19 July 202317 July 2023 Syclus choses Axens to provide Atol® technology for Europe’s first ethanol-based renewable ethylene production plant Syclus intends to build and operate a plant for the production of renewable ethylene from sustainable ethanol in Chemelot Industrial Park, Geleen, The Netherlands
29 November 201926 November 2019 ‘Doing More With Lignin’ Project will utilize existing infrastructure for biobased chemistry at 3 locations in the south of the Netherlands
11 November 20197 November 2019 A Dutch consortium led by Vertoro has been granted €1.2 million to investigate the potential of crude lignin oil as a platform for sustainable chemicals and materials New project to focus on the further development of an interregional campus eco-system and for the conversion of biomass residues to crude lignin oil
20 April 201618 April 2016 The Bioeconomy: The Netherlands in Pole Position Which three main measures Europe needs to foster the growth of the bioeconomy?
19 January 201618 January 2016 Green Chemistry Campus tenants move forward with bio-aromatics research Chemelot InSciTe gets European grant for research on biobased building blocks