12 September 20246 September 2024 Solar overtook hard coal as electricity source in 2022 Poland and Czechia are the only two remaining producers of hard coal in the EU, with only Poland using it as a major source for electricity generation
2 November 202331 October 2023 Supply chain letter on the need for mass balance fuel-use exempt for chemical recycling 20 associations call on EU Member States to urgently adopt mass balance fuel-use exempt as the EU harmonised mass balance method for allocating recycled content via chemical recycling
Verbände fordern Anerkennung von „Fuel Use Exempt“-Massenbilanzierung 20 europäische Verbände fordern eine EU-weite Regulierung und Anerkennung von Massenbilanzen für das chemische Recycling nach der „Fuel Use Exempt“-Regel
23 February 202321 February 2023 EU sees brutal drop in renewable energy used in transport Recently released figures by EU statistics agency Eurostat show a spectacular drop in the amount of renewable energy used in the transport sector for 2021, a trend that affects almost all EU countries and is due to a change in the calculation methodology for biofuels
Eurostat: Starker Rückgang von erneuerbaren Energien im Verkehrssektor Kürzlich veröffentlichte Zahlen der europäischen Statistikbehörde Eurostat zeigen einen deutlichen Rückgang des Anteils erneuerbarer Energien im Verkehrssektor für das Jahr 2021. Fast alle EU-Staaten sind von diesem Trend betroffen, der auf eine Änderung der Berechnungsmethodik für Biokraftstoffe zurückzuführen ist
28 November 202224 November 2022 Embraced, a step forward for a Circular Bioeconomy in Europe Horizon 2020 Embraced Project was protagonist at Ecomondo in Rimini in early November
2 September 202230 August 2022 Warum Waldbiomasse nicht zu den „erneuerbaren“ Energien gezählt werden darf Der Umweltausschuss sieht vor, dass die Verbrennung sekundärer Biomasse weiterhin als erneuerbare Energie im Rahmen der Richtlinie angerechnet werden kann und damit Subventionen erhält
Why forest biomass must not be counted as ‘renewable’ energy The environment committee amendment still allows burning secondary biomass materials, like sawdust and bark from sawmills, to qualify as renewable energy under the RED and receive subsidies
9 November 20214 November 2021 EU recycled 41% of plastic packaging waste in 2019 In 2019, each person living in the EU generated 34.4 kg of plastic packaging waste, out of which 14.1 kg was recycled
29 March 201624 March 2016 Report quantifies employment, turnover impacts of EU bioeconomy According to BIC, some sectors, such as the forest-based industry, are fully biobased and thus fully accounted to the bioeconomy
24 September 201523 September 2015 Commission ready to give more aid to young farmers Over 160,000 young European farmers will start their own businesses thanks to aid provided by the 2014-2020 rural development programmes
11 September 201510 September 2015 EU-weite Konsultation zur Reform der EU-Agrarstatistik EU-Kommission plant Modernisierung der Rechtsgrundlagen zur Erhebung statistischer Daten
How to Turn an Old Sofa into Biofuel A Dutch initiative explores methods on how to use solid urban waste to produce liquid biofuels and biochemicals
8 September 20158 September 2015 Experts from nova-Institute introduced: This month Dr. Stephan Piotrowski, Agricultural economist
16 July 201514 July 2015 EU Bioeconomy worth EUR2 trillion A new study by nova-Institute: EU-28 bioeconomy is worth 2 trillion euro, providing 19 million jobs
2 June 20151 June 2015 A new study by nova-Institut: EU-28 bioeconomy is worth 2 trillion euro, providing 19 million jobs Experts present an estimation of employment and turnover in the European bio-based economy
15 July 201414 July 2014 Biorefineries present ‘historic opportunity’ to regenerate rural Europe The development of local biorefineries can 'completely reverse' the decline in rural EU communities, writes Rob Vierhout
11 June 201410 June 2014 EU-Agrarreform wird Artenvielfalt nicht ausreichend schützen Forscher empfehlen in SCIENCE zusätzliche Maßnahmen
29 April 201410 March 2015 Global Information adds “Biorefinery Products: Global Markets” to list of reports BCC report finds, removing barriers and introducing new mechanisms would facilitate market entry
22 February 2013 ADCELLPACK project advances the use of cellulose-based materials in food packaging Wood-fibre-based packaging material to be developed by consortium
29 November 2012 In der EU27 stammt nahezu die Hälfte der erneuerbaren Energie von Holz und Holzabfällen Produktion und Verbrauch von Holz in der EU27 - Anteile von über 80% in Estland, Litauen, Finnland und Polen