3 December 202428 November 2024 Improved catalyst turns harmful greenhouse gases into cleaner fuels, chemical feedstocks The team improved a reaction called dry reforming of methane that converts methane and carbon dioxide into syngas
15 October 20249 October 2024 Georgia Tech Researchers Develop More Efficient Approach for Turning Plant Biomass into Useful Chemicals Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology have developed an approach that could transform lignin into valuable chemicals more efficiently than ever before
Vom Abfallstoff zum Rohstoff der Zukunft: Neue Verfahren machen Lignin nutzbar Lignin, der zweithäufigste Rohstoff der Erde, fristet bisher ein Schattendasein. Neue Verfahren könnten das ändern. Wird der Abfallstoff zum Erdöl-Ersatz?
16 May 202410 May 2024 Researchers offer US roadmap to close the carbon cycle The experts from several DOE laboratories present a United States-based perspective for achieving net-zero carbon emissions
22 February 202420 February 2024 UC engineers’ CO2 conversion helps industry, addresses climate National research team led by UC professor develops more efficient system to address climate change - a new approach to converting CO2 into ethylene
23 January 202417 January 2024 Catalytic Combo Converts CO2 to Solid Carbon Nanofibers Tandem electrocatalytic-thermocatalytic conversion could help offset emissions of potent greenhouse gas by locking carbon away in a useful material
Katalysator-Kombination wandelt Kohlendioxid in feste Kohlenstoff-Nanofasern um "Das Neue an dieser Arbeit ist, dass wir versuchen, CO2 in etwas umzuwandeln, das einen Mehrwert bietet, aber in einer festen, nützlichen Form"
17 April 202313 April 2023 Structure of ‘Oil-Eating’ Enzyme Opens Door to Bioengineered Catalysts Atomic level details reveal how enzyme selectively breaks hydrocarbon bonds, suggesting bioengineering strategies for making useful chemicals
Struktur eines “ölfressenden” Enzyms öffnet die Tür zu biotechnologisch hergestellten Katalysatoren Details auf atomarer Ebene zeigen, wie das Enzym selektiv Kohlenwasserstoffbindungen aufbricht, was auf biotechnologische Strategien zur Herstellung nützlicher Chemikalien hindeutet
2 November 202231 October 2022 Engineering Duckweed to Produce Oil for Biofuels, Bioproducts Scientists drive oil accumulation in rapidly growing aquatic plants
Entengrütze zur Gewinnung von Öl für Biokraftstoffe und Bioprodukte Wissenschaftler treiben die Ölanreicherung in schnell wachsenden Wasserpflanzen an
14 October 202111 October 2021 Catalyst Study Advances Carbon-Dioxide-to-Ethanol Conversion Combination of theory and experiment shows how a three-part catalyst helps transform excess CO2 into useable ethanol
17 April 202011 April 2020 Upgrading Biomass with Selective Surface-Modified Catalysts Scientists have designed a catalyst composed of very low concentrations of platinum on the surface of titanium dioxide
13 October 20179 September 2021 New efficient catalyst for key step in artificial photosynthesis Process sets free protons and electrons that can be used to make fuels
9 October 20159 September 2021 Flipping molecular attachments amps up activity of CO2 catalyst New understanding may help scientists design more effective catalysts for transforming CO2 to useful products
6 August 20149 September 2021 Nanostructured metal-oxide catalyst efficiently converts CO2 to methanol Highly reactive sites at interface of two nanoscale components could help overcome hurdle of using CO2 as a starting point in producing useful products
18 July 20149 September 2021 Solar fuels: How close, how real? Could a liquid fuel technology emerge that connects solar PV to the efficiency of electric engines — but, this time with long driving range and near-instant refueling instead of laborious recharging?
24 April 2013 Recipe for Low-Cost, Biomass-Derived Catalyst for Hydrogen Production Promising results are a step toward a range of renewable energy strategies fueled by Nature
19 February 2013 Great big things from tiny lil’ algae: 10 Algae Trends for 2013 22 projects around the world show the multi-faceted promise of algae
4 February 2013 Scientists Turn Toxic By-Product Into Biofuel Booster Engineered enzyme increases output of alkanes, possible replacement for key component of gasoline