17 February 202017 February 2020 Which measures could boost the European bio-based economy? The Independent Bio-Based Expert Group presents the results of an expert survey on the impact and implementation of measures and instruments to stimulate the bio-based economy
12 September 2012 Turning Industrial Biotechnology into a European success story New FP7 project to investigate hurdles and critical success factors to deploy industrial biotechnology in Europe
7 August 201225 July 2014 Growth in PLA bioplastics: a production capacity of over 800,000 tonnes expected by 2020 nova-Institute publishes the first results of a multi-client market survey of the international bioplastics market
Biokunststoff PLA auf Wachstumskurs: Bis 2020 werden über 800.000 t Produktionskapazität erwartet nova-Institut veröffentlicht erste Zwischenergebnisse aus Multi-Client-Marktstudie zum weltweiten Biokunststoff-Markt