1) RCI visited Brussels
On 16 and 17 January, the administrative office of RCI travelled to Brussels to meet up with several Directorate-General sub-units of the European Commission and with CEFIC to openly discuss RCIs positions and recommendations to enable a transformation towards renewable carbon. A summary of the meetings has been provided internally and the learnings of the meetings will be used to further finetune our political advocacy approach. RCI members in the vicinity of Brussels joined the administrative office for a social dinner in the evening.
2) The European Commission published the Transition Roadmap for the Chemical Industry
On 27 January and after a long stakeholder process, the European Commission published the transition pathway for the chemical industry, which is an actionable plan co-developed by the EC with EU countries, chemical industry stakeholders (including RCI), NGOs and other interested parties. The pathway identifies actions and conditions needed to achieve the green and digital transition in the chemical industry and also contains crucial elements on feedstock supply and developing renewable carbon sources from biomass, CCU and recycling. The EC aims to launch a co-implementation process starting in the second quarter of 2023.
3) RCI has started a LinkedIn Account
At the beginning of this year, the RCI launched a LinkedIn account beginning of this year and have 469 followers so far. We would like to strengthen our professional network and to spread the word of transitioning from fossil carbon to renewable carbon. You can expect weekly feeds about e.g. trips to Brussels, position papers, scientific background papers, introductions of our newest members and partners, information on upcoming webinars, interviews of RCI members, and monthly updates on RCI’s activities.
4) Upcoming: Free Webinar on Renewable Carbon As Guiding Principle for Sustainable Carbon Cycles and Policy
RCI and the RC concept address the core problem of climate change, which is extracting and using additional carbon from the ground that will eventually end up in the atmosphere. Companies are encouraged to focus on phasing out fossil resources and to use renewable carbon instead. In our webinars, we present different activities of the initiative to drive this message, show key results of different scientific papers we develop, how we advocate and connect with relevant stakeholders from policy, and how we maintain a network of interested companies to learn from and grow with each other. For the next webinar, focus will be put on the result of our recently published position papers on the „Sustainable Carbon Cycle Communication“ of the EC, on the draft framework on „bio-based, biodegradable and compostable plastics“ and on „Mass Balance and Free Attribution (MBFA)“. You are cordially invited to join the lively discussion.
Date: 15 February 2023, 14:00 – 15:30 (CET), online
Link Webinar: https://renewable-carbon-initiative.com/events/
5) Newest RCI members
- Alfa Laval (SE) is a leading global provider of first-rate products in the areas of heat transfer, separation and fluid handling. Its technologies enables responsible use of natural resources, reduced environmental impact on industrial processes, improved energy efficiency and heat recovery, better water treatment and reduced emissions.
Renewable Carbon Initiative, 2023-01.
Alfa Laval
European Chemical Industry Council (CEFIC)
European Commission
nova-Institut GmbH
Renewable Carbon Initiative (RCI)
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