11 June 20244 June 2024 Climeworks becomes world’s first direct air capture company certified under the Puro Standard Certification under the Puro Standard involves the auditing of Climeworks’ direct air capture process as well as Carbfix’s CO2 mineralization by an accredited entity
Climeworks erhält erstmals Puro-Standard-Zertifizierung für Direct Air Capture im Orca-Werk Die Zertifizierung nach dem Puro-Standard umfasst die Prüfung des direkten Luftabscheidungsprozesses von Climeworks sowie der CO2-Mineralisierung von Carbfix durch eine akkreditierte Stelle
29 May 202424 May 2024 Climeworks switches on world’s largest direct air capture plant Mammoth is another milestone in Climeworks journey to reach megaton carbon removal capacity by 2030 and gigaton scale by 2050, which is needed to fight global warming
Größter CO2-„Staubsauger“ der Welt in Betrieb genommen Climeworks „Mammoth“ hat bereits erfolgreich mit dem Auffangen und Speichern des ersten CO2 begonnen - Geothermie-Partner ON Power in Island liefert die erneuerbare Energie, um das Luftfilter-Verfahren zu betreiben
15 April 202410 April 2024 Climeworks signs 9-year agreement with the LEGO Group and KIRKBI Climeworks verifiably removes CO₂ from the air and helps companies to address their hard-to-abate CO₂ emissions
CO2: Lego setzt auf Abscheidung und Speicherung Um seine CO2-Bilanz zu verbessern, hat Lego einen langfristigen Vertrag mit Climeworks, Pionier im Bereich Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR), geschlossen
11 March 20247 March 2024 Cost of direct air carbon capture to remain higher than hoped ETH researchers estimate the cost of removing 1 tonne of CO2 from the air in the year 2050 to be between 230 and 540 US dollars. This is twice as high as previous estimates
CO2 aus der Luft filtern bleibt teurer als erhofft ETH-Forschende berechnen, dass es im Jahr 2050 zwischen 230 und 540 Dollar kosten könnte, eine Tonne CO2 aus der Luft zu entfernen. Bisher ging man von halb so hohen Kosten aus
15 February 202412 February 2024 Climeworks and Svante Collaborate in Development and Supply for Direct Air Capture Climeworks and Svante have signed a collaboration and supply agreement to further advance commercial-scale solutions for direct air capture
Climeworks und Svante kooperieren bei der Entwicklung und Bereitstellung von “Direct Air Capture” Beide Unternehmen vereinbaren die Zusammenarbeit bei drei großen CO₂-Abscheidnungsprojekten
15 November 20239 November 2023 3D printed reactor core makes solar fuel production more efficient Using a new 3D printing technique, researchers at ETH Zurich have developed special ceramic structures for a solar reactor. Initial testing show that these structures can boost the production yield of solar fuels
3D-gedruckter Reaktorkern macht solare Treibstoffproduktion effizienter Mittels einer neuen 3D-Drucktechnik können Forschende der ETH Zürich komplexe Keramikstrukturen für den Solarreaktor herstellen, mit denen sich die Ausbeute des Solartreibstoffs deutlich steigern lässt
3 April 202329 March 2023 Mammoth: what it takes to manufacture direct air capture plants at new scales 2023 kicked off with the start of the CO₂ collector container production
2 March 202327 February 2023 Top 10: Leading Carbon Capture Companies Carbon capture companies aim to bridge the gap between the energy transition and dependence on hard-to-abate industries - we take a look at the top 10
24 January 202319 January 2023 Climeworks delivers third-party certified CDR services to its first corporate customers, based on first and only validated DAC+S methodology Climeworks hopes to lead as an example for peers, customers and policy makers alike that are committed to climate action
7 November 202231 October 2022 Climeworks completes the commercial operations of its 1st gen technology in Hinwil, Switzerland, the world’s first commercial DAC facility In Hinwil, Climeworks’ air-captured CO₂ was provided to customers for utilization — an existing market for CO₂, which enabled the first commercial operation of Climeworks’ DAC technology
6 October 20224 October 2022 U.S.: Climeworks is ready to contribute to the American DAC ecosystem The company has 100,000 hours of operational field experience gained in Europe and is already engaged in test and research projects in the U.S. in collaboration with the Department of Energy (DOE) and local partners
31 August 202222 August 2022 With a €43M EU grant and €1.2M from a VC, this startup plans to turn CO2 emissions into gold The global problem of an over-abundance of CO2 in the atmosphere is ongoing, and a huge area that needs to be addressed, given the amount pumped out by industry
25 August 202216 August 2022 Climeworks becomes first supplier of long-term, technology-based carbon removal to Microsoft, as the companies sign a 10-year offtake agreement Climeworks is excited to take its collaboration with Microsoft to the next level: following its selection as part of Microsoft’s carbon removal portfolio last year, the two companies have now closed a new 10-year carbon removal offtake agreement
4 August 20221 August 2022 Sun-to-Liquid: Kerosin direkt aus dem Solarturm Eine Pilotanlage in Spanien erzeugt aus Wasser, Kohlendioxid und Solarkraft klimaneutrale, flüssige Treibstoffe. Der Wirkungsgrad hat aber noch Luft nach oben
22 July 202218 July 2022 Jim Hurt commentary: Can Gov. Scott and VT Climate Council go around the court’s crazy EPA ruling? The missing ingredient that Gov. Scott and Vermont utilities can bring to the table is a profitable plan for CO2 removal which can be reused to make synthetic fuels and other products
12 April 20226 April 2022 Abscheidung und Speicherung: So sieht der größte CO₂-Filter der Welt aus Die Anlage namens Orca in Island soll CO₂ aus der Luft entfernen und im Boden binden. Unsere Bildergalerie zeigt die weltweit größte Anlage ihrer Art
4 April 202229 March 2022 The race to upcycle CO2 into fuels, concrete and more Companies are scrambling to turn the greenhouse gas into useful products — but will that slow climate change?
31 March 202228 March 2022 Carbon-Capture Startup Using Dirt Cheap Material Raises $53 Million Heirloom uses cheap and widely available limestone to suck carbon from the air. The latest funds will help build its first pilot-scale facility
22 March 202216 March 2022 Carbon capture: Early days of a $1 trillion industry? Solutions such as carbon capture, utilization and storage in reducing carbon emissions or even going a step further and removing existing CO2 from the atmosphere are necessary
19 November 202116 November 2021 Kohlendioxid-Sauger fürs Klima Große Filteranlagen können der Luft CO2 entziehen und es wieder unter die Erde bringen. Die entscheidende Frage lautet nur: Ist das überhaupt effizient? Forscher der Universität Freiburg haben wichtige Antworten gefunden
10 November 20215 November 2021 Klimapioniere Jan Wurzbacher und Christoph Gebald: Die CO₂-Sauger Zwei deutsche Ingenieure entwickelten vor Jahren ein winziges Gerät, das Kohlendioxid filtert. Inzwischen ist die Technik erwachsen – und aus dem kleinen Start-up eine große Zukunftshoffnung geworden
1 October 202128 September 2021 Climate crisis: do we need millions of machines sucking CO2 from the air? From turning CO2 into rock to capturing the breath of office workers, a growing number of companies think the answer is yes
17 September 202116 September 2021 Carbon removals must not become an expensive greenwashing tool Supporters of carbon removal technologies often confuse carbon capture and storage (CCS) with negative emissions. They also risk greenwashing industry claims of climate neutrality, and encourage massive investments in false climate ‘solutions’ that risk becoming stranded assets
15 September 202110 September 2021 Orca: Weltgrößte Anlage zur direkten CO₂-Entnahme aus der Atmosphäre in Betrieb In Island zieht jetzt eine Anlage jährlich 4.000 Tonnen CO₂ aus der Atmosphäre und lagert sie unterirdisch an. Wie zukunftsfähig das ist, ist umstritten
Climeworks begins operations of Orca, the world’s largest direct air capture and CO₂ storage plant Orca is the first-of-its-kind plant that translates the vision of industrial-scale direct air capture and storage into reality
18 June 20219 September 2021 Mit Solar-Treibstoff zum Klimaziel Empa-Forschende untersuchen im Mobilitätsdemonstrator «move» die Herstellung von synthetischem Methan aus energetischer, technischer und wirtschaftlicher Perspektive
Saving the climate with solar fuel In Empa's mobility demonstrator, move, researchers are investigating the production of synthetic methane from an energy, technical and economic perspective
14 May 20219 September 2021 High Hopes claims stratospheric breakthrough in direct air CO2 capture The trouble right now is the extremely high cost of pulling carbon directly out of the air
24 February 20219 September 2021 CO2 sucked from the air and turned into jet fuel shows promise The European Commission will publish its ReFuelEU initiative next month, which aims to boost supply and demand of SAFs – including e-fuels and more commonly used advanced biofuels – across Europe
23 February 20219 September 2021 Carbon Capture – A Man-made Solution To Solve A Man-made Problem Many of the companies, who were not that long ago considered progressive, oil majors etc now hold the key to solving the problem man has created
12 February 20219 September 2021 The potential for carbon-capture tech is captivating The biggest breakthrough came with the two-year extension to the 45Q corporate tax credit for carbon removal projects in the last days of the Trump administration
14 December 20209 September 2021 CO2: Raus aus der Luft und ab in den Untergrund Climeworks lässt durch die Schnellkonstruktion seiner neuen Großanlage ORCA die großdimensionierte Direct Air Capture und CO2-Entfernung weiter Realität werden
The rapid construction of Climeworks’ new direct air capture and storage plant Orca has started Climeworks continues to make large-scale carbon dioxide removal a reality with the rapid construction of its new direct air capture and storage plant Orca
26 November 20209 September 2021 Carbon-capture breakthrough could be a game-changer in utilising CO2 The CSIRO and Monash University have developed a revolutionary device that captures carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere
5 November 20209 September 2021 Carbontech is getting ready for its market moment It's the exciting idea that we can take something that could be considered waste, draw it out of the atmosphere and turn it into a source of economic growth
14 September 20209 September 2021 Entfernung von Klimagas aus der Luft: Warum der CO2-Staubsauger keine Wundermaschine ist Um ihre Klimaziele zu erreichen, wird die Menschheit auch CO2 aus der Luft wieder einfangen müssen. Die Technik hat aber auch ihre Schattenseiten
9 September 20209 September 2021 Climeworks, ON Power und Carbfix schaffen Grundlage für die signifikante Skalierung von Carbon Dioxide Removal auf 4.000 Tonnen pro Jahr Die Verträge stellen einen Meilenstein im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel dar
Climeworks, ON Power and Carbfix lay the foundation to scale up carbon dioxide removal significantly to 4000 tons per year The agreements set down an important milestone in the fight against climate change
19 June 20209 September 2021 Norsk e-Fuel is planning Europe’s first commercial plant for hydrogen-based renewable aviation fuel in Norway Leading industry consortium joins forces to make unlimited renewable fuel a reality to achieve climate-neutral transportation
Norsk e-fuel plant die erste kommerzielle Anlage für wasserstoffbasierten erneuerbaren Flugkraftstoff in Norwegen Führendes Industriekonsortium vereint Kräfte, um klimaneutralen Transport durch die Bereitstellung von erneuerbaren Kraftstoffen zu ermöglichen
30 March 20209 September 2021 From Greenhouse Gas to a High-tech Resource At KIT, the NECOC research project is aimed at building a unique test facility for active reduction of atmospheric carbon dioxide
Vom Treibhausgas zum Hightech-Rohstoff Am KIT entsteht im Forschungsprojekt NECOC eine weltweit einzigartige Versuchsanlage zur aktiven Reduktion des atmosphärischen Kohlendioxids
27 March 20209 September 2021 Innovative and sustainable ideas can’t be stopped by the Corona crisis! The winners of the innovation award “Best CO2 Utilisation 2020” are Air Vodka made from CO2, a biological methanation process as grid-scale energy storage solution and a direct air capture solution for CO2 At nova-Institute’s first online conferences on PtX and Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU), 50 speakers presented and discussed the future of aviation fuels and carbon dioxide as feedstock!
25 February 2020 The “Top 6” candidates are nominated for the innovation award “Best CO2 Utilisation 2020”! Vodka made from CO2. Biotechnological CO2 conversion to produce chemicals, polymers and methane. Synthetic fuels produced with CO2 captured from air and CO2-based consumer products. Everything and more is possible right now!