11 February 20257 February 2025 Chemical looping turns environmental waste into fuel Study finds low-carbon system boosts chemical efficiency
Chemischer Kreislauf verwandelt Abfälle in Kraftstoff Studie zeigt, dass ein kohlenstoffarmes System die chemische Effizienz steigert
30 July 202425 July 2024 Chemists design novel method for generating sustainable fuel Using a special method researchers for the first time saw those molecules convert themselves into either methanol or carbon monoxide
Neue Methode zur Erzeugung nachhaltiger Kraftstoffe: Methanol direkt aus Kohlendioxid synthetisiert Mithilfe einer speziellen Methode konnten die Forscher zum ersten Mal beobachten, wie sich diese Moleküle entweder in Methanol oder in Kohlenmonoxid umwandeln
18 September 202016 September 2020 A new method for making a key component of plastics Bacteria create ethylene in a tech-friendly way
6 February 20209 September 2021 Rhodium photocatalyst does double duty to generate hydrogen Ohio State-researchers have developed al rhodium catalyst that harvests light and then it is using its energy to create hydrogen gas with an unequaled efficiency
H2 aus Licht und Wasser Ohio State-Forscher haben Rhodiumkatalysator entwickelt, der bei der Erzeugung von Wasserstoff aus Wasser und Licht einen bisher unerreicht hohen Wirkungsgrad erzielt
15 November 201912 November 2019 Nature might be better than tech at reducing air pollution Ohio State researchers found that in 75 percent of the counties analyzed, it was cheaper to use plants to mitigate air pollution than it was to add technological interventions
Bäume für die Luft besser als Umwelttechnik Laut einer Studie von Ohio State-Forschern sind in 75 Prozent der analysierten Regionen neue Anpflanzungen wirksamer als eine Reduzierung der Emissionen
24 April 201918 April 2019 Study shows potential for Earth-friendly plastic replacement New biodegradable ‘plastic’ is tough, flexible
Plastik aus biologischen Rohstoffen Ein von Bakterien produziertes, aber brüchiges Plastik kann nun zu stabilen Folien verarbeitet werden. Den Unterschied machen Naturkautschuk und ein chemischer Trick
9 March 20189 September 2021 Engineering Clostridia: The Digest’s 2018 Multi-Slide Guide to n-Butanol Production from Biomass and CO2 Cooperational project to directly utilize cellulose and fix CO2 for n-butanol production from lignocellulosic biomass
7 June 20171 June 2017 Research focuses on reclaiming strip-mine sites for biofuel crop production Switchgrass can be condensed into fuel pellets for heating and it can be used to make ethanol
10 March 20178 March 2017 Turning food waste into tires Tomorrow’s tires could come from the farm as much as the factory
14 September 201612 September 2016 New genus of bacteria found living inside hydraulic fracturing wells “Frackibacter” one of dozens of microbes forming sustainable ecosystems there, study finds
Fracking lässt eigentümliche Bakterien heranwachsen Einzigartige Lebensgemeinschaften entstehen unter den merkwürdigsten Bedingungen - zum Beispiel unter dem chemischen Dauerbeschuss in Fracking-Bohrlöchern tief unter der Erde
8 September 201616 November 2016 View from the USA: Getting the bio-based industry ready for BRDI grants BRDI grants are the funding mechanism of a US government cross-agency initiative to help develop economically and environmentally sustainable sources of renewable biomass
9 November 20155 November 2015 The Biobased option The Digest’s 2015 8-Slide Guide to biobased products
29 April 201528 April 2015 Teknor Apex highlighted new Terraloy® bioplastic compounds for 3D printing at NPE2015 High-heat and -impact PLA for 3D printing yields tight tolerances and less shrinkage and permits oven-drying of filament
10 September 201411 September 2014 Marketing bioproducts – a spotlight on David Schwantes and the nationwide bioproducts survey OBIC Bioproducts Innovation Center to delve into consumer awareness and knowledge relating to bioproducts
25 April 201424 April 2014 ABLC buzzes about finance, government actions, chemicals, carbon, and technology advances As ABLC completes its second day, companies, agencies, financiers step forward to detail advances toward scale, new programs.
24 April 20149 September 2021 Oakbio and OSU Awarded $500,000 Grant to Develop System for production of Butanol and Plastics from CO2 Oakbio reveals ongoing n-Butanol and biofuels program in public announcement of their grant award for "Conversion of industrial CO2 emissions into biofuels and chemicals"
4 April 20143 April 2014 Bio-plastics Not so Good at Biodegrading: Ohio State Study Researchers find some "green" plastics may not be better for the environment than petroleum-based plastics
5 March 20144 March 2014 Need a water filter? Peel a tree branch MIT group shows xylem tissue in sapwood can filter bacteria from contaminated water
11 July 2013 Nature: Wie Wälder mit mehr Kohlendioxid umgehen Langjährige Freilandmessungen erlauben umfassenden Blick auf die Klimawandelreaktion eines großen Ökosystems - Wassernutzungseffizienz stärker gestiegen als in der Theorie
11 January 2013 USDA Announces Investments in Bioenergy Research and Development to Spur New Markets, Innovation, and Unlimited Opportunity in Rural America USDA to award $25M for R&D for next-generation biofuels
23 March 2012 New Funding For Biomass Research & Development Project focused on the development of advanced biofuels, bioenergy and high-value biobased products
22 March 2012 Obama Administration Announces New Funding for Biomass Research and Development Initiative Research to advance next generation biofuels and renewable energy technologies
11 August 2008 Dandelion Rubber for Airplane Tires 20 metric tons of dandelion rubber a year for industry testing