26 February 202124 February 2021 Aus neu entwickelten Bastfaserhalbzeugen entsteht eine Blattfeder für ein Schmalspurbahn-Drehgestell Publikation aus dem Projekt NF-CompPlus der Forschungsgruppe AG Biologische Werkstoffe als „Outstanding Paper“ der Fachzeitschrift Materials gewählt
6 June 2019 Hemp fibre-reinforced plastic, hemp protein powder and hemp face cream are “Hemp Products of the Year 2019” With more than 410 participants from 49 countries and a sold-out exhibition, the conference has broken all records and is now by far the world's largest event for the industrial use of hemp
27 May 2019 Six candidates nominated for the innovation award “Hemp Product of the Year 2019” For the second time, the innovation award “Hemp Product of the Year” will be granted to the young, innovative hemp industry for finding suitable applications and markets for industrial hemp-based products
12 September 2018 Six innovative companies from four countries are nominated for the “Future Protein Award” For the first time, the “Future Protein Award” will be awarded during the conference “Revolution in Food and Biomass Production (REFAB)”, 1-2 October 2018, Cologne Germany
Sechs innovative Unternehmen aus vier Ländern für den „Future Protein Award“ nominiert Der „Future Protein Award“ wird erstmals im Rahmen der neuen Konferenz „Revolution in Food and Biomass Production (REFAB)“, am 1.-2. Oktober 2018 in Köln, verliehen
8 August 20188 August 2018 Future of Proteins: First six participants for the Future Protein Award announced The first Future Protein Award will be awarded during the new conference “Revolution in Food and Biomass Production (REFAB)”, 1-2 October 2018, Cologne Germany
Zukunft der Proteine: Die ersten sechs Kandidaten für den Wettbewerb „Future Protein Award“ stehen fest! Der „Future Protein Award“ wird erstmals im Rahmen der neuen Konferenz „Revolution in Food and Biomass Production (REFAB)“, am 1.-2. Oktober 2018 in Köln, verliehen