to people in need does not fully match reality
8 March 20233 March 2023 Pathways towards circular plastics in Europe — good practice examples from countries, business and citizens Plastics play an essential role in modern society. However, their value chain is currently unsustainable, contributing to the generation of climate changing emissions and increasing waste and pollution. Reducing such impacts while retaining plastics’ usefulness requires a shift towards a more circular and sustainable plastics system. This shift can be accelerated by scaling up good practice examples and making improvements across the plastics value chain
26 October 202225 October 2022 ‘Biomass availability gap’ looms large over EU’s green bioeconomy "Studies suggest that the gap between the potential demand for biomass and its sustainable supply can be as big as 40-70%" by 2050 depending on the scenarios, said to John Bell
3 March 20219 September 2021 Shifting to a sustainable and circular textile consumption – where to start? From 5.8 million tonnes of textile waste per year to sustainable and circular textile consumption in Europe
8 February 20219 September 2021 EEA Report: Plastics, the circular economy and Europe′s environment – A priority for action Reducing impacts while retaining the usefulness of plastics requires a shift towards a more circular and sustainable plastics system
22 September 202018 September 2020 European Bioplastics criticises biased interpretation of EEA study on biodegradable and compostable plastics: Consumers do understand value and proper end-of-life of compostable plastics
17 August 20209 September 2021 Klimaschutz: Norwegen darf CO2-Abscheidung mit 2,1 Mrd. Euro fördern Die Aufsichtsbehörde (ESA) der Europäischen Freihandelsassoziation (EFTA) hat Norwegen gestattet, das CCS-Projekt Northern Lights mit bis zu 2,1 Mrd. Euro zu subventionieren
ESA approves Norwegian Full-Scale Carbon Capture and Storage: up to €2.1bn in aid to meet climate goals Norwegian government together with the European Commission to support the project "Northern Lights"
4 September 201830 August 2018 Integrating circular economy and bioeconomy would improve sustainability in Europe New EEA report shows that the policy agendas would benefit from stronger links in product and infrastructure design and collaboration throughout the value chain
13 October 201712 October 2017 Improving air quality with soy Air pollution is a major public health issue worldwide. Could bio-based filters be the answer?
15 September 201713 September 2017 EU warned against renewables law ‘subverting’ the circular economy European Commission proposal to revise the Renewable Energy Directive will be voted on by the European Parliament’s environment committee on October 11-12
8 September 20176 September 2017 Interview — Growing food or fuel on our land? EEA talked to Irini Maltsoglou, FAO Natural Resources Officer, about biofuel production and agriculture
14 March 201611 March 2016 Bodega Matarromera Develop First PLA Wine Bottle Designed by AIMPLAS Bodega Matarromera has successfully completed the development of a new sustainable bottle for its wines
5 November 20154 November 2015 New circular economy package takes shape The European Commission’s new circular economy package will include fresh legislation on waste, fertilisers, and water reuse, “strong commitments” on Eco-design, strategies for handling plastics and chemicals, and “major” funding for innovation, EurActiv has learnt
2 April 20152 April 2015 Eine nachhaltige Zukunft für die EU-Landwirtschaft? Politische Entscheidungsträger, Umweltschützer und Forscher diskutieren auf der Konferenz „Eine nachhaltige Zukunft für die EU-Landwirtschaft?“ in Brüssel über nachhaltige Landwirtschaft
A sustainable future for EU farming? Policymakers, environmentalists and researchers discussed sustainable agriculture at the ‘Sustainable future for EU farming?’ conference in Brussels
23 March 201520 March 2015 WWF publishes “five-step plan” for a sustainable EU economy "A bio-based economy should not be seen as at odds with plans to support the fiscal economy.”
17 March 201516 March 2015 Nature is the 300+ billion euro investment plan to kick-start Europe New WWF-report “From crisis to opportunity: Five steps to sustainable European economies
9 March 20156 March 2015 Commission under pressure over circular economy EXCLUSIVE: The EU is failing to create a circular economy that boosts resource efficiency and protects the environment, an influential report has found, piling pressure on the European Commission to deliver a strong replacement for the package of waste, incineration, landfill and recycling laws it controversially axed as part of its drive for "better regulation"
28 July 201426 July 2014 The ‘green economy’ can encourage jobs and innovation – study EU target to cut greenhouse gases by 80-95 % of 1990 levels by 2050 will not be possible by solely relying on incremental efficiency gains
20 May 201419 May 2014 Biomass: the sustainability challenge Scientific experts, policymakers and NGO and industry representatives discussed this question at the recent European Biomass Association (AEBIOM) conference in Brussels
19 August 2013 Europe’s forests approach carbon ‘saturation point’ Nature Climate Change report: Forest policies and management strategies need revision
3 July 2013 European Environment Agency: Bioenergy production must use resources more efficiently Most efficient energy use of biomass is for heating and electricity as well as advanced biofuels
25 February 2013 Paper: Impact of biofuel production on human health Research shows the impacts of biofuel cultivation on mortality and crop yields
19 September 2011 EU in fresh row over biofuels’ ‘green’ claims Scientists said that any carbon absorption from biofuels was being "double-counted"