16 September 202410 September 2024 Upcycling excess carbon dioxide with tiny microbes Researchers reporting in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering have rewired one such microbe to help tackle greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
Upcycling von überschüssigem Kohlendioxid mit winzigen Mikroben Wissenschaftler haben Mikroben speziell dazu gebracht, Kohlendioxid in Chemikalien umzuwandeln, die potenzielle Bausteine für Arzneimittel sind
6 June 202431 May 2024 Recycling carbon dioxide into household chemicals Argonne National Laboratory researchers report about a new catalyst which transforms carbon dioxide from industrial emissions into commonly used chemicals
5 June 202431 January 2025 Controlling water, transforming greenhouse gases Scientists looking to convert carbon dioxide into clean fuels and useful chemicals often make hydrogen gas and carbonates as unwanted byproducts. A new paper from the UChicago Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering has found a cleaner path
9 February 20245 February 2024 Lifetime of ‘biodegradable’ straws in the ocean is 8-20 months, study finds A team of researchers from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and others conducted experiments using real seawater to investigate the environmental lifetimes of different straws
8 December 20236 December 2023 Releasing Brakes on Biocatalysis Formaldehyde can inhibit enzymes that produce hydrogen particularly efficiently. Researchers from Bochum have discovered how this can be prevented
15 September 202312 September 2023 RAMPF: Groundbreaking Upcycling Approach for the Manufacture of Customized Polymer Aerogels Unsorted polyurethane scraps as feedstock - Project funding by German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
RAMPF: Wegweisendes Upcycling-Verfahren zur Herstellung maßgeschneiderter Polymer-Aerogele Neue Technologie erlaubt die Verarbeitung nicht sortenreiner Produktionsabfälle auf Polyurethanbasis zu umweltfreundlichen und ultraleichten Materialien
13 September 202312 September 2023 Ein neuer Weg zur Abscheidung und Wiederverwertung von Kohlendioxid aus Industrieemissionen Neue elektrochemische Zelle könnte industriellen Prozessen helfen, weniger Kohlendioxid auszustoßen
11 September 20236 September 2023 A new way to capture and recycle carbon dioxide from industrial emissions Carbon capture could itself be electrified by using electrochemical cells, and these devices could be powered by renewable energy sources
24 August 202321 August 2023 Discarded aloe peels could be a sustainable, natural insecticide (video) Scientists report several bioactive compounds in extracts from the peels that deter insects from feasting on crops
16 August 202311 August 2023 Old mattresses made new: simple chemistry can recycle polyurethane Together with partners from industry, researchers from Aarhus University have now proven that simple chemistry can do more than just extract important raw materials from polyurethane foam – the most important component can also be reused again and again in new mattresses
21 March 202320 March 2023 Crab shells could help power the next generation of rechargeable batteries Crab Shell-Derived SnS2/C and FeS2/C Carbon Composites as Anodes for High-Performance Sodium-Ion Batteries
Krabbenschalen könnten die nächste Generation von wiederaufladbaren Batterien antreiben Diese Arbeit könnte zur Entwicklung nachhaltigerer Batterietechnologien beitragen
15 March 202310 March 2023 Why Amazon’s Climate Pledge Fund is investing in this entrepreneur and her plastic waste solution In recognition of Women’s History Month and International Women’s Day on March 8, Amazon’s Climate Pledge Fund is highlighting stories of women leading startup companies that are delivering on important sustainability challenges
14 March 202313 March 2023 This starchy bioplastic could make soggy paper straws a thing of the past Ultrastrong, Hydrostable, and Degradable Straws Derived from Microplastic-Free Thermoset Films for Sustainable Development
Neuer stärkehaltiger Biokunststoff könnte durchweichte Papierstrohhalme der Vergangenheit angehören lassen Es wurde eine neue Art von Biokunststoff-Folie aus natürlichen, abbaubaren Materialien entwickelt, die zu einem Strohhalm gerollt werden kann, der nicht durchweicht und stärker als Plastik ist
10 March 20237 March 2023 Abwasser verrät: Auch Toilettenpapier kann PFAS enthalten Internationale Studie zeigt auf: Per- und Polyfluoralkyl-Substanzen, kurz PFAS, sind überall. Die umstrittenen Ewigkeitschemikalien, die krebserregend sein könnten, sind auch dort, wo wir sie nicht vermuten: im Toilettenpapier
Toilet paper is an unexpected source of PFAS in wastewater, study says Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) of our wastewater get released into the environment, causing cancer and stay forever
3 March 202327 February 2023 Carrots: Good for your eyes … and for degradable polymers Researchers have incorporated a compound derived from β-carotene into a polymer that’s fully degradable
Karotten: Gut für Ihre Augen… und für abbaubare Polymere Forscher haben eine aus β-Carotin gewonnene Verbindung in ein vollständig abbaubares Polymer eingearbeitet
8 February 20236 February 2023 Want a stronger biodegradable plastic? Add a ‘pinch’ of cream of tartar Several researchers from KRICT and KTH wanted to see if “seasoning” a biodegradable bioplastic like PBS with fruit-derived tartaric acid or citric acid could improve the plastic’s mechanical properties
12 January 20239 January 2023 Old Christmas trees could be saved from landfill to make renewable fuels Research at the University of Sheffield and the University of Valladolid has found that pine needles from discarded Christmas trees or other sources could be turned into renewable fuels and new products
4 October 202228 September 2022 Wind turbine blades could someday be recycled into sweet treats A new resin can hold fiberglass wind turbines together for years and then be recycled into valuable products, making green energy even greener
20 May 202217 May 2022 A nontoxic glue for plywood – from glucose, citric acid “A Fully Bio-Based Adhesive from Glucose and Citric Acid for Plywood with High-Performance”
21 April 202220 April 2022 Decarbonizing the chemical industry with sustainable photons Decarbonizing the chemical industry is possible, provided decreases in the cost of solar energy and increases in LED efficiency continue
30 March 202225 March 2022 Leder kommt in Zukunft aus dem Bioreaktor Wissenschaftler produzieren mit Schimmelpilz Rhisopus delemar aus altem Brot natürliche Fasern
Sustainable leather, yarn and paper — from bread-eating fungi Akram Zamani, Ph.D. and her researchers team from the the University of Borås developed mimic real animal leather from waste bread
24 March 202221 March 2022 Bacterial enzyme makes new type of biodegradable polymer “A Synthetic Gene Library Yields a Previously Unknown Glycoside Phosphorylase that Degrades and Assembles Poly-β-1,3-GlcNAc, Completing the Suite of β-Linked GlcNAc Polysaccharides” ACS Central Science
Bisher unbekanntes bakterielles Enzym stellt eine neue Art von biologisch abbaubarem Polymer her Zuckerketten, die so genannten Polysaccharide, sind die am häufigsten vorkommenden Biopolymere auf der Erde
21 May 202116 June 2021 New Method Boosts Syngas Generation from Biopolyols The Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP) proposed a new method to realize photocatalytic conversion of biopolyols to syngas at room temperature with high efficiency
21 April 20219 September 2021 Separating beer waste into proteins for foods, and fiber for biofuels Scientists report a new way to extract the protein and fiber from brewer’s spent grain and use it to create new types of protein sources, biofuels and more
20 April 202118 June 2021 Biodegradable plastic made from fisheries waste Even when soaked in plain water, the plastic still quickly began showing signs of microbial growth which should lead to degradation
26 February 202123 February 2021 Termite gut microbes could aid biofuel production Researchers have found that microbes from the guts of certain termite species can help break down lignin, a particularly tough polymer in straw
10 February 20219 September 2021 A mild way to upcycle plastics used in bottles into fuel and other high-value products The researchers developed a method to react simple hydrocarbon chains with hydrogen in the presence of noble-metal nanoparticles under mild conditions
11 January 20218 January 2021 A new initiative to support green chemistry education: The Green Chemistry Teaching and Learning Community The community of practice grows yearly, with many institutions now engaging in some form of green chemistry activity
17 November 20209 November 2020 Luminescent wood could light up homes of the future Consumer demand for eco-friendly, renewable materials has driven researchers to investigate wood-based thin films for optical applications
Leuchtendes Holz könnte die Häuser der Zukunft erhellen Die Nachfrage der Verbraucher nach umweltfreundlichen, erneuerbaren Materialien hat Forscher dazu veranlasst, auf Holz basierende dünne Folien für optische Anwendungen zu untersuchen
21 July 20209 July 2020 PLGA Barrier Materials from CO2 The influence of Lactide Co-monomer on Glycolic Acid Polyesters
16 June 202015 June 2020 Superworms digest plastic, with help from their bacterial sidekicks Superworms (Zophobas atratus) have a superpower: They can degrade polystyrene plastic
22 April 202017 April 2020 From weeds to wealth – Researchers discover simple method to make valuable levulinic acid and cement additive from hemp waste Results from two studies show the way to opportunities to upgrade hemp waste by making valuable chemicals and materials
20 April 202015 April 2020 Biohybrid battery harvests energy from electric bacteria KIT researchers have created a “biohybrid” system built around a hydrogel that can support microbes while effectively collecting their energy
27 March 202024 March 2020 DSM honors Professor Marc Hillmyer with the 2020 Bright Science Award in materials sciences The jury selected Professor Hillmyer because of the scientific breadth and depth of his work and its relevance to the advancement of bio-based and circular materials
17 February 202016 February 2020 Erythritol: Another C4 Platform Chemical in Biomass Refinery The potential of erythritol as a platform chemical in biomass refinery is discussed in terms of erythritol production and utilization
11 November 20196 November 2019 Turning wood into pharmaceutical ingredients "From Wood to Tetrahydro-2-benzazepines in Three Waste-Free Steps: Modular Synthesis of Biologically Active Lignin-Derived Scaffolds"
18 April 201915 April 2019 Bacterial factories could manufacture high-performance proteins for space missions Genetically engineered bacteria could be the key to mass-produced spider silk
15 April 201910 April 2019 This “glass” is made of wood, and you can control how much heat it conducts Researchers from KTH have developed a window material made of wood that regulates how much heat it lets in – and out
2 November 201829 October 2018 Wood sponge soaks up oil from water (video) Researchers made the highly porous structured wood sponge with a hydrophobic coating that attracted oil, but not water
31 August 201829 August 2018 Spit-activated biobased batteries, glow-in-the-dark trees, kombucha clothes, biobased root canals, breakthroughs in degradable plastics, straws: The Digest’s Top 10 Innovations for the week of August 29th Here are the top innovations in the advanced bioeconomy for the week of August 29th
27 August 201822 August 2018 Contact lenses a source of microplastic pollution? Arizona State scientists report 1st nationwide study showing environmental costs of lenses