10 May 20246 May 2024 Merck stellt neues, umweltfreundlicheres Lösungsmittel Cyrene™ vor Neues Produkt auf biologischer Basis bietet sichere, nachhaltige Alternative zu den Lösungsmitteln Dimethylformamid und N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidon
2 December 201927 November 2019 Resolve-project develops bio-based alternatives for hazardous solvents New solvent molecules proved to have better performance than their fossil counterparts
5 September 20184 September 2018 ICT-BIOCHAIN Europe’s first Digital Innovation Hub for Circular Bioeconomy New EU-project focuses on the development of efficient biomass supply chains for sustainable chemical production in bioeconomy regions across Europe
3 November 20162 November 2016 3F Bio voted best speech and MetGen won the John Sime award at Efib 2016 Companies were acknowledged as industrial biotech leaders at this year’s European Forum on Industrial Biotechnology and the Bioeconomy
17 June 201615 June 2016 Synthetic Biology – The next renewables frontier? More and more interests focusing on microbial genome engineering tools for chemicals production
2 April 201431 March 2014 Scotland aims at playing a leading role in the £360 bln global industrial biotechnology market New Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre (IBioIC) to become key element of the National Plan for Industrial Biotechnology
10 February 20147 February 2014 New industrial biotechnology innovation centre to create 1500 jobs A new innovation centre for industrial biotechnology is forecast to increase IB related turnover to up to £3 billion by 2030, create 1500 jobs within five years and put Scotland at the forefront of a global transformation
16 November 2012 Marine Biopolymers looking to build pilot plant for sodium alginate production Seaweed technology could create 40 news jobs for island community