17 June 202411 June 2024 Fungus breaks down ocean plastic A fungus living in the sea can break down the plastic polyethylene, provided it has first been exposed to UV radiation from sunlight. Researchers from, among others, NIOZ published their results in the scientific journal Science of the Total Environment. They expect that many more plastic degrading fungi are living in deeper parts of the ocean
20 February 202316 February 2023 The Ocean Cleanup and the United Nations: Partnering with UNDP The Ocean Cleanup and the United Nations Development Programme have joined forces to eliminate plastic pollution around the globe
Fischerei ist Hauptverursacher von Meeresplastik Obwohl immer noch viel Kunststoffabfall über die Flüsse ins Meer gelangt: Nach neuesten Studien stammt der Großteil des Meeresplastiks aus der Fischerei
21 September 202219 September 2022 Statistik der Woche: Welche Plastikteile im Meer und Flüssen treiben Fischereizubehör macht einen großen Anteil am Plastikmüll in den Ozeanen aus, wie unsere Infografik zeigt. Doch auch Haushaltsteile und Verpackungen sind dabei
14 September 202210 September 2022 Over 75% Of Plastic in Great Pacific Garbage Patch Originates From Fishing Study in Scientific Reports indicates 75% to 86% of GPGP plastic atrributable to offshore fishing and aquaculture activities
11 June 20219 September 2021 Coca Cola signs on as global implementation partner for The Ocean Cleanup river project The partnership will implement cleanup systems, including the Dutch nonprofit’s solar-powered Interceptor, in 15 rivers by the end of 2022
10 June 202116 June 2021 Wie der Kunststoffabfall ins Meer kommt Nur ein Prozent der weltweiten Flüsse - davon viele kleine und mittelgroße - gelten als die größten Einträger von Mikroplastik in die Ozeane. Neue Erkenntnisse stellen frühere Schätzungen in Frage
1000 Rivers Emit Nearly 80% of Riverine Plastic Pollution into Worlds Oceans, Newly Published Research Shows One Percent of Rivers Worldwide, Including Many Small and Medium-Sized Rivers, Represent the Largest Contributors of Ocean Plastic; New Research Challenges Previous Estimations
3 November 20209 September 2021 Holland Colours’ biobased color concentrates used in the first The Ocean Cleanup sunglasses Holland Colours has worked closely with The Ocean Cleanup team to tailor the first product made with certified ocean plastic: sunglasses
19 February 202014 February 2020 Recycling scheitert – Die „Plastokalypse“ Das Recycling der Kunststoffe scheitert bislang notorisch. Was entsorgt wird, kehrt zurück – zu Lande, zu Wasser und in der Luft
17 October 201914 October 2019 The Ocean Cleanup Successfully Catches Plastic in Great Pacific Garbage Patch System 001/B Captures Plastics in All Size Classes – from Microplastics to Ghost Nets
11 November 201511 November 2015 Final Programme Released: Microplastic conference in Cologne from 23-24 November 2015 +++ Final programme released +++ Already 130 participants +++ Just 14 days left +++