13 September 202410 September 2024 Wie vielfältige biobasierte und biologisch abbaubare Textil- und Lederchemikalien eine nachhaltigere Zukunft für die Modeindustrie schaffen Indisches Start-Up SCHUTZEN hat eine innovative Technologie für die Herstellung von Textil- und Lederchemikalien aus biologisch vielfältigen Pflanzen und Abfällen entwickelt
21 May 202414 May 2024 The UN takes stock of the global bioeconomy A recent FAO seminar and a UN Environment bioeconomy report brought together an international panel discussing the urban bioeconomy with a strong focus on Africa and Asia
2 May 202425 April 2024 Bio-based colours that turn the fashion industry green Why impact tech investor Unconventional Ventures invested in Octarine Bio
11 March 20245 March 2024 Mehr Plastik – mehr Nachhaltigkeit Für das Erreichen der UN-Klimaziele ist Plastik nicht das Problem, sondern die Lösung, denn Kunststoff kann entscheidend zu einer nachhaltigeren Welt beitragen
4 December 20234 December 2023 Circular Bioeconomy for the Future we want "Sustainably produced biomass is a scarce resource, thus a ‘cascading use’ approach should be the norm. Biomass sourcing should preferably focus on biomass waste" Janez Potočnik
9 November 20236 November 2023 Our view on the “Zero Draft” for a Global Plastics Treaty The ‘Zero Draft’ is a comprehensive document that contains various options for potential treaty provisions that could support progress on all three global outcomes we call for in our Vision Statement
Plastics industry players clarify vision of Global Plastics Treaty legislation in response to UNEP draft Plastic waste should be managed safely and without causing negative environmental impacts - from its initial handling to its final disposal
23 October 202316 October 2023 Think that your plastic is being recycled? Think again Plastic is cheap to make and shockingly profitable. It’s everywhere. And we’re all paying the price
20 June 202315 June 2023 Plastics Europe welcomes UNEP’s step closer to a draft agreement on a global plastics treaty In her opening speech, Virginia Janssens, Managing Director of Plastics Europe, made a plea for ‘a total market transformation that drastically reduces the influx of new plastics
Kunststoff- und Chemieindustrie unterstützen UN-Plastikabkommen PlasticsEurope Deutschland zu Fortschritten und Aussichten des UN-Plastikabkommens
Plastic waste: agreement is just the start Many fear that major plastics producers like the US, China and Saudi Arabia will only approve of better recycling. But the need to come into action is generally felt
5 June 202331 May 2023 New Greenpeace Report Calls Out Toxic Hazards of Recycled Plastic as Global Plastics Treaty Negotiations Resume in Paris Scientific evidence overwhelmingly points to an urgent need to reduce plastic production and use to meet social justice, health and environmental imperatives
Greenpeace zum Globalen Plastikabkommen: Staaten müssen toxische Plastikproduktion weltweit einschränken Neuer Greenpeace-Bericht zeigt toxische Gefahren von neuem und recyceltem Plastik auf und fordert ein Ende der Produktion von neuem Plastik bis 2040
24 May 202322 May 2023 UN lays out blueprint to reduce plastic waste 80% by 2040 Countries can reduce plastic pollution by 80% by 2040 using existing technologies and making major policy changes, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) said in a report on Monday (15 May)
3 May 20232 May 2023 Stronger paper bags, reused repeatedly then recycled for biofuel could be future As the world searches for ways to reduce the use of plastics such as single-use plastic bags, a novel study by Penn State researchers demonstrates a process to make paper bags stronger — especially when they get wet — to make them a more viable alternative
Stärkere Papiertüten, die mehrfach wiederverwendet und dann zur Herstellung von Biokraftstoff recycelt werden, könnten die Zukunft sein Während die Welt nach Möglichkeiten sucht, die Verwendung von Kunststoffen wie Einweg-Plastiktüten zu reduzieren, zeigt eine neue Studie von Forschern der Penn State University ein Verfahren auf, mit dem Papiertüten widerstandsfähiger gemacht werden können - insbesondere, wenn sie nass werden -, um sie zu einer brauchbaren Alternative zu machen
1 December 202228 November 2022 First 100% bio-based 3D-printed home unveiled at the University of Maine New, 600-square-foot prototype features 3D-printed floors, walls and roof of wood fibers and bio-resins
28 October 20226 January 2023 Plastic leaching into farmer’s fields at alarming rate: new report Over time, macroplastics slowly break down into microplastics of shards less than 5mm long – and seep into the soil. When this is transferred to people through the food chain this waste is also impacting human health
9 August 20221 August 2022 Metsä Wood’s sustainability targets 2030: Metsä Wood’s sustainability targets are based on Metsä Wood’s strategy and Metsä Group’s sustainability targets These targets are set to achieve excellence in sustainability across the supply chain and in our daily work by 2030. Targets are based on the global Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs – set by the United Nations
22 April 202219 April 2022 Consumer Goods Companies Announce Position on Chemical Recycling Technologies and Publish Life Cycle Assessment For the first time, consumer good companies are joining forces through The Consumer Goods Forum (CGF) to set the agenda for the development of new plastic recycling technologies
14 March 20228 March 2022 A UN Treaty on plastic pollution Plastic pollution is rapidly outpacing current efforts to stop it. We need a UN treaty on plastic pollution to amplify existing efforts, through a more coordinated and ambitious approach
30 November 202125 November 2021 Sustainable feedstock for an ethical fashion industry Despite other issues, manufacturers see a clear route to better environmental performance in cellulose-based textiles
15 November 202111 November 2021 EIB joins UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration and strengthens cooperation with UNEP At the United Nations Climate Conference (COP26) in Glasgow, UNEP’s Executive Director Inger Andersen and EIB Vice-President Ambroise Fayolle signed the memorandum of understanding and announced the EIB as a new partner of the UN Decade
9 November 20214 November 2021 World faces disastrous 2.7C temperature rise on current climate plans, UN warns Report says countries must strengthen climate ambitions after wasting chance to build back better after COVID
Neuer UN-Bericht: Welt steuert auf 2,7 Grad Erwärmung zu Laut Generalsekretär Guterres droht die internationale Gemeinschaft ihr Ziel zur Begrenzung der Erderwärmung deutlich zu verfehlen
20 August 20219 September 2021 UN IPCC releases latest climate change report The first instalment of IPCC's 6th Assessment Report (AR6) was released. The report will be completed in 2022
29 July 202127 July 2021 UNEP demystifies finance for the circular economy UNEP published a report on financing the circular economy and finds that it could generate 4.5 trillion dollar in economic output by 2030
29 January 202126 January 2021 Hemp building materials have big role to play in environmental renewal According to the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), hemp is a non-toxic feedstock that delivers a number of unique properties for a broad range of building applications
4 September 20202 September 2020 New Report: National Guidance for Plastic Pollution Hotspotting and Shaping Action New Guidance document covering major types of plastic polymers and products, as well as their leakage and impacts along the full value chain
25 March 202023 March 2020 EUBP raises concerns over biased EASAC report on bio-based and biodegradable plastics Statements implicitly lead to some very questionable recommendations to EU institutions and citizens
31 October 201928 October 2019 First annual New Plastics Economy Global Commitment progress report published New Ellen MacArthur Foundation report provides an unprecedented level of transparency on how almost 200 businesses and governments are reshaping the plastics system
7 June 20193 June 2019 Tansania verbietet Plastiktüten Herstellern drohe eine Geldstrafe von bis zu einer Milliarde tansanischer Schillinge (etwa 390.000 Euro) oder zwei Jahre Haft
26 April 201920 April 2019 Global Chemicals Outlook Global goal to minimize adverse impacts of chemicals and waste will not be achieved by 2020
14 March 20198 March 2019 Covestro and UN call for Young Champions of the Earth competition participants Everyone to be encouraged, who wants to make a difference for our planet to apply for the Young Champion of the Earth prize - portal is open until March 31st
12 November 20187 November 2018 ‘A line in the sand’ – Ellen MacArthur Foundation launches New Plastics Economy Global Commitment to eliminate plastic waste at source Global Commitment aims to create ‘a new normal’ for plastic packaging
14 June 201812 June 2018 Exploring alternative materials to reduce plastic pollution Report by UN Environment assesses the potential of replacing certain conventional plastics applications with alternative materials
26 April 201824 April 2018 Global Bioplastics Market 2018 by Manufacturers, Countries, Type and Application, Forecast to 2023 New market research report on “Bioplastics Market 2018 Global Analysis By Key Players – Braskem, NatureWorks, Novamont, BASF, Corbion, DuPont”
22 November 201720 November 2017 Many bio-based strategies, national bio-economy strategies look old-fashioned Current company bio-based strategies move towards a circular economy, and go beyond just low carbon and clean energy sustainability
5 September 20171 September 2017 Kenya imposes world’s strictest ban on single-use plastic bags Kenya seeking to eradicate scourge of plastic waste with stringent measures
22 May 20178 May 2017 BASF participates in circular economy initiatives Europe is more active in the concept of Circular Economy while others are trying to catch up
25 January 201723 January 2017 Plastic you can drink: A solution for pollution? Balinesian entrepreneur Kevin Kumala found novel solution using cassava for plastic bags
12 December 20168 December 2016 Grüner Gegenentwurf – Biokunststoffe bieten nicht nur ökologische Vorteile EU prüft Verbot von oxo-Additive enthaltenden Kunststoff-Tragetaschen und unterstützt Standardisierung und Einsatz kompostierbarer Produkte
1 August 201628 July 2016 Study: Plastics reduce environmental impact Trucost's latest study, "Plastics and Sustainability: A Valuation of Environmental Benefits, Costs and Opportunities for Continuous Improvement"
29 June 201628 June 2016 Biodegradable plastics were never designed to be a solution to marine litter European Bioplastics statement on the UNEP-report agrees the report’s call for further research, development of clear standards for biodegradation in marine environment
16 June 201615 June 2016 Better waste management on land essential to solve the problem of marine litter New UNEP-report states that there are currently no solutions to marine debris
2 February 20162 February 2016 Biodegradable Plastics and Marine Litter – Expert reactions to the UNEP report Open-Bio research consortium comments on the UNEP (2015) report on "Biodegradable Plastics and Marine Litter. Misconceptions, concerns and impacts on marine environments.”
22 January 201621 January 2016 New Plastics Economy report offers blueprint to design a circular future for plastics By 2050 oceans are expected to contain more plastics than fish
24 November 201523 November 2015 Un report on marine litter – Biodegradable plastics assessed / Oxos pose a threat New UNEP-report: Biodegradable plastics no help for decreasing the volume of plastic entering the oceans
20 October 201515 October 2015 Saubere Kosmetik für saubere Umwelt Fraunhofer IWM entwickelt biobasierte Ersatzmaterialien für Mikroplastik
10 September 20158 September 2015 Study: Seeing the forest and the trees, all 3 trillion of them Approach combines ground-based surveys with satellite imaging to find higher density than anticipated