31 August 202328 August 2023 LG Chem secures waste cooking oil supply for biodiesel production LG Chem Ltd. is poised to kick off a project that produces biodiesel using waste cooking oil as part of its drive for renewable materials
25 July 202225 July 2022 Singapore Airlines Operates Its First Flights With Blended Sustainable Aviation Fuel In Singapore This project will incorporate the blending of neat SAF in local facilities, certification of blended SAF, and delivery to Changi Airport to operationally validate SAF integration options in Singapore
23 September 202123 September 2021 Kinder Morgan and Neste Partner on Major Renewable Fuels Logistics Project in the United States The project, which is supported by a long-term commercial commitment from Neste, is expected to commence operations in the first quarter of 2023
14 July 20219 July 2021 10 years of EU’s failed biofuels policy has wiped out forests the size of the Netherlands – study T&E, who carried out the study, calls on the EU to end support to palm and soy biodiesel immediately to avoid further deforestation impacts
13 April 202118 June 2021 Neste Porvoo refinery is getting ready for the major turnaround Neste secures the safe and undisrupted operations of the Porvoo refinery in Finland with major turnarounds, executed approximately every five years
8 January 20219 September 2021 Neste successfully completed its first industrial-scale processing run with liquefied waste plastic in Finland Company successfully processed 400 tons of liquefied plastic waste at its refinery in Finland this fall
20 August 202019 August 2020 Neste’s Half-Year Financial Report for January-June 2020 Despite the market turbulence due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Neste's performance was solid during the second quarter
5 June 20201 June 2020 Neste’s palm oil and PFAD traceability dashboards have been updated – updates twice a year The site provides a map service from which users can find the locations of Neste’s suppliers and review data on suppliers’ certification status, among other things
13 March 20209 September 2021 Neste invests in Sunfire, leading technology developer of high-temperature electrolysis and Power-to-X solutions Company’s patented technology allows the production of renewable hydrogen as well as the direct conversion of water and CO2 into raw material for petrochemical products
Neste investiert in deutsches Wasserstoff-Start-up Sunfire Sunfire stellt mithilfe der Power-To-X-Technologie grüne Kraftstoffe her
14 December 201817 December 2018 Neste strengthens its global leading position in renewable products with a major investment in Singapore Global market demand for low-carbon solutions in transport and cities, aviation, polymers and chemicals requiring investment on additional renewable products production capacity
19 December 201715 December 2017 Neste to boost biofuel production by 1m tonnes with opening of Singapore refinery Company to increase its capacity for renewable diesel, aviation fuel and raw materials for various biochemical uses
3 October 201726 October 2017 Federal government seeking partner to look at way to create domestic jet biofuel industry The government signed an international agreement to make the airline industry carbon-neutral by 2020 and biofuels are currently the only way to meet that target
24 February 201623 February 2016 Commercial Biorefineries in Europe Conventional biofuels plants and pulp and paper mills not considered
11 February 201610 February 2016 Neuer Biotreibstoff für eine umweltfreundlichere zivile Luftfahrt Große Fluggesellschaften wie Lufthansa, SAS und KLM wollen Treibstoff aus Leindotteröl beziehen
16 November 20159 September 2021 Neste and Boeing to lead the industry on commercialization of renewable aviation fuels The companies will work toward American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) fuel standard approval allowing the commercial use of high freezing point renewable aviation fuel by airlines
30 September 201529 September 2015 Neste breaks ground on world’s first Bio LPG facility in Rotterdam NEXBTL production technology promising an innovative renewable product family
4 September 20153 September 2015 Biofuels Production Capacity Is Still Underutilized Globally, but Next Generation Opportunities Are Apparent US Dominates Markets for Next-Generation Biofuels by New Capacity Trough 2018
7 January 20156 January 2015 Finland: Two biorefinery, a total of EUR 33.3 million to support energy Aim is to increase domestic advanced biofuel production and commercialization
14 October 201413 October 2014 Neste Oil to refocus its R&D aimed at increasing its use of renewable inputs Neste Oil is to realign its long-term R&D and switch its emphasis from microbial oil research to other areas of technology for using forestry and agricultural waste
10 October 20149 October 2014 US Department of Energy earmarks $25 million for biofuel research Algal biofuels to help create green jobs, improve the environment, and achieve national energy security
2 October 20149 September 2021 Recycled cooking oil powers Finnair flight to New York Finnair will operate its flight from Helsinki to New York on 23 September with an Airbus A330 using environmentally sustainable biofuel, coinciding with the UN Climate Summit taking place in New York on the same day
Neste Oil adds biopropane production to Rotterdam biorefinery Unit expected to have the capacity to produce 30,000-40,000 tons per year
25 June 201424 June 2014 Stora Enso acquires Virdia in (up to) $62M deal For $33M upfront and $29M in incentives for meeting milestones — Stora Enso acquires renewable sugars pioneer Virdia — the former HCL CleanTech — as the Finnish giant hones its biobased strategy
5 May 20142 May 2014 Coca-Cola: PlantBottle Technology™ Tops 2014 Sustainable Bio Awards Company recognized for its first-ever recyclable PET plastic bottle made partially from plants
23 April 201422 April 2014 Food – Fuel, Competition or Synergy? Parallel study to analyse opinions, agreements and differences in a long lasting debate
31 January 201430 January 2014 It’s 2014: Feel the pressure, turn up the heat, and get cracking Hydrotreating, catalytic cracking, pyrolysis, metathesis, supercritical, and catalytic reforming
22 January 201421 January 2014 Neste Oil’s sustainability verification system approved by the European Commission Company's new, own system, to be a useful addition for verifying sustainability of renewable inputs, particularly waste and residue
15 November 201314 November 2013 Neste Oil to promote the deployment of sustainable aviation biofuel in the Netherlands First site for potential renewable fuel refinery for production of renewable aviation fuel in Rotterdam
1 August 2013 Neste Oil to take part in a renewable diesel demonstration project aimed at product commercialization in Germany NExBTL renewable diesel fulfills and exceeds the requirements for diesel fuels used in the European Union
Neste Oil beteiligt sich an Biodiesel-Fuhrpark-Projekt in Coburg Ziel ist der kommerzielle Einsatz des Produkts in Deutschland
23 July 20139 September 2021 Fast Swimmers: 10 Algae technologies, where are they in the race for the summit? Who’s in the lead? Who’s getting traction? Who’s near the summit? Who’s got the oxygen?
7 June 2013 Syntroleum asserts second singapore patent against Neste Big players entangled in renewable diesel dispute
14 March 2013 Camelina on the move: Global Clean Energy Holdings acquires Sustainable Oils Signature camelina developer acquired by GCEH in non-cash transaction, as 2011′s wonder feedstock takes a step forward
5 February 2013 Neste Oil has increased its use of waste- and residue-based renewable inputs by over 400,000 tons World's largest supplier of renewable diesel also meets strict sustainability criteria set out in EU biofuel legislation
10 January 2013 Up, up and away: aviation biofuels players start building capacity Great Scott! Look up in the Sky! There hasn’t been a hotter sector in biofuels demand than aviation
19 December 2012 Neste Oil to produce renewable aviation fuel as part of the EU-funded ITAKA project Production of 4,000 tons of aviation fuel from sustainably produced NExBTL Spanish camelina oil for commercial flights by European airlines
29 October 2012 Neste Oil now producing renewable naptha suitable for bioplastic Neste Oil adds NExBTL renewable naphtha suitable for producing bioplastics to its corporate customer product range
31 August 2012 The lowdown on making jet fuel and diesel from biomass Gaining some insight into the two most common production methods
17 August 2012 Neste Oil and Stora Enso to end their biodiesel project and continue cooperation on other bio products Trials carried out at a pilot plant in Varkaus proved very successful
9 March 2012 Biokraftstoffhersteller in der Offensive Zwei finnische Hersteller bauen ihre Biokraftstoffproduktion massiv aus
20 September 2011 Neste Oil starts up Europe’s largest renewable diesel plant in Rotterdam Facility to produce premium fuel that is compatible with all diesel engines and existing fuel distribution systems
4 November 2009 UFOP begrüßt geplante Begrenzung des Hydrotreating von Pflanzenölen Bundesumweltministerium fordert Beschränkung von Pflanzenölbeigaben in Erdölraffinerien
29 July 2009 European Industrial Bioenergy Initiative Forgets Bioheat EU-proposal for multi-billion-euro research programme focussing on advanced biofuels
25 June 2009 Palm oil: Waiting for certified products Neste Oil to use only certified palm oil as soon as available
19 June 2009 Hydriertes Pflanzenöl schadstoffärmer als Diesel Zwischenergebnisse zu Feldtest über die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette
20 May 2009 Rotterdam gets Europes largest production of Renewable Diesel € 600 Mio. investment for NExBTL plant
13 May 2009 European Algae Biomass Association to connect the EU algae sector European Biodiesel Board and University of Florence announce launching in June
8 September 2008 Biodiesel aus Forstabfällen Neste Oil und Stora Enso wollen Biotreibstoffe auf Holzbasis etablieren