7 April 20152 April 2015 Biofuels Digest’s 2015 5-Minute Guide Inbicon’s technology produces cellulosic ethanol or renewable chemicals from wheat straw via enzymatic hydrolysis, with co-products including renewable power
18 December 20149 September 2021 Phytonix turns photosynthetic bacteria into tiny chemical factories Startup Phytonix plans to use its technology to produce the chemical butanol
5 December 20134 December 2013 Biotech-Hefe knackt Braunalgenzucker Alginat-Vergärung mit biotechnologisch erzeugten Hefestämmen zur Biokraftstoff-Produktion
30 October 2012 Bio Architecture Lab Technology Partners With Xunshan Group to Develop Integrated Bio-Refinery for Fuels, Chemicals & Co-Products From Brown Seaweed Global Partnership Connects the World's Largest Producer of Seaweed With Leading Biotechnology Company to Convert Seaweed Into Renewable Chemicals and Fuels
15 February 2012 Unlocking the Potential of Seaweed as Feedstock for Bioplastics BAL scientists can produce sugars for as low as between 5 -10 cents a pound