28 October 202423 October 2024 New report on carbon farming in the European forestry sector Building resilient forests: new report urges long term practices over quick profit wins
9 October 20235 October 2023 New study sets out 9 recommendations to help implement the EU Forest Strategy A unique EFI science-policy study assesses how national and regional policies meet the goals of the EU Forest Strategy and presents nine policy recommendations to aid the Strategy’s implementation
6 June 20231 June 2023 Forest soils can increase climate change mitigation with targeted management Forest soils are larger carbon stocks than the trees that grow on them. Yet global studies on forest carbon stock changes often focus on wood biomass, wood products or various offsetting effects
4 May 20233 May 2023 Building the cities of the future The ThinkForest seminar Forests and the cities of the future explored the transformational role forests and nature can play in creating ‘biocities’, and some of the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead
2 May 202327 April 2023 Environmental impacts of modern wood buildings As modern wooden buildings and their building systems are still relatively new, studies are still limited
28 April 202325 April 2023 Environmental impacts of wood-based textile fibres Future studies should take into consideration the differences in properties of wood-based textile fibres and their non-wood counterparts
7 October 20225 October 2022 Bioökonomieforum: Mit nachhaltigen Innovationen den Krisen begegnen Das erste Bioökonomieforum des Bioökonomierats war ein vielseitiges Digital-Event. Akteure aus Politik, Wirtschaft und Forschung tauschten sich darüber aus, wie biobasiertes Wirtschaften in Zeiten akuter und chronischer Krisen vorangetrieben werden kann
29 September 202226 September 2022 New study analyses how forests and wood use can help meet climate goals European Forest Institute study shows that wood products can provide a significant contribution to achieve climate neutrality by 2050
9 June 20224 June 2022 New EFI study launched – Maintaining and enhancing forest biodiversity in Europe Forest biodiversity is more than just a mixture of species, as it concerns gene pools, structural and functional diversity as well as scale aspects that range from a single tree to entire regions
19 March 202116 March 2021 “The world needs a new economic system that is powered by nature” Q&A with European Forest Institute director Marc Palahí on the bioeconomy movement
1 February 20211 February 2021 Probing the European bioeconomy’s development through its drivers and indicators Partners from the BioMonitor project published its latest paper in the Sustainability journal on the drivers and indicators that will measure the development of the bioeconomy
6 November 20202 November 2020 An interview with Marc Palahí, Director EFI: “The bioeconomy is an important concept currently missing in the Green Deal” In this exclusive interview, he talks about pandemic and Green New Deal, forests and the role of cities and regions in the development of the EU bioeconomy
17 June 202012 June 2020 Investing in Nature to Transform the Post COVID-19 Economy A 10-point Action Plan to create a circular bioeconomy devoted to sustainable wellbeing
8 January 202022 December 2019 New BioHub for Europe’s forestry capital Three organisations signed a Memorandum of Understanding on structural changes in forest bioeconomy markets and development of the forest bioeconomy in Russia and China
4 December 20191 December 2019 Marc Palahí talks to Il Bioeconomista. An interview with the director of EFI Marc Palahí, director of EFI, in this exclusive interview with Il Bioeconomista - after his business trip to China
10 January 20197 January 2019 Study analyses contribution of wood products to climate change mitigation Limitations and important research gaps should be covered as impact of wood products is only one component in climate change mitigation
30 October 201828 October 2018 The updated EU bioeconomy strategy. An interview with Marc Palahí, director EFI Marc Palahí, director at the European Forest Institute, talks with Il Bioeconomista
4 October 20182 October 2018 Flying start for World BioEconomy Forum Global bioeconomy movers and shakers congregate in northern Finland’s pristine wilderness for an exciting event – likely to be the first of many
15 February 201815 February 2018 Bioeconomy: A global trend? More work is needed to realize bioeconomy's potential as a climate solution
15 January 201811 January 2018 An interview with Marc Palahí, director of EFI. “We must place the bioeconomy at the core of the EU Industrial, Climate and Sustainability Agenda” Marc Palahí talks about the next steps which are needed to place the bioeconomy at the core of the EU industrial, climate and sustainability agenda
18 December 201715 December 2017 World bioeconomy stakeholders meet in Helsinki to move the bioeconomy from niche to norm More than 400 participants are in Helsinki to discuss how investment can bring speed and scale to the European Bioeconomy
27 November 201722 November 2017 ThinkForest Seminar: Circular bioeconomy can create a sustainable, renewable society How we mainstream the implementation of the circular bioeconomy strategy was the focus of seminar organised by European Forest Institute (EFI)
6 October 20172 October 2017 Forestry combating climate change: an inconvenient truth? Open letter from Director Marc Palahí, of the European Forest Institute
11 April 201730 March 2017 An interview with Marc Palahi, director of EFI: An ambitious bioeconomy strategy is needed In this exclusive interview, Marc Palahi talks about bioeconomy and circular economy, Brexit and Donald Trump, the role of mass media and much more
25 September 201524 September 2015 Bioeconomy offers Europe and Russia opportunity for long-term strategic cooperation Falling oil prices not the only reason for Russia to follow the bioeconomy path
2 September 201531 August 2015 LignoSilva: for Innovating the Forest-based Bioeconomy Initial one-year project to produce a business plan for the Slovakian Centre of Excellence
25 February 201524 February 2015 Important role for European forests in new biobased economy Production of renewable raw materials using biorefinery and green energy could go hand in hand with biodiversity conservation and development.
19 November 201418 November 2014 Great opportunities for the forest sector Cooperation is the key to success - The ThinkForest event brought together policy makers, scientists and stakeholders
3 June 20142 June 2014 Bioenergy push needs land ‘three times the size of the UK’ New report by Vienna University shows EU bioenergy demand equalled the total land area of a country like Sweden
23 September 2012 Starke Wertverluste für Europas Waldflächen bis 2100 erwartet IPCC Klimawandel-Szenarios prognostizieren eine deutliche Veränderung der Baumartenverteilung in europäischen Wäldern mit starken Auswirkungen auf die Holzindustrie
28 April 2009 Biodiversity: Woody crops less harmful than arable crops Study finds that EU biofuel target reduces biodiversity