9 September 20244 September 2024 More sustainable solar modules made from renewable raw materials Within the recently completed project “E2 - E-Quadrat" the Fraunhofer CSP in Germany has developed with partners a solar module in which the components that are not directly required for light-to-electricity conversion are made from biodegradable materials, recyclable materials or renewable raw materials
Nachhaltigere Solarmodule aus erneuerbaren Rohstoffen Im kürzlich abgeschlossenen Projekt "E2 – E-Quadrat" hat das Fraunhofer-Center für Silizium-Photovoltaik CSP in Halle (Saale) zusammen mit Partnern ein Solarmodul entwickelt, bei dem die Komponenten, die nicht direkt zur Licht-Strom-Umwandlung benötigt werden, aus biologisch abbaubaren Materialien, recyclebaren Materialien oder nachwachsenden Rohstoffen bestehen
24 June 202024 June 2020 The winner of the innovation award “Hemp Product of the Year 2020” is Henry’s Hempharvester with a front-loaded attachment for harvesting industrial hemp flowers and stems – especially suitable for small farms Second winner is an architectural research consortium with its modular, off-grid hemp house (SUNIMPLANT) in Morocco and third winner is the world first Lyocell type fibre made from hemp fibres or fibre waste (Lyohemp™ knitwear)
28 May 202028 May 2020 Six candidates are nominated for the innovation award “Hemp Product of the Year 2020” This year, nova-Institute will host the established “17th EIHA Hemp Conference”, 16–17 June 2020, ONLINE. More than 400 participants are expected. The winners of the innovation award will, also ONLINE, be elected by the conference participants.
23 April 202023 April 2020 Project in Morocco combines hemp and solar to go totally off grid Spain-based Cannabric ground-breaking eco-building in Morocco combines a hemp construction with a high-tech solar energy system
3 September 201829 August 2018 Fraunhofer CSP develops smart water filter systems Goal of the research project is to create a database to allow the pollution of lakes and rivers to be analyzed and subsequently reduced
Smarte Filteranlagen zum Nachweis von Mikroplastik im Wasser Fraunhofer CSP entwickelte Filtersystem für eine bessere Datenanalyse von Mikroplastik in Gewässern