21 October 202218 October 2022 Seaweed-based battery powers confidence in sustainable energy storage Bristol-led team uses nanomaterials made from seaweed to create a strong battery separator, paving the way for greener and more efficient energy storage
Batterie auf Seegrasbasis stärkt Vertrauen in nachhaltige Energiespeicherung Nanomaterialien aus Seetang zur Herstellung eines Batterieseparators, ebnen Weg für eine umweltfreundlichere und effizientere Energiespeicherung
8 August 20221 August 2022 Waste wood chemically recycled to produce material stronger than steel A treatment process can turn old pieces of wood into a new super-strong material called "healed wood"
2 September 202130 August 2021 Das Verständnis der Enzymevolution ebnet den Weg für die grüne Chemie Wie die Evolution Designer-Enzyme leistungsfähiger macht und den Weg zu maßgeschneiderten Katalysatoren ebnet
16 March 202111 March 2021 BBI JU-funded Ssuchy project yields results Manufacturers have invariably turned to natural and wood fibres and bio-based polymers
2 December 20209 September 2021 Research creates hydrogen-producing living droplets, paving way for alternative future energy sources Scientists have built tiny droplet-based microbial factories that produce hydrogen, instead of oxygen, when exposed to daylight in air
4 April 20194 April 2019 Scarborough seaweed – the green ‘welcome mat’ that could save the planet On sunken platforms off the Scarborough coast, seaweed will be grown and harvested on an industrial scale
17 August 201514 August 2015 Streamlined synthesis yields longer sugar chains By using bigger building blocks, scientists in the UK have shown they can make much longer oligosaccharide sequences than previously possible
23 February 201522 February 2015 Cable announces £20 million for UK industrial biotechnology Business Secretary unveiles the winners of a multi-million-pound competition to bring innovative UK biotechnology projects to market.
22 April 2013 Plandai Biotechnology, Inc. enters into license agreement with Phyto Nutricare to develop nutraceutical products Made from living plant material - Phytofare™production starts in a multi-billion dollar industry
17 April 2013 Cost-saving measure to upgrade ethanol to butanol — a better alternative to gasoline Discovery of a new family of catalysts to yield 95 percent butanol out of total products