8 July 20207 July 2020 PlasticsEurope: Covestro-Chef Markus Steilemann lenkt Europas Kunststoffverband – Fokus auf Nachhaltigkeit und Kreislaufwirtschaft Steilemann möchte die Verbandsarbeit in erster Linie noch stärker auf die Förderung von Nachhaltigkeit und insbesondere Kreislaufwirtschaft ausrichten
17 December 201813 December 2018 New report issued by SusChem and partners: Robust Agenda to achieve Circularity of Plastics The analysis from this report has helped to identify priorities, projects and the level of investment needed to achieve full circularity of plastics
30 January 201726 January 2017 BIOSKOH working to fulfil Biorefinery vision BioBased Industries Joint Undertaking to build a first of its kind commercial-scale second generation biorefinery in Europe
3 March 201625 February 2016 From Upstream to Downstream, the importance of the Value Chain Plant Based Summit shows optimism surrounding the commercialisation of renewable chemicals
27 May 201527 May 2015 BBI – JU launches €100 million Call Second Call focuses on lignocellulosic feedstock, valorisation of cellulose, innovative processes for sugar recovery and conversion from Municipal Solid Waste
5 May 20154 May 2015 SusChem veröffentlicht “Strategische Innovations- und Forschungsagenda” SIRA SIRA-Dokument unterstreicht Rolle der chemischen Industrie zur europäischen Innovationsförderung
30 September 2011 Klaus Sommer, new SusChem Chairman SusChem News talked with Dr. Sommer about the future direction and his immediate goals
24 January 2011 BIOTRAINS für eine umweltbewusstere Chemie-Ausbildung Interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit zur Entwicklung umweltfreundlicherer Produktionsverfahren
23 February 2010 EU supports chemical industry to focus on renewable resources Biochem project shall foster 250 chemical SMEs