23 February 20219 September 2021 Carbon Capture – A Man-made Solution To Solve A Man-made Problem Many of the companies, who were not that long ago considered progressive, oil majors etc now hold the key to solving the problem man has created
10 June 20158 June 2015 PepsiCo, Walmart, investors call for stronger palm oil standard Standards ultimately need to be incorporated into the core P&C applicable to all member companies
31 March 201530 March 2015 Ceres and Raízen sign multi-year collaboration to scale-up sweet sorghum for ethanol Sweet sorghum, which has lower production costs than sugarcane, can be further developed and scaled up as an integral part of the industry’s feedstock supply
9 January 20158 January 2015 Biotech energy crop may be regulated as weed Ceres Inc. has developed a biotech variety of sorghum for ethanol production but USDA is thinking of regulating it as a noxious weed
17 June 201416 June 2014 Ceres Initiates Field Evaluations of its Biotech Traits in Sugarcane First field trials established in South America
17 June 2013 Biofuels and Renewable Chemicals’s Hottest Partners for 2013-14 You chose - here are the winners in this year’s poll
30 October 2012 Biofuels Digest honored: The 30 Hottest Companies in Renewable Chemicals and Biobased Materials for 2012-13 are announced
25 June 2012 12 hot bio-based technologies worth watching The biobased revolution moves into the commercialization stage
9 March 2012 Biokraftstoffhersteller in der Offensive Zwei finnische Hersteller bauen ihre Biokraftstoffproduktion massiv aus
6 August 2008 New cross-bread seeds of switchgras and sorghum for Biofuel from Ceres Biotech companies will try to bring new energy crops to the biofuel market