22 November 202418 November 2024 Malaysia’s 2025 budget promotes palm waste SAF Malaysia's state-owned Petronas will work with palm oil producers to develop palm oil waste-based sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), according to prime minister Anwar Ibrahim when he presented the 2025 budget
12 January 20189 January 2018 Felda protests EU’s ban on palm oil It is rather disappointing for Malaysia that the EU Parliament failed to recognise Malaysia’s efforts towards producing certified CSPO for the global market
14 January 201613 January 2016 Aus Malaysias Palmölabfall wird Bio-Kunststoff Abfallverwertungsprojekt zur Herstellung von biologischem Kunststoff geplant
FGV to explore biodegradable plastics production from palm oil biomass waste with Newlight Technologies and Innogas Sustainable biomass project is aimed at diversifying and further developing the company’s new revenue streams
23 October 201523 October 2015 10 Signature biofuels projects for 2015-16, and where they are That was then, this is now
6 January 20155 January 2015 10 Biggest Bioeconomy Blockbuster Stories of 2014: Asia and Oceania The East is Green: Asia is confirmed as “the new Brazil” as project developers head en masse to the friendly receptions in Asian countries — based on energy diversification and rural development opportunities
2 October 2012 Ensyn and Fibria establish strategic alliance: Fibria to invest US$ 20 MM in Ensyn Corporation