6 October 20232 October 2023 Turning pulp mill residues and sugars from biorefineries into high-value products By-products from pulp mills contain organic compounds that have so far been largely unprocessed. An EU-funded project is repurposing this leftover material from the manufacturing process into valuable materials and chemicals
Zellstofffabrikrückstände und Zucker aus Bioraffinerien in hochwertige Produkte umwandeln Nebenprodukte aus Zellstofffabriken enthalten organische Verbindungen, die bisher kaum weiterverarbeitet wurden. Im Rahmen eines EU-finanzierten Projekts wird nun dieses Restmaterial aus dem Herstellungsprozess in wertvolle Materialien und Chemikalien umgewandelt
18 December 201913 December 2019 Domsjö Fabriker AB and Ecohelix AB have agreed to cooperate on establishing a demo scale plant for production of the hemicellulose copolymers developed and patented by Ecohelix Demo scale plant will start next year
9 July 20194 July 2019 Kemira to participate in the development of 100% bio-based chemicals for paper and cardboard production as part of an EU funded project In addition, the project aims to develop new means to improve production efficiency at pulp mills with higher utilization of wood biomass
5 July 201910 July 2019 Avantium awarded funding for ‘VEHICLE’ The consortium, coordinated by Avantium, works on developing 100% plant-based chemicals produced from renewable raw materials