25 January 202220 January 2022 Kläranlagen: Wie Abwasser zum Rohstoff wird Kläranlagen sind eine notwendige, aber auch teure Hygienemaßnahme. Doch sie wandeln sich: In Zukunft könnten sie im Rahmen einer nachhaltigen Kreislaufwirtschaft Geld einbringen
26 May 202116 June 2021 Sulzer partners with Swiss AVA Biochem to expand its technology portfolio for renewable, bio-based and recyclable materials production Renewable and non-toxic alternatives to fossil-based materials serve to produce chemicals used in a broad range of applications
Sulzer geht Partnerschaft mit Schweizer AVA Biochem AG ein zur Erweiterung des Technologieportfolios für die Produktion von erneuerbaren, biobasierten und wiederverwertbaren Materialien Erneuerbare und ungiftige HMF-Verbindung kann zur Herstellung einer breiten Palette weit verbreiteter chemischer Produkte verwendet werden
28 July 202024 July 2020 Developing new circular materials from safe bio-based building blocks New library of biobased materials will bring the circular ambitions of the European Union a step closer
1 July 202030 June 2020 Circular High-performance Aza-Michael Polymers as Innovative materials Originating from Nature Recovery, chemical recycling and organic recycling (with the option of controlled energy recovery) are the end-of-life options planned for the design of products using CHAMPION polymers
7 February 20204 February 2020 Greentech pioneer AVA Biochem teams-up with Michelin Group to foster eco-innovation Collaboration aims to establish the world’s first commercial-scale production plant of 5-HMF, and to ultimately bring novel product applications onto the market
2 July 201927 June 2019 Providing Growledge – Ressourcen und Produkte für die Bioökonomie In Zukunft könnten Miscanthus und Hanf dazu genutzt werden, um die Herstellung zahlreicher Erzeugnisse auf ein erneuerbares Fundament zu stellen
18 April 201915 April 2019 The Competitive Edge: AVA Biochem AG 5-HMF is a building block for many chemicals such as FDCA/FDME which will be used for PEF and other bioplasics
27 June 201723 June 2017 Innovation in the European Bioeconomy: 15 million euro project optimizes value chains for miscanthus and hemp EU project with 22 partners from science, agriculture, and industry - new varieties, cultivation on unused areas, biomass value chains, life cycle assessment, and knowledge transfer
Von der Biomasse zum Produkt: Uni Hohenheim leitet Bioökonomie-Projekt über 15 Mio. Euro EU-Projekt mit 22 Partnern aus Wissenschaft, Landwirtschaft und Industrie - Neue Sorten, Anbau auf ungenutzten Flächen, Ökobilanz und Wissens-Transfer
23 June 201721 June 2017 FDCA (2,5-furandicarboxylic acid) biorefineries In recent years, FDCA has received significant attention due to its wide application as a substitute of petrochemical-derived terephthalic acid in the synthesis of useful polymers
2 February 201731 January 2017 AVALON Industries wins new Swiss research project to replace carcinogenic formaldehyde with bio-based, non-toxic 5-HMF Research project aims to come up with a formaldehyde-free, sustainable and non-toxic adhesive for industrial use in the wood-processing industry
AVALON Industries gewinnt neues Schweizer Forschungsprojekt, um karzinogenes Formaldehyd durch biobasiertes, nicht-toxisches 5-HMF zu ersetzen Forschungsprojekt will einen formaldehydfreien, nachhaltigen und ungiftigen Klebstoff für den industriellen Einsatz in der holzverarbeitenden Industrie entwickeln
15 December 201613 December 2016 AVALON Industries Takes Over All Bio-based Chemistry Activities From AVA-CO2 Subsidiary of AVA-CO2 to taking over all operational activities and focus on global implementation of the HTP-technology for the industrial-scale production of 5-HMF
AVALON Industries übernimmt alle biobasierten Chemieaktivitäten von AVA-CO2 Tochtergesellschaft von AVA-CO2 übernimmt sämtliche operativen Tätigkeiten und konzentriert sich auf weltweite Umsetzung der HTP-Technologie für die industrielle Produktion von 5-HMF
14 November 20169 November 2016 Reverdia, Gingko BioWorks, Rennovia, Leaf Resources, Mango Materials take top slots in The 40 Hottest Emerging Companies in the Advanced Bioeconomy 2016-17 The rankings recognize biotechnology innovation and achievement in fuels, biobased chemicals, nutrition, health, genetics and materials
17 August 201615 August 2016 “In Muttenz steht die weltweit grösste Anlage zur Produktion von 5-HMF aus Biomasse” i-net Interview mit Thomas Fischer zeigt auf, wie aus Biomasse Zucker und Wasser das Molekül 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF) wird
“Muttenz is home to the world’s largest plant for the production of 5-HMF from biomass” i-net interview with Thomas Fischer about how biomass sugar and water can be converted into 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF)
29 June 201621 June 2016 Hot Prospects for Chemicals from Biomass A major theme of 21st Century industrial development will be replacement of fossil resources by renewable resources in the production of fuels and chemicals
26 April 201621 March 2019 Kläusli, Ava Biochem: The bioeconomy is the biggest chance we have to decarbonise our world Thomas Kläusli, Chief Marketing Officer at AVA Biochem and AVA-CO2, talks to Il Bioeconomista
23 March 201621 March 2019 AVA-CO2 Launches A Research Project To Replace Carcinogenic Formaldehyde With Bio-based 5-HMF Biotechnology meeting Swiss' Science to help avoid environmental impact
AVA-CO2 startet Forschungsprojekt zum Ersatz von karzinogenem Formaldehyd durch bio-basiertes 5-HMF Biotechnologie und Schweizer Wissenschaft - gemeinsam für eine saubere Umwelt
18 February 201616 February 2016 The Race for the 100% Biobased Plastic Bottle The companies, their technologies, partners and prospects
8 February 20167 February 2016 More biobased plastics for bottles: DuPont announces PTF Can PTF really become a competitor?
5 February 20164 February 2016 AVA Biochem erweitert Produktportfolio um FDCA Neues Verfahren zur kosteneffizienten Oxidation von 5-HMF zu FDCA
AVA Biochem adds FDCA to its product portfolio New process for cost-efficient oxidation of 5-HMF to FDCA
11 August 201510 August 2015 Updates on Top Value Added Chemicals from Biomass Progress in commercialization/development of several renewable chemicals that were candidates under the US DOE’s 2004 Top Value Added Biomass-based Chemicals
15 June 201512 June 2015 EuropaBio and Smithers Rapra confirm agenda for 8th edition of EFIB Themes to range from inspiring new business models, circular economy and creation of markets, issues of financing and funding in addition to the availability of feedstocks, and update on the status and outlook of biobased industries
13 March 201512 March 2015 Levulinic acid commercialization expands Green Chemicals Block on the latest news of levulinic acid
15 October 201413 October 2014 Biobasierte Materialien – Neue Rohstoffquellen, Produkte und Recycling Biobasierte Materialien für vielfältige Einsatzbereiche
4 February 20143 February 2014 First Industrial Production For Renewable 5-HMF Commercial-scale production of the high-purity renewable platform chemical, 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF) has started at the Biochem-1 facility operated by AVA Biochem in Muttenz, Switzerland
3 February 201411 March 2014 KIT entwickelt neues Verfahren zur industriellen Herstellung der Plattformchemikalie 5-HMF – Anlage der AVA Biochem nimmt Produktion auf Wissenschaftler wollen weitere Einsatzgebiete für Biomassen als auch für deren Ertragspotenziale eruieren