30 January 202528 January 2025 Topsoe chosen as technology provider for Sustainable Aviation Fuels project in Guangxi, China Topsoe, a global leader in carbon emission reduction technologies, has signed an agreement with Chuangui New Energy company to provide technology and services to produce SAF and renewable diesel
4 December 20242 December 2024 CO2 utilisation as an alternative to permanent sequestration According to the International Energy Agency, plans are already underway for over 20 commercial-scale CO2 capturing facilities
30 January 202422 January 2024 IEA: Global renewable energy sources grew by 50% in 2023 IEA’s latest Renewables report includes biogas for the first time - Improvements needed for renewable hydrogen and biofuels
24 January 202422 January 2024 Massive expansion of renewable power opens door to achieving global tripling goal set at COP28 World added 50% more renewable capacity in 2023 than in 2022 and next 5 years will see fastest growth yet, but lack of financing for emerging and developing economies is key issue
22 January 202415 January 2024 German industry joins forces with green groups on CO2 capture A group of Germany's most influential lobby groups have demanded Berlin present a carbon management strategy
CO2-Abscheidung: Deutsche Industrie und NGOs ziehen an einem Strang Während die Europäische Kommission ihre CO2-Management-Strategie für die Veröffentlichung am 6. Februar vorbereitet, drängen deutsche Verbände Berlin, seine eigene zu veröffentlichen – und sich in die EU-Debatte einzubringen
8 January 20248 January 2024 Vom Problem zum Rohstoff: Again nimmt wegweisende Produktionsanlage für CO₂-basierte Chemikalien in Betrieb und sichert sich $10 Million Seed-Financing Agains neuartige Biomanufacturing-Anlage wandelt mit Hilfe natürlicher, gasverzehrender Bakterien täglich bis zu einer Tonne CO₂ in Chemikalien um
Danish Climate Tech Startup Again Launches Groundbreaking Production Site for CO₂-Based Chemicals and Announces $10 million Seed Round The company harnesses natural, gas-eating bacteria to convert waste carbon dioxide (CO₂) into a range of sustainable chemical products
6 September 202330 August 2023 Higher Oil Prices Are One More Reason Why Airliners Look to Alternative Fuels Oil prices have spiked to at least $84 per barrel — another reason to consider using alternative fuels. It’s especially true for airliners, among the industries hardest hit by rising fuel prices
22 August 202317 August 2023 Is recycling CO2 into jet fuel the Holy Grail for sustainable aviation? Moses Lake, Washington is a small, pleasant city in the USA’s northwest, along a sinuous, managed body of water that from above resembles a dragon chasing an eagle
21 August 202315 August 2023 Direct air capture of CO2: dangerous nonsense If DAC is taken seriously by policy makers and the general public, this will lend the oil and gas companies delay in reducing their levels of production
9 June 20237 June 2023 Renewable power on course to shatter more records as countries around the world speed up deployment With the global energy crisis as a catalyst, solar PV and wind are set to lead the largest annual increase in new renewable capacity ever, new IEA report shows
Internationale Energieagentur erwartet Rekordausbau von Ökoenergie Die weltweite Produktion von erneuerbarer Energie erlebt dieses Jahr laut IEA einen Höhenflug. Um ein Drittel werde die Kapazität ausgebaut. Besonders bei Solarstrom – und vor allem durch China
21 April 202318 April 2023 Electrolyzers Market worth $23,555.9 Million by 2028 Promising growth by 2028 according to a new research report
9 March 20236 March 2023 Hydrogen: The path towards decarbonisation The full energy transition to hydrogen will be an important pillar for facing the power of decarbonising all areas of the economy so that the roadmap for hydrogen is established
9 February 20237 February 2023 Baustoff ohne sauberen Ersatz: Zement – die schmutzigste Industrie der Welt ntv-Redakteur Peter Schniering im Interview mit den beiden Experten Clara Pfeffer und Christian Hermann von Future Cleantech Architecs (FCA) im "Klima-Labor" von ntv
18 October 202212 October 2022 Mitsubishi Heavy readies launch of compact carbon capture units Company sees market for small businesses hoping to ease environmental impact
25 July 202225 July 2022 ReFuel EU – the feedstock challenge With the Fit-for-55 package, the European Commission has set an ambitious goal in the direction of climate protection and to meet the target of “net zero” CO2 emissions in 2050
22 March 202216 March 2022 Carbon capture: Early days of a $1 trillion industry? Solutions such as carbon capture, utilization and storage in reducing carbon emissions or even going a step further and removing existing CO2 from the atmosphere are necessary
5 January 20222 January 2022 ‘It’s time for a Fossil Fuel Non Proliferation Treaty With the global mean temperature of the earth’s atmosphere rising at the fastest pace ever, some NGO Leaders are redoubling efforts to do something all 25 COPs have failed to do - put an end to developing new coal, oil and gas assets around the world
1 December 202126 November 2021 Carbon capture and utilisation technologies are solutions to reduce CO2 emissions and move away from fossil resources CCU is a broad term that covers processes that aim at capturing CO2 from flue gas or directly from the air and converting it into a variety of products such as renewable fuels, chemicals, and materials
16 November 202112 November 2021 Carbon capture and utilisation technologies are solutions to reduce CO2 emissions and move away from fossil resources Most of these technologies, when appropriately integrated, will significantly aid in meeting climate goals
11 November 20215 November 2021 Carbon Clean launches breakthrough industrial carbon capture solution The prefabricated, modular solution will make carbon capture simple, affordable, and scalable
2 November 202127 October 2021 Carbon capture and storage: Another arrow in the green quiver Given the steep Paris targets, companies are looking to reduce their emissions by capturing carbon and using it for the production of a host of items including soda ash As is the case with any new technology, the cost of capturing carbon dioxide is exorbitant at present ($45-50 per tonne), though it has fallen considerably since 2004 when it was $250 per tonne.
23 September 202123 September 2021 Solugen raises over $350M – The Series C funding will go towards making carbon negative chemicals In today’s Digest, you may find reports about the funding, who’s behind it, the tech, reactions, and more
2 July 20219 September 2021 Carbon negative material company wins Circularity Accelerate contest Audi AG worked with Made of Air to create a sustainable dealership model featuring a carbon storing plastic facade
1 June 202116 June 2021 No land left – New BirdLife report hits back at International Energy Agency proposal to dedicate more of worlds cropland to bioenergy IEA encourages false climate solutions to produce biomass that ends being burned for energy. But there is no “spare” land left to burn
Transport biofuels production fell 8% in 2020, IEA reveals The largest year-on-year drops in output were in Brazilian and US ethanol production, and in biodiesel production in Europe
12 February 20219 September 2021 The potential for carbon-capture tech is captivating The biggest breakthrough came with the two-year extension to the 45Q corporate tax credit for carbon removal projects in the last days of the Trump administration
12 October 20209 September 2021 Growing momentum behind carbon capture can make it a new clean energy success story Governments and companies have the chance today to turn CCUS into a clean energy success story that will bring environmental and economic benefits worldwide
15 September 202010 September 2020 Oil industry placing risky bet on plastics, report says Surging plastic use has caused a pollution crisis, with least 8 million tonnes thought to end up in oceans every year
5 August 20201 August 2020 Dutch agency advises the Netherlands to phase out bioenergy In its new GAIN report, SER recommends that biomass to be used for the highest value applications possible and comply with clear sustainability requirements
18 June 202015 June 2020 Clean tech and climate policy could cut fossil fuel profits by two thirds Countries must plan orderly exit from oil, gas and coal
17 June 202012 June 2020 The Future Of Fuel Source Sustainability With Airlines How far away are we from commercially viable sustainable aviation fuel?
19 February 20209 September 2021 Call for Innovations: carbon capture and utilization (CCU) technologies for the Port-Daniel-Gascons cement plant McInnis Cement issues innovation call for carbon capture and utilisation technologies
13 January 20208 January 2020 Der europäische Grüne Deal: Die Botschaft hör ich wohl, … Deutsche Bank Experte Eric Heymann zweifelt offen an den Klima-Ambitionen des Europäischen Grünen Deals
7 January 202020 December 2019 Newsletter des Advanced Motor Fuels Technology Collaboration Programme In der aktuellen Ausgabe steht das indische Biokraftstoffprogramm, Elektrofahrzeuge in den USA und die Entwicklung von Ladestationen, sowie die ‘saubere‘ Schifffahrt und die Ethanolumwandlung in Biokerosin im Mittelpunkt
31 July 201928 July 2019 Leaked UN science report warns of clash between bioenergy and food Models suggest large areas of land are needed for forests and biofuel crops to halt climate change, but this risks worsening hunger, draft tells policymakers
1 July 20199 September 2021 German industry talks up ‘carbon-free’ hydrogen from fossil gas It has become increasingly evident that hydrogen will be an integral part of the solution to decarbonise the economy
1 April 201927 March 2019 CO2 emissions rose to historic highs in 2018 Increase in emissions was driven by higher energy consumption resulting from weather conditions in some parts of the world
30 January 201925 January 2019 VTT develops a new sustainable way to turn forestry waste into transport fuels and chemicals New approach uses gasification to turn biomass into intermediate products like liquid hydrocarbons, methanol or methane
17 January 20199 September 2021 BP announces its part in the Clean Gas Project, a world-first in CCUS technology for capturing emissions from gas-fired power generation World’s first large-scale commercial facility for capturing carbon emissions from gas-fired power generation to be set up in Teesside
15 January 201910 January 2019 BBI JU launches report of good national-level policies and strategies to support bio-based industries This publication provides an overview of the status of policies and strategies to support the bio-based industrial sector at national level during 2017
18 December 201813 December 2018 Report: Biofuels, bioproducts required to meet GHG goals Regarding the U.S., the report finds that although the country is the most prominent producer and consumer of biofuels in the world, 80.1 percent of total primary energy consumption came from fossil fuels as of 2016
7 December 20183 December 2018 What Will it Take?: The Digest’s 2018 Multi-Slide ABLC Guide to Policies for the Biofuture Take-off Dr. Paolo Frankl, Head Renewable Energy Division of the IEA, gave this illuminating presentation at the Biofuture Global Cooperation Forum, part of ABLC Global 2018 in San Francisco
12 October 201810 October 2018 Erneuerbare Energien: Anteil am globalen Verbrauch steigt schneller 2017 stieg der Verbrauch Erneuerbarer Energien weltweit um 5 Prozent an – deutlich schneller als der Gesamtverbrauch
2 February 201816 February 2018 Biobasierte Materialien – Werkstoffe und Textilien Ob Mais, Holz, Wiesengras, Löwenzahn oder Zuckerrohr – die Rohstoffbasis von Biomaterialien ist ebenso groß wie ihre Anwendungsmöglichkeiten. Das Dossier beleuchtet die Bandbreite existierender Biomaterialien und ihre Einsatzgebiete
16 January 20189 September 2021 An innovative natural-gas power plant could be the future of hurricane-proof electricity Which price is worth paying for a clean and reliable way to keep the lights on during natural disasters?
30 November 201728 November 2017 Biofuture@COP23: Major countries agree to scale up the low carbon bioeconomy and develop sustainable biofuels targets IEA / IRENA data finds bioenergy share in global energy mix must double in next decade to reach paris agreement temperature goals
8 November 20172 November 2017 Governments, international agencies affirm the need to massively increase bioenergy and byproducts to fight climate change The Summit was held in São Paulo, Brazil with more than 270 delegates from 28 countries coming together to discuss the best ways to face a relevant challenge