11 November 201511 November 2015 Final Programme Released: Microplastic conference in Cologne from 23-24 November 2015 +++ Final programme released +++ Already 130 participants +++ Just 14 days left +++
27 October 201527 October 2015 Can the Bioeconomy Deliver Solutions for the Global Microplastic Problem? Release of microplastics into the environment is a topic of major concern
Hat die Bioökonomie Lösungen für das globale Mikroplastikproblem? Die Freisetzung von Mikroplastikpartikeln in die Umwelt ist Gegenstand großer Besorgnis
26 May 201522 May 2015 Fruit and vegetable labels that don’t gum up the works Dutch company Bio4Life demonstrated completely compostable water-based self-adhesive technology at Bio!Pac