8 July 20244 July 2024 BioBTX collects € 80 million for its renewable aromatics technology The BioBTX project will be located at the PETRA Circular Chemicals Plant in Delfzijl. This plant will convert 20,000 tons of mixed plastic waste annually into renewable aromatics
1 July 202428 June 2024 BioBTX secures over € 80 million to launch world’s first renewable aromatics plant Aromatics, essential for producing every-day products like insulating foams, coatings, PET bottles, batteries, and pharmaceuticals, will now have a sustainable alternative to fossil-based sources
13 June 20247 June 2024 Covestro becomes a shareholder in company BioBTX Investment in innovative recycling technology
1 August 202327 July 2023 Pioneering the world’s first high-performance coatings containing phthalic anhydride made from plastic waste Beckers is collaborating with suppliers to incorporate raw materials, made from recycled plastic, into its paints. The ability to turn waste plastic into new raw materials will promote circularity and reduce emissions
21 November 202216 November 2022 Plastics recycling The European RevoluZion-project together with the largest and smartest European factory for sorting plastic waste aim to tackle plastic pollution in our environments
26 October 202225 October 2022 More than just chemical recycling – Advanced recycling improves the synergies in the recycling sector Recent developments in markets and policy clearly indicate a transformation and long-lasting change in the circular economy of plastics
Mehr als nur chemisches Recycling – Advanced Recycling verbessert die Synergien im Recyclingsektor Die jüngsten Entwicklungen auf den Märkten und in der Politik deuten einen klaren Wandel und eine dauerhafte Veränderung der Kreislaufwirtschaft für Kunststoffe an
11 October 202211 October 2022 Discover the diverse program of the Advanced Recycling Conference (ARC) Be a part of the solution and discover the multiple pathways of advanced recycling
29 June 202222 June 2022 Chemical recycling: Towards a circular economy For most polymers the only possible approach is to break down the polymer chain through pyrolysis, which releases either monomers, such as ethylene, or light hydrocarbons like naphtha, to remake the polymers
11 May 202117 December 2024 Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI) publishes comic strip and videos to introduce renewable carbon to all Nora and her FlyPhone, BioBTX, Stahl and nova-Institute explain the renewable carbon concept in new formats for B2C and B2B
26 March 20219 September 2021 Chemicals and Materials for the Future: Renewable Materials Conference 2021 – Final Program Which renewable materials are solutions that meet the needs of future societies? As a response to this challenging question, nova-Institute has decided to unite all relevant industries in the new “Renewable Materials Conference”, May 18–20, 2021, featuring a unique concept to present all renewable material solutions at one event: bio-based, CO2-based and recycled.
9 March 20219 September 2021 Renewable Materials Conference 2021 – A unique concept that covers all renewable materials solutions in one event Program already available – application period for the innovation award “Renewable Material of the Year 2021” still open! The conference will take place as an online event.
3 March 20219 September 2021 Renewable Materials Conference 2021 – A unique concept that covers all renewable materials solutions in one event Almost final program already available – application period for the innovation award “Renewable Material of the Year” still open! The conference will take place as an online event.
20 March 202017 March 2020 Biobased aromatics: Europe leads the way Developing sector holds its promise that it will be able to produce aromatic compounds cheaper than the oil industry and more sustainable as well
21 January 202016 January 2020 BioBTX – investments to realize commercialization ambitions New 'waste plastics as feedstock'-facility will be a global first in producing sustainable aromatics on a commercial basis
10 January 20207 January 2020 Event Report: Biorizon Forging Ahead with Bio-Aromatics Upscaling Many promising results have since been achieved in all horizons. Since the start-up in 2013, high-quality facilities have been added in the Flanders-Netherlands region
15 March 201911 March 2019 The Competitive Edge: BioBTX BioBTX has developed the so-called Integrated Cascading Catalytic Pyrolysis technology, a novel form of ex-situ catalytic pyrolysis
6 November 201831 October 2018 Pyromaniax Unbound There’s some evidence mounting around the world about the cost of other catalytic pyrolysis reactors and systems, via the disclosures in academic literature. What’s the state of play?
19 September 201816 September 2018 BioBTX commences operation of pilot plant for production of sustainable platform chemicals BioBTX is developing a technology to convert non-food biomass and end-of-life feedstock materials into cornerstone aromatic chemicals
9 June 20168 September 2016 Who has won the the Bio-Based Innovation Awards (Europe) 2016? Synprodo awards with "Greeny", the bio-based and compostable icebox for the Italian market