31 July 202426 July 2024 Scientific journal to cover Carbios’ enzyme-embedded, ‘home-compostable’ PLA Carbios Active is the real-life application of Carbios’ expertise in enzyme optimization and polymer science
22 May 202421 May 2024 Roadmap to a carbon-neutral refinery by 2050 Towards the sustainable production of future fuels, chemicals and materials
25 March 202419 March 2024 Influence of drying temperature on coconut-fibers Studies evalutates tensile behavior and drying tempeture for sustainable fibers
23 October 202316 October 2023 Think that your plastic is being recycled? Think again Plastic is cheap to make and shockingly profitable. It’s everywhere. And we’re all paying the price
24 July 202319 July 2023 Electrochemical device captures carbon dioxide at the flick of a switch Disruptive technology could lower carbon-capture costs across all emission types
23 May 202317 May 2023 Tiny Microbes Could Brew Big Benefits for Green Biomanufacturing Scientists find new route in bacteria to decarbonize industry. The discovery could reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the manufacturing of fuels, drugs, and chemicals
Winzige Mikroben könnten große Vorteile für die grüne Bioproduktion mit sich bringen Die Entdeckung könnte die Treibhausgasemissionen bei der Herstellung von Kraftstoffen, Medikamenten und Chemikalien verringern
9 May 20234 May 2023 New chemistry can extract virgin-grade materials from wind turbine blades in one process Researchers from Aarhus University and the Danish Technological Institute have developed a chemical process that can disassemble the epoxy composite of wind turbine blades and simultaneously extract intact glass fibres as well as one of the epoxy resin's original building blocks in a high quality. The recovered materials could potentially be used in the production of new blades
Neues chemisches Verfahren zur Gewinnung neuer Materialien aus den Rotorblättern von Windkraftanlagen in einem einzigen Prozess Das neue chemische Verfahren ist nicht auf Windturbinenblätter beschränkt, sondern funktioniert bei vielen verschiedenen so genannten faserverstärkten Epoxidverbundwerkstoffen, einschließlich einiger Materialien, die mit besonders teuren Kohlenstofffasern verstärkt sind
25 January 202320 January 2023 Einsatz in Elektronik und Robotik: Ein Pilz mit Potenzial Der Glänzende Lackporling kann mehr als nur Bäume zu befallen. Forschenden ist es gelungen, aus dem Pilz eine lebende Roboterhaut und eine nachhaltige Alternative für Chips und Batterien herzustellen
20 January 202318 January 2023 A big step toward ‘green’ ammonia and a ‘greener’ fertilizer Industrial production of ammonia, primarily for synthetic fertilizer — the fuel for last century’s Green Revolution — is one of the world’s largest chemical markets, but also one of the most energy intensive
17 January 202312 January 2023 Electrochemistry converts carbon to useful molecules A chemistry collaboration led to a creative way to put carbon dioxide to good – and even healthy – use: by incorporating it, via electrosynthesis, into a series of organic molecules that are vital to pharmaceutical development
Elektrochemie wandelt Kohlenstoff in nützliche Moleküle um Wie ein Team mithilfe der Elektrosynthese Kohlendioxid in wertvolle pharmazeutische Moleküle verwandelt
16 December 202213 December 2022 From climate problem to climate opportunity Circular bioplastics offer solution for climate crisis and growing resource consumption
21 November 202216 November 2022 Overhyping hydrogen as a fuel risks endangering net-zero goals Hydrogen is touted as a wonder fuel for everything from transport to home heating — but greener and more efficient options are often available
2 September 202229 August 2022 Engineering enzymes to help solve the planet’s plastic problem Manchester researchers have reported a new enzyme engineering platform that can quickly improve the properties of plastic degrading enzymes to help make them more suitable for plastic recycling at large scales
30 August 202225 August 2022 Floating ‘artificial leaves’ ride the wave of clean fuel production Researchers have developed floating ‘artificial leaves’ that generate clean fuels from sunlight and water, and could eventually operate on a large scale at sea
7 July 20225 July 2022 Scientists Discover “Holy Grail of Catalysis” – Converting Methane Into Methanol Using Light The method involves a continuous flow of methane/oxygen-saturated water over a novel metal-organic framework (MOF) catalyst
2 June 202230 May 2022 Research Team Advances Biological Alternative to Producing Common Petrochemical A Genetic Sequence Allows Photosynthetic Organisms To Stably Produce Ethylene
12 April 202211 April 2022 Umwandlung von Kohlendioxid in Biokraftstoffe durch Mikroalgen Wissenschaftler erforschen genetischen Sensor für blaues Licht zur Verdoppelung der Ölproduktivität in industriellen Mikroalgen
Scientists Explore a Genetic Sensor of Blue Light to Double Oil Productivity in Industrial Microalgae Microalgae-based conversion of carbon dioxide to biofuels
4 April 202229 March 2022 The race to upcycle CO2 into fuels, concrete and more Companies are scrambling to turn the greenhouse gas into useful products — but will that slow climate change?
4 March 20222 March 2022 Durchbruch bei der Umwandlung von CO2 in Kraftstoff mithilfe von Sonnenenergie Wichtiges Puzzlestück für die künftige Verringerung der Treibhausgaskonzentration in der Atmosphäre
Breakthrough in converting CO2 into fuel using solar energy A research team led by Lund University in Sweden has shown how solar power can convert carbon dioxide into fuel, by using advanced materials and ultra-fast laser spectroscopy
27 January 202221 January 2022 ISO 16128’s Growing Impact on the Cosmetics Ingredients Industry In an effort to provide standardization around the definition of “natural,” various certification bodies started to appear (e.g., Cosmos, Ecocert, and Nature) and companies began to be required to list their ingredients to varying degrees
25 January 202224 January 2022 Neuer katalytischer Ansatz wandelt rohe Biomasse direkt in Erdgas mit geringem Kohlenstoffausstoß um Katalysator ermöglicht eine nahezu vollständige Umwandlung verschiedener land- und forstwirtschaftlicher Produkte in Erdgas
New Catalytic Approach Directly Converts Raw Biomass into Natural Gas with Low Carbon Footprint Researchers prepared a robust catalyst, achieving nearly complete conversion of various agricultural and forestry to natural gas
28 October 202127 October 2021 Global Bioenergies makes breakthrough on the road toward biojet fuel Global Bioenergies plans a larger plant for 2024, that will be able to produce thousands of tonnes and serve the vastly bigger skincare and haircare markets
13 January 20219 September 2021 Transforming carbon dioxide into jet fuel using an organic combustion-synthesized Fe-Mn-K catalyst We report here a synthetic protocol to the fixation of carbon dioxide by converting it directly into aviation jet fuel using novel, inexpensive iron-based catalysts
10 September 20209 September 2021 New Nitrogen Assembly Carbon catalyst has potential to transform chemical manufacturing he scientists performed experiments with a type of heterogeneous catalyst in which the design and placement of nitrogen on the carbon surface greatly influenced the catalytic activity of the material
26 October 201823 October 2018 Feeding 10 billion people by 2050 within planetary limits may be achievable But it requires a global shift towards healthy and more plant-based diets, halving food loss and waste, say researchers
21 September 201819 September 2018 Ein Schutzschild für empfindliche Enzyme in Biobrennstoffzellen Der Mechanismus schützt sensible Enzyme vor Sauerstoff - Seine Energie bezieht er aus Zucker und der kann gleichzeitig zusammen mit Wasserstoff noch eine ganze Brennstoffzelle antreiben
7 August 20185 August 2018 PEF challenges PET to battle ETH Zurich researchers have developed a method that could finally make the PEF bioplastics marketable
PEF sagt PET den Kampf an Forscher der ETH Zürich haben eine Methode entwickelt, die den Biokunststoff PEF endlich marktfähig machen könnte
31 July 201828 July 2018 Researchers Discover New Enzyme Paradigm for Critical Reaction in Converting Lignin to Useful Products New finding will help convert lignin to useful products
17 July 201816 July 2018 Coming soon to a lab near you? Genetically modified cannabis Scientists might be able to draw from new sources of cannabis compounds for research
27 April 201825 April 2018 Müll im Meer: Plastik verdreckt die Arktis Forscher haben im Arktiseis Rekordmengen an Mikroplastik entdeckt. Die Belastung ist so hoch, dass Fische bereits ihr Verhalten ändern
27 March 201823 March 2018 Bäume wachsen in artenreicher Nachbarschaft deutlich besser als in Nachbarschaft zur gleichen Art Neue wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse aus der Biodiversitätsforschung veröffentlicht in Nature Communications
28 February 201826 February 2018 Diverse genetic error modes constrain large-scale bio-based production Only a few bioprocesses are functional in the large fermentation volumes that industry requires. A team of Danish researchers may have found the key
5 December 20171 December 2017 Teaching Life a New Trick: Bacteria Make Boron-Carbon Bonds Findings will lead to new and "greener" ways to manufacture drugs and other products
20 November 201716 November 2017 How to build better silk Reconstituted silk can be several times stronger than the natural fiber and made in different forms
27 July 201724 July 2017 Mechanismus aufgeklärt: Wie Enzyme Wasserstoff produzieren Den entscheidenden Katalyseschritt bei der Wasserstoffproduktion durch Enzyme haben RUB-Forscher gemeinsam mit Kollegen der Freien Universität Berlin aufgeklärt
29 May 20179 September 2021 Synthesis of Molecular Hydrogen: Novel Method Sets Benchmark for Platinum-free Electrocatalysts Electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) from water splitting is the most economical and effective route for future hydrogen economy
Neuartiges Verfahren setzt Standard bei platinfreien Elektrokatalysatoren zur Synthese von molekularem Wasserstoff Elektrokatalytische Erzeugung von Wasserstoff durch Wasserspaltung stellt das effektivste Verfahren für die zukünftige Wasserstoffökonomie dar
18 May 20173 May 2017 DICP Researchers Develop Efficient Multifunctional Catalyst for CO2 Hydrogenation to Gasoline Catalyst exhibited 78% selectivity to C5–C11 as well as low CH4 and CO selectivity under industrial relevant conditions
4 April 201731 March 2017 Chemiker entwickeln Verfahren zur Herstellung von Naturstoffen Ergebnisse eröffnen Möglichkeiten für Chemiker und Biologen, die Stoffe nachhaltig und in großen Mengen für die Forschung herzustellen
12 January 20179 September 2021 Rice scientists, colleagues use doped graphene quantum dots to reduce carbon dioxide to fuel Carbon dots dash toward ‘green’ recycling role
11 January 20179 January 2017 Forscher rücken molekulare Filme der Photokatalyse in greifbare Nähe Neu visualisierter Prozess könnte zu einer besseren (effektiveren?) solaren Energiegewinnung führen
DTU Researchers Make Molecular Movies of Photocatalysis About to Happen New findings provide a key step towards a general understanding of the dynamics involved in artificial photosynthesis