1 July 20199 September 2021 German industry talks up ‘carbon-free’ hydrogen from fossil gas It has become increasingly evident that hydrogen will be an integral part of the solution to decarbonise the economy
31 January 201928 January 2019 Sustainable plastics – If we want a sustainable future, it will be driven by companies If the plastics economy can be completely transformed, then the new circular economy starts to take over and almost roll forward on its own
11 September 20188 September 2018 Pöyry awarded Owner’s Engineering Services assignment by Biozin Holding AS for the pre-engineering phase of biozin® production plant in Jordoya, Åmli, Norway The ambition is to establish more production facilities in Southern Norway
13 July 20189 February 2019 Pöyry launches plastic substitution global consultancy New global consultancy offering allows Pöyry to identify sustainable alternatives to plastic use across an entire company
6 November 201730 October 2017 Positive result from feasibility study ”Flagship Biorefinery” Pöyry presented a feasibility study which shows, that an investment in the proposed biorefinery can be profitable and provide positive contributions to a future bioeconomy
25 August 201623 August 2016 1 TWh of biogas to be gotten from waste It is now an established fact: there is one terawatt-hour of biogas in the waste streams from paper and pulp mills
20 April 201517 April 2015 Report by Pöyry investigates supply and demand across geographical hubs in the bio-based chemical business ‘BioSight up to 2025’: Changes in supply and demand affecting the global bio-based chemical industry
Pöyry-Studie untersucht Kernmärkte der bio-basierten chemischen Wirtschaft „BioSight up to 2025“: Veränderungen in Angebot und Nachfrage beeinflussen die weltweite bio-basierte chemische Industrie
16 April 201515 April 2015 ‘BioSight up to 2025’: Changes in supply and demand affecting the global bio-based chemical industry Report by Pöyry investigates supply and demand across geographical hubs in the bio-based chemical business
28 October 201427 October 2014 Industrial biotechnology: a challenging change to the raw material base Increasing rivalry for renewable resources requires reorganization of material flows
Industrielle Biotechnologie: Schwieriger Wechsel der Rohstoffbasis Verschärfte Konkurrenz um nachwachsende Rohstoffe erfordert Neuordnung von Stoffströmen
6 October 20143 October 2014 Cellulosics and the EU: chasing higher rates, yields, and more value from lignin EU-scene is lively and well — greatly cheered by news of POET-DSM and Beta Renewables, openings at Abengoa Bioenergy and DuPont
7 June 2013 Market outlook: Shale gas impacts bio-based chemicals Study of technically recoverable shale gas in 32 countries
12 September 2012 Turning Industrial Biotechnology into a European success story New FP7 project to investigate hurdles and critical success factors to deploy industrial biotechnology in Europe
9 March 2010 Energieholzmarkt: Verfügbarkeit bis 2020 weist “Holzlücke” von fast 33 Mio. m<sup>3</sup> auf ZS Holz fordert Forstwirtschaft zum Umdenken auf
22 October 2008 Ergebnisse der bayerischen Cluster-Studie Forst und Holz Prioritäten: Rohstoffversorgung sichern, Wettbewerbsfähigkeit steigern, Absatzmöglichkeiten fördern