31 January 202527 January 2025 European Research Council Proof of Concept awards for 2 AMBER Researchers Both projects will utilise MXene, an emerging 2D material with the rare combination of properties which is considered as the building block of the future materials and device
22 January 202516 January 2025 Anorganische und Biokatalysatoren reduzieren gemeinsam CO2 In einer hybriden Kaskade wird aus klimaschädlichem CO2 wieder wertvolles Methanol. Ein internationales Forschungsteam hat gezeigt, wie das funktioniert
19 January 202317 January 2023 Solarbetriebenes System wandelt Plastik und Treibhausgase in nachhaltige Brennstoffe um "Das Besondere an diesem System ist seine Vielseitigkeit und Einstellbarkeit"
17 January 202312 January 2023 Solar-powered system converts plastic and greenhouse gases into sustainable fuels Researchers have developed a system that can transform plastic waste and greenhouse gases into sustainable fuels and other valuable products – using just the energy from the Sun
13 October 202211 October 2022 Artificial Enzyme Splits Water Progress has been made on the path to sunlight-driven production of hydrogen. Chemists from Würzburg present a new enzyme-like molecular catalyst for water oxidation
Künstliches Enzym spaltet Wasser Auf dem Weg zur sonnenlichtgetriebenen Produktion von Wasserstoff ist ein Fortschritt gelungen. Ein Team aus der Chemie präsentiert einen enzymähnlichen molekularen Katalysator für die Wasseroxidation
31 August 202225 August 2022 Scientists develop gel made from spider silk proteins for biomedical applications Researchers at KI and SLU have discovered that spider silk proteins can be fused to biologically active proteins and be converted into a gel at body temperature
7 July 20225 July 2022 Scientists Discover “Holy Grail of Catalysis” – Converting Methane Into Methanol Using Light The method involves a continuous flow of methane/oxygen-saturated water over a novel metal-organic framework (MOF) catalyst
11 March 20228 March 2022 New, nature-inspired concepts for turning CO2 into clean fuels Some Cambridge researchers, working with a team from the Universidade Nova de Lisboa in Portugal, have developed a method to improve the efficiency of electrolysis by fine-tuning the solution conditions to alter the local environment of the enzymes
17 November 202113 November 2021 Sustainable, biodegradable glitter – from your fruit bowl Plant-based biodegradable glitter sparkles without the microplastics
17 May 202126 December 2021 Citrus derivative makes transparent wood 100 percent renewable KTH researchers have successfully tested an eco-friendly alternative to the former fossil based polymers: limonene acrylate, a monomer made from limonene
16 March 202112 March 2021 International Women’s day. The bioeconomy revolution is led by women This year, as every year, for the International Women’s Day, we dedicate a tribute to all women who are making the bioeconomy happen all around the world
5 February 20219 September 2021 Sustainable hydrogen production a step closer Reisner lab received ERC Proof of Concept Grant for "SolReGen" project aiming at coupling photoreforming process with a benign enzymatic waste pre-treatment
23 March 202018 March 2020 Scientists call for action for the EU Common Agricultural Policy to address sustainability challenges An open statement signed by over 3,600 scientists across Europe and beyond
6 December 20193 December 2019 The Greenest Diet: Bacteria Switch to Eating Carbon Dioxide Such bacteria may, in the future, contribute to new, carbon-efficient technologies
11 November 20196 November 2019 Turning wood into pharmaceutical ingredients "From Wood to Tetrahydro-2-benzazepines in Three Waste-Free Steps: Modular Synthesis of Biologically Active Lignin-Derived Scaffolds"
18 April 201915 April 2019 Degradable plastics Professor Stefan Mecking, Chair of Chemical Materials Science at the University of Konstanz, receives an Advanced Grant from the European Research Council to study degradable plastics
Abbaubare Kunststoffe Konstanzer Chemiker Prof. Dr. Stefan Mecking erhält Advanced Grant des Europäischen Forschungsrates zur Entwicklung abbaubarer Kunststoffe
19 January 201817 January 2018 Harnessing the power of algae: new, greener fuel cells move step closer to reality Cambridge researchers have developed a two-chamber BPV system utilizing algae to convert light into electricity
11 August 20179 August 2017 Max-Planck-Institut für Dynamik komplexer technischer Systeme Magdeburg Wissenschaftler am Max-Planck-Institut haben mittels mathematischer Modelle fünf Mikroorganismen hinsichtlich ihres Potenzials zur zellulären Synthese von Chemikalien untersucht
30 January 201729 January 2017 Generating more value from biomass: lignin valorisation goes beyond burning wood Congratulations to Dr Roberto Rinaldi who has been awarded a €2million European Research Council Consolidator Grant to support his research
8 November 20165 November 2016 KTH: Technique could lower cost of making bioplastics and biofuel Swedish researchers found an efficient, non-destructive way to detect occurrence and purity of cellulose
20 November 201519 November 2015 Pushing the Limits of Technology, Recognizing the Limits of Natural Resources Interview with Catia Bastioli (Novamont)
16 June 201515 June 2015 Neues Baukastenkonzept für maßgeschneiderte Proteine „Protein-Lego“-Projekt soll in den nächsten fünf Jahren im Rahmen eines ERC Grants mit zwei Millionen Euro gefördert werden
New construction kit for designing new proteins “Protein Lego” project awarded with ERC Grant around two million euros to provide over the next five years
8 September 20145 September 2014 Scientists create renewable fossil fuel alternative using bacteria Engineered harmless gut bacteria E. coli to generate renewable propane