1 February 20211 February 2021 Probing the European bioeconomy’s development through its drivers and indicators Partners from the BioMonitor project published its latest paper in the Sustainability journal on the drivers and indicators that will measure the development of the bioeconomy
10 July 20195 July 2019 Novamont’s Mater-Bi confirmed to be marine biodegradable University of Siena experts together with NEN researchers evaluated the ecotoxicity of Mater-Bi to marine organisms
12 June 201911 June 2019 Necessary measures to achieve a level-playing field for bio-based products Seven measures to achieve better policies and standards for bio-based industries
31 January 2019 Developing standards for bio-based industries What are the current EU standards or other related issues that hamper the growth of bio-based products?
27 September 201825 September 2018 White Paper: Communicating the bio-based content of products in the EU and the US Clear and transparent communication about the characteristics of bio-based products is essential to avoid confusion in the market place
7 December 20166 December 2016 ‘Rethinking Plastics’ – Insights into the bioplastic materials of the future 11th European Bioplastics Conference in Berlin attracts 300 experts from around the world
2 December 20161 December 2016 Sweet success: new bioplastic candy wrapper from Mars wins 11th Global Bioplastics Award European Bioplastics Conference became an excellent event with rousing discussions about policy in promoting bioplastics
1 December 201630 November 2016 Corbion and Kraton receive first European certification for bio-based products New European system for bio-based content certification was launched at the 11th Annual European Bioplastics Conference in Berlin
29 November 201626 November 2016 Certification of bio-based content ‘Bio-based content certification scheme’ developed by Netherlands Standardization Institute will be launched at the 11th European Bioplastics Conference
23 November 201621 November 2016 Find the bio-based product for your procurement needs Open-Bio project launches database showcasing bio-based products for public procurement – Bio-based product suppliers are invited to join the database
11 April 20167 April 2016 9th Intl Conference on Bio-based Materials – Day 1 Policy and markets, bio-based building blocks and biorefineries
11 November 201510 November 2015 Bioplastics are key to unlock Europe’s potential for a ressource-efficient economy 10th European Bioplastics Conference in Berlin attracts more than 350 experts from around the world
EU: Biokunststoffe sind Schlüsseltechnologie für eine ressourcen-effiziente Wirtschaft 10. European Bioplastics Konferenz zieht mehr als 350 Experten aus aller Welt an
23 October 201522 October 2015 InnProBio website launched to help promote innovative bio-based products The Forum for Bio-Based Innovation in Public Procurement can now be found on the world-wide web
30 April 201529 April 2015 Better Biomass: new name ‘NTA 8080 Approved’ certificate Certificate to demonstrate compliance with sustainability criteria like greenhouse gas reduction, biodiversity, the environment
15 April 201514 April 2015 InnProBio: Europäisches Projekt will biobasierte, innovative Produkte im öffentlichen Einkauf stärken Neue EU-Beschaffungsrichtlinie bietet mehr Spielräume für nachhaltigen öffentlichen Einkauf
4 December 20143 December 2014 NEN – Draft NTA 8080 available for comments Revision of the new standard describing sustainability criteria for biomass
23 October 201422 October 2014 Draft standard for determining bio-based content published for comment Comments to be discussed by NEN and submitted in the European standard development process
26 March 201426 March 2014 KBBPPS project: Technical standard adopted by CEN Determination of 'bio-based' of products now standardized
15 October 201225 July 2014 EU research on bio-based product standards kicks off: KBBPPS project focuses on biomass content, functionality and biodegradability