1 September 202229 August 2022 Continental Relies on Bio-Attributed PVC BIOVYN™ for Technical and Decorative Surface Materials The use of BIOVYN™ resins meets increasing customer demand for more sustainable raw materials
Continental setzt bei technischen und dekorativen Oberflächenmaterialien auf bio-attribuiertes PVC BIOVYN™ Die Verwendung von BIOVYN™-Harzen trägt der erhöhten Kundennachfrage nach nachhaltigeren Rohstoffen Rechnung
10 November 20217 November 2021 Jokasafe Contributes to a Carbon Neutral Future with the World’s First Bio-Attributed Vinyl Gloves Jokasafe is the first vinyl glove manufacturer to launch a new collection based on highly sustainable BIOVYN ™ vinyl
8 November 20213 November 2021 BIOVYN™ expands into the sustainable fashion and utility clothing sector Swedish clothing brand Farmerrain is the latest manufacturer to use BIOVYN™ PVC as part of its sustainability strategy
25 May 202116 June 2021 BIOVYN™ provides a sustainable solution for fossil-free construction Norway’s largest manufacturer and supplier of plastic pipe systems, Pipelife today launches a new generation pipes made from BIOVYN™
19 November 202016 November 2020 EU-Project: Using marginal land for cropping sustainable, bio-based fibres for technical applications NETFIB - Valorisation of fibres from nettle grown on marginal lands in an agro-forestry cropping system
Verwertung von Nesselfasern aus Grenzertragsflächen, angebaut im System der Agro-Forstwirtschaft – EU-Projektstart NETFIB am Bionik-Innovations-Centrum Lösungsansatz für Nutzungskonflikt zwischen Nahrungsmittelproduktion und „Non-Food“-Einsatz
23 October 202020 October 2020 INOVYN supplies its next generation of sustainable PVC to ‘The Hope Project’ BIOVYNTM is a specialist grade of PVC made using a renewable feedstock derived from wood-based residue from the forestry industry
15 May 20209 September 2021 Hafen von Antwerpen: Konsortium treibt Projekt für Power-to-Methanol voran Geplante Demonstrationsanlage soll 8.000 tpa grünes Methanol produzieren und dabei ebenso viel an Treibhausgasen einsparen
INOVYN plays role in ambitious ‘Power to Methanol’ project in Antwerp A planned industrial-scale demonstration unit would produce 8,000tpa of sustainable methanol and would save at least 8,000tpa of CO2 emissions every year
25 October 201924 October 2019 INOVYN launches World’s first commercially available grade of bio-attributed PVC BIOVYNTM is made using bio-attributed ethylene, a renewable feedstock derived from biomass that does not compete with the food chain