22 September 202220 September 2022 The market for bioplastics used in packaging is anticipated to reach USD 16.6 billion by 2027 According to the market study of bioplastics for packaging by FMI, the total amount of bioplastics used for packaging worldwide is expected to rise by 10.3 percent YoY in 2022. By 2027, the films segment of the worldwide bioplastics for packaging market is anticipated to retain a 40.8 percent market share
26 January 202121 January 2021 Novamont erwirbt BioBag und stärkt Führungsposition und weltweite Präsenz Die Übernahme wird Novamont erlauben, auch in dünner besiedelten Gebieten von BioBags hochspezialisierter unabhängiger Distribution zu profitieren