23 January 202417 January 2024 Catalytic Combo Converts CO2 to Solid Carbon Nanofibers Tandem electrocatalytic-thermocatalytic conversion could help offset emissions of potent greenhouse gas by locking carbon away in a useful material
Katalysator-Kombination wandelt Kohlendioxid in feste Kohlenstoff-Nanofasern um "Das Neue an dieser Arbeit ist, dass wir versuchen, CO2 in etwas umzuwandeln, das einen Mehrwert bietet, aber in einer festen, nützlichen Form"
23 June 202315 June 2023 Potentially Producing Carbon-Neutral Fuels HKU Chemists Achieve Sustainable Solar Energy Conversion with Artificial Photocatalysis
Potenziell kohlenstoffneutrale Kraftstoffe Chemiker erreichen nachhaltige Solarenergieumwandlung mit künstlicher Photokatalyse
14 December 20228 December 2022 To Battle Climate Change, Scientists Tap Into Carbon-Hungry Microorganisms for Clues New technique could fast-track future carbon-free solar fuels
13 October 202211 October 2022 Artificial Enzyme Splits Water Progress has been made on the path to sunlight-driven production of hydrogen. Chemists from Würzburg present a new enzyme-like molecular catalyst for water oxidation
Künstliches Enzym spaltet Wasser Auf dem Weg zur sonnenlichtgetriebenen Produktion von Wasserstoff ist ein Fortschritt gelungen. Ein Team aus der Chemie präsentiert einen enzymähnlichen molekularen Katalysator für die Wasseroxidation
16 August 202210 August 2022 New technology can help combat climate crisis Scientists have created a novel technology that can help to tackle climate change and address the global energy crisis
4 May 20223 May 2022 Hybrid Electro-biosystem Upcycles Carbon Dioxide into Energy-rich Long-chain Compounds Artificial upcycling of carbon dioxide (CO2) into value-added products in a sustainable manner represents an opportunity to tackle environmental issues and realize a circular economy