20 September 202420 September 2024 Doctoral candidate Mariette Gibier wins prize for her Green Bioplastics project A student of the Sorbonne University developed in collaboration with the Pierre Fabre Laboratories and the biofoundry at Sorbonne University Alliance an innovation in bioplastics
31 July 202426 July 2024 Scientific journal to cover Carbios’ enzyme-embedded, ‘home-compostable’ PLA Carbios Active is the real-life application of Carbios’ expertise in enzyme optimization and polymer science
5 January 202421 December 2023 M2ARE: Maritime Methanol – Adaptable, Renewable and Environmentally friendly: Reducing marine fuel CO2 emissions by more than 80% In response to the high demand for maritime decarbonized fuel, M²ARE project will deliver a methanol synthesis demonstration plant by mid-2027, using the existing pilot plant located at the Air Liquide Innovation Campus Frankfurt, Germany
7 December 20232 December 2023 Unlocking the green potential: Transforming industrial CO2 into acetone with carbon capture and utilisation technology PyroCO2 is developing carbon capture and utilisation technology for climate-positive solutions in European chemical production
13 June 20237 June 2023 IMPRESSive achievements in sustainable manufacturing Innovative biorefinery gets a step closer to commercialization, thanks to Sulzer Chemtech
3 June 202227 May 2022 Toward new degradable polymers Researchers from CNRS and the Université Paris-Saclay developed new polymers that degrade in water in the record time of one week
Auf dem Weg zu neuen abbaubaren Polymeren Ihr Abbau in Wasser erfolgt wesentlich schneller als der von Referenzpolymeren
14 October 202111 October 2021 Converting CO2 emissions into products – European Green Deal project PyroCO2 kicks off A new innovation project will demonstrate large-scale conversion of industrial carbon emissions into value- added chemicals and materials
31 May 20219 September 2021 Enzyme system for the hydrogen industry An enzyme could make a dream come true for the energy industry: It can efficiently produce hydrogen using electricity and can also generate electricity from hydrogen
Enzym-System für die Wasserstoff-Wirtschaft Einen Traum der Energiewirtschaft könnte ein Enzym wahr werden lassen: Effizient kann es sowohl aus Strom Wasserstoff erzeugen als auch Wasserstoff in Strom umwandeln
28 April 20219 September 2021 New Process to Recycle Waste Polyurethanes Using Enzymatic Degradation This circular loop which combines biotechnology and chemistry could be repeated a very large number of times
5 March 20219 September 2021 New EU project funded to develop cost-effective sustainable aviation fuel using CO2 emissions and renewable energy The European Union awards 5M€ to the Take-Off project for helping the aviation sector reach the EU 2050 climate-neutrality targets
13 January 20219 September 2021 Stoffwechsel-Umleitung eröffnet neue Wege der CO2-Fixierung Neuer synthetischer Stoffwechselweg ist eine Alternative zur pflanzlichen Photorespiration
20 November 20209 September 2021 MIXed plastics biodegradation and UPcycling using microbial communities Through a combination of intensive protein or metabolic engineering of defined mixed cultures and bioprocess-optimisation, MIX-UP will enable new value chains across sectors like materials, chemicals, and environmental technologies
10 October 20194 October 2019 Portable electronics: a stretchable and flexible biofuel cell that runs on sweat CNRS researchers recently developed and patented an innovative stretchable device producing electrical energy by transforming the compounds of sweat
19 July 201914 July 2019 Has Europe lost the new biotechnology battle? The EU’s rules on GMOs risk stifling innovation in biotechnology and could lead to China and the US increasing their patent domination
17 May 20189 September 2021 Effizientere künstliche Photosynthese: Recyclebares System wandelt Sonnenenergie in Wasserstoff um Sonnige Nachrichten aus Frankreich: Forscher haben einen Weg gefunden, um preiswertere, weniger toxische und recycelbare Lichtsensoren zur Wasserstoffherstellung zu nutzen
18 April 20189 September 2021 Biotechnologies: EnobraQ is gaining momentum! Company opens up capital, confirms 2nd round of fundraising
22 January 201818 January 2018 THANAPLAST project completed, final subsidy payment now received by Carbios Project reached all the original milestones as set on 30 June 2017, has now received the final grant payment due from BPIFrance
29 May 20179 September 2021 Synthesis of Molecular Hydrogen: Novel Method Sets Benchmark for Platinum-free Electrocatalysts Electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) from water splitting is the most economical and effective route for future hydrogen economy
30 November 20159 September 2021 A solution for reducing greenhouse gases? TWB announces the creation of EnobraQ, specialist in CO2 capture and exploitation using yeast TWB’s partner, Sofinnova Partners, is the lead investor in EnobraQ, with a funding of €1.3 million from its « Green Seed Fund »
21 October 201519 October 2015 Bio-inspirierte Lösungen für einstellbare Haftung in feuchter Umgebung EU-Projekt BioSmartTrainee gestartet
29 September 201528 September 2015 BioHub® programme has come to a successful conclusion Roquette and partners develop new industrial production process for very high purity isosorbide and biosuccinic acid
5 June 20153 June 2015 Bitumen aus Mikroalgen Französische Forscher wollen das bislang aus Erdöl gewonnene Baumaterial künftig von speziell gezüchteten Organismen produzieren lassen
19 May 20155 June 2015 Bioasphalt: from microalgae to “green roads”? Microalgae offer a highly promising alternative to petroleum products without competing for resources used in the food industry. They have now been used for the first time to make -- asphalt!
24 March 201523 March 2015 Marcus Wallenberg Prize 2015: Energy-efficient method for producing nanocellulose Researchers using a specific oxidation reaction to open up wood material prior to mechanical disintegration
20 March 201519 March 2015 Europe explores creation of Bio-based products standards Green Chemicals Blog on the current work on certifications and standards inside and outside of Europe
16 February 201513 February 2015 TWB welcomes 10 new partners to accelerate innovations in the bioeconomy Unique construction associates researchers, manufacturers and investors inside a consortium to develop a bioeconomy in the field of chemistry, materials and energy
12 February 201516 February 2015 Open-Bio: Clear standards for bio-based products Wageningen UR to research quality requirements for functional properties
10 February 201510 February 2015 Global Bioenergies: Erster Meilenstein im Rahmen des BioMA+ Projekts erreicht Französischer Staat finanziert Projektkonsortium mit insgesamt 5,2 Millionen Euro
Global Bioenergies: First milestone hit in BioMA+ project French State granted €5.2m “Investissements d’Avenir” financing to a companies consortium
3 February 20152 February 2015 York scientists shed further new light on biomass breakdown New class of LPMO enzymes use oxygen from the air that allows a resistant form of starch to be broken down
27 January 201526 January 2015 CPI work to transform food waste into Graphene and renewable hydrogen Collaborative project titled ‘PlasCarb’ to reinforce Europe’s leading position in environmental technologies and innovation in high value Carbon
24 July 201423 July 2014 Carbios achieves a new key milestone in the development of its controlled biodegradation process for disposable soft plastics Company to consider commercial applications on a global scale, including mulching films and packaging materials, food catering industry
11 July 201410 July 2014 Global Bioenergies and Fraunhofer CBP take the next step towards the set-up of the Leuna industrial pilot Next important step in transitioning the isobutene process from a breakthrough scientific innovation into a high-value industrial asset
26 June 201426 June 2014 Systemic Pesticides Pose Global Threat to Biodiversity and Exosystem Service New Four-Year Scientific Analysis to Confirm Significant Damage to a Wide Range of Beneficial Invertebrate Species
11 March 201410 March 2014 Biofuels Digest’s 2014 5-Minute Guide The company portrait of Global Bioenergies
19 February 201418 February 2014 General Assembly reveals the results of four years of research EU biorefinery project shows biorefineries could generate 200,000 jobs by 2020
4 June 2013 GLOBAL BIOENERGIES: Industrial pilot supported by a €5.2m State financing Collaborative project supported by the State, Arkema will develop a selective oxidation process