29 August 202324 August 2023 In First Deployment, Ebb Carbon Uses Seawater to Capture & Store CO2 Ebb is working w/ national labs, federal research agencies & academia to further scientific understanding & demonstrate responsible deployment of marine carbon dioxide removal
2 November 202231 October 2022 Bioplastics made of bacteria can reduce plastic waste in oceans A team of scientists of the Nereid Biomaterials team, including Rochester biologist Anne S. Meyer, is developing bioplastics to degrade in oceans
20 February 201519 February 2015 UGA study finds high marine debris, need for standardized reporting along Georgia coast "It's an important 21st century global issue. We need to learn more to better understand the issues of marine debris."
26 January 201523 January 2015 VIMS makes ocean-safe biodegradable ‘plastic’ from bacteria PHA's can be fashioned into microbeads, as powder or melted and extruded, will biodegrade into marine environment
8 May 20147 May 2014 Increased Drought Portends Lower Future Midwest Crop Yields New research found "number of risk management implications for farmers"