9 August 20224 August 2022 European project on increased use of recycled plastics in electronics has started By using (in principle) recycled plastics from electrical and electronic waste (WEEE), the INCREACE project will tackle areas where the use of recycled plastics is marginal today
Europäisches Projekt zur verstärkten Verwendung von recycelten Kunststoffen in Elektronik-Produkten gestartet Mit dem Einsatz der Kunststoffe aus EE-Altgeräten (WEEE) werden im INCREACE-Projekt Bereiche adressiert, in denen der Gebrauch recycelter Kunststoff- Materialien heute noch marginal ist
11 November 20197 November 2019 A Dutch consortium led by Vertoro has been granted €1.2 million to investigate the potential of crude lignin oil as a platform for sustainable chemicals and materials New project to focus on the further development of an interregional campus eco-system and for the conversion of biomass residues to crude lignin oil
27 March 201922 March 2019 Biobased socks made from PLA This research may be useful in determining suitable manufacturing requirements of PLA based socks to accomplish precise thermo-physiological properties
16 October 201811 October 2018 New renewable building blocks for step growth polymers The GREEN-CHEM network at Ghent University developed new building blocks for a vast variety of step growth polymers
15 December 201613 December 2016 Forschung baut auf Schälabfälle von Garnelen Eröffnung der neuen Labore des Aachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials, AMIBM
20 April 201618 April 2016 The Bioeconomy: The Netherlands in Pole Position Which three main measures Europe needs to foster the growth of the bioeconomy?
12 April 20167 April 2016 Biorizon scales up its bio-aromatics research again Commercially promising results for the conversion of wood, sugars and lignin
7 September 20154 September 2015 Invitation inauguration Stefaan de Wildeman Maastricht: Interactive session including inaugural speech entitled “Survival of the fittest plastics”
8 November 20137 November 2013 Aachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials gets to work at Chemelot Future research programmes have been detailed in a strategic plan
6 February 2013 Kick off of Aachen-Maastricht Institute for Biobased Materials Cross-border partnership on the Chemelot Campus to develop new, innovative and sustainable materials made from plants
16 December 2011 RWTH Aachen and Maastricht University about to establish a European cross border research institute "Cooperation of Excellence on Advanced Biobased Materials” will focus on plant-based feedstock as the resource of future