18 February 201425 July 2014 Bio-based Plastics and Composites, Biorefineries and Industrial Biotechnology – the Highlights from Europe The 7th International Conference on Bio-Based Materials, 8-10 April 2014, at the Maternushaus in Cologne (Germany), will provide you with the latest and hottest developments in Europe
Bio-basierte Kunst- und Verbundwerkstoffe, Bioraffinerien und die industrielle Biotechnologie – die Höhepunkte aus Europa Der „7. Internationale Biowerkstoff-Kongress“ präsentiert vom 8. bis 10. April 2014 im Maternushaus, Köln die neuesten und spannendsten Entwicklungen in Europa
7 February 20146 February 2014 Günstigeres Hochleistungsmaterial aus natürlichen Stoffen Ein Team mit Freiburger Wissenschaftlern entwickelt ein neues Verfahren zur Herstellung von Carbonfasern
30 January 201411 January 2018 7th International Conference on Bio-based Materials 2014: Preliminary programme online 8 - 10 April 2014, Maternushaus, Cologne, Germany
3 January 201431 December 2013 Global Bioplastic Packaging Market 2014-2018 Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "Global Bioplastic Packaging Market 2014-2018" report to their offering
13 November 201313 November 2013 Arkema at Hong Kong Optical Fair 2013 with two new Rilsan® Clear polyamides grades G850 Rnew and G120 Rnew - for specific customer needs
23 October 201328 October 2013 More firms introduce bio-based materials Sustainability and biopolymers were on the minds of Arkema Group, Croda Coatings & Polymers and Biotec GmbH & Co. KG at K 2013.
22 October 201322 October 2013 Arkema and Addiplast join forces to develop new polyamide compounds Addiplast to develop specialty long chain polyamides from biosourced polyamides
6 June 2013 Arkema receives EUBIA award for its extensive work in the field of biosourced materials Company research permanently looking for ways to produce new products from renewable raw materials
4 June 2013 GLOBAL BIOENERGIES: Industrial pilot supported by a €5.2m State financing Collaborative project supported by the State, Arkema will develop a selective oxidation process
25 April 2013 Arkema launches the Rilsan® T, a new range of biosourced polyamides Company optimizing unique products manufactured from renewable resources
11 April 2013 Arkema partners with Jayant Agro in India Cooperation to provide Arkema with secure and competitive access to castor oil for bio polyamides
27 March 2013 Altuglas International and NatureWorks launch worldwide marketing Collaboration for new high performance alloys incorporating IngeoTM Biopolymers
10 March 2013 CJ Bio Aims For Bio-Methionine Plant To Start Operations By 1Q14 Integrated Facility Run in Collaboration With France-based Arkema Company
10 December 2012 NanoMarkets’ Latest Report Forecasts the Bio-Plastics Market Through 2020 Bio-plastics market seen to reach $ 6.1 billion in 2018
29 November 201216 February 2018 Biopolymere: Werkstoffe mit vielen Facetten Egal ob in der Textilindustrie, Medizin oder Erdölindustrie - Dem Einsatzspektrum der grünen Kunststoffe sind kaum Grenzen gesetzt
7 June 2012 Biodegradable plastics in style Gucci develops sustainable soles and sunglasses for this summer
20 April 2012 Arkema and Invista step in to help avoid nylon 12 shortfall Bio-based nylon 10/10 and 10/12 resins as a replacement for nylon 12
18 April 2012 Lieferengpässe bei Polyamid 12 Evonik überbrückt mit Alternative auf der Basis nachwachsender Rohstoffe
14 March 2012 Plexiglas® Rnew Bio-based Acrylic Resins from Arkema Surpass Performance of Traditional PMMA Products Arkema will introduce the technology behind the newly developed bio-based resins alloys at the upcoming BioPlastek 2012 Forum
Plexiglas® Rnew Bio-based Acrylic Resins from Arkema Surpass Performance of Traditional PMMA Products Arkema will introduce the technology behind the newly developed bio-based resins alloys at the upcoming BioPlastek 2012 Forum
17 February 2012 New Acrylic/Biopolymer Alloys Surpass Performance of Traditional PMMA Products The new technology is in keeping with Arkema's commitment to sustainability
5 December 2011 The European project BIOCORE delivers an important result and reaches a milestone: The pilot scale production of 2nd generation bioethanol
30 November 2011 World Bioplastics to 2015 New Freedonia Study shows World demand to reach $2.9 billion in 2015
21 November 2011 Arkema continues to expand in specialty polyamides with the acquisition of Chinese companies Hipro Polymers and Casda Biomaterials Operation should be finalized in early 2012
26 July 201118 March 2016 Cathay Industrial Biotech files for IPO Chinese n-butanol and propylene prices are highly correlated, according to the company
14 June 2011 High-value additives improve processability of biopolymers Additive manufacturers to develop solutions for PLA to be considered for a much broader range of applications
New grades of polyamide based on naturally occurring feedstocks The big Players, their products and applications range
16 May 2011 Europäischer Kongress “Plant-based Chemistry for 2020” Veranstaltung findet im September in Paris statt
22 February 2011 Masterbatch for Use in PLA for Film and Sheet Increases Impact Strength 10 to 20 Times while Providing Excellent Clarity Formulated with Biostrength® impact modifier from Arkema, Inc. and carrier polymers consisting of Ingeo® PLA from NatureWorks LLC
18 January 2011 Rohstoffwende in der Chemie- und Kunststoffindustrie nimmt Fahrt auf Vierter Biowerkstoff-Kongress in Köln präsentiert führende Unternehmen aus Frankreich, Belgien, den Niederlanden und Deutschland
Raw material shift in the chemical and plastics industry is taking off Fourth Biomaterials Congress will showcase leading companies from France, Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany
26 October 2010 Arkema at K 2010: Materials at the Cutting Edge of Technology Arkema is showcasing its extensive range of specialty polymers
9 September 2010 Purac and Arkema sign an agreement for joint development of Lactides based block-copolymers New product improves the specific functional properties, such as thermal resistance and impact strength
16 June 2010 Biobased elastomer football developed for Africa Arkema's Pebax® Rnew chosen for "Join the Team!"
1 April 2010 SPI Bioplastics Council issues position paper on oxo-biodegradables and other degradable additives "Oxo-biodegradable" technology's claims of being biodegradable were scientifically unsubstantiated
25 November 200912 December 2017 Aufschwung für Biowerkstoffe: Zweistelliges Wachstum trotz Krise Biowerkstoff-Kongress in Stuttgart (26. und 27. Oktober) mit zahlreichen Neuheiten
16 March 2009 Erforschung von Katalysatoren für die Glycerinumsetzung im Hochdurchsatzverfahren Arkema sucht nach Möglichkeiten zur Herstellung von Acrolein und Acrylsäure aus Biodiesel-Glycerin
14 November 2008 Acrylglas aus Zucker, Alkohol oder Fettsäuren Neues Enzym für biotechnologische Kunststoffherstellung
24 June 2008 Erfolgreicher Workshop zu Biokunststoffen und daraus hergestellten Halbzeugen Schwerpunkt des 1. ECOGEHR -Workshop: Technische Halbzeuge aus Biokunststoffen