3 November 201727 October 2017 Biomasse ohne Abfall: Hochwertige Erzeugnisse und Anwendungen aus Bioraffinerie-Nebenprodukten Forschungsverbund untersucht Verfahren zur möglichst vollständigen Verwendung aller Abfallprodukte aus Bioraffinerien
17 October 201716 October 2017 Víctor Infante talks about: ASEBIO Report 2016 CEO of Bionaturis Group: "We have gone from the time when the “big fish eats the small one” to the “fast fish eats the slow one"
22 August 201617 August 2016 European-funded Valor Plus project seeks to boost cellulosic biorefinery capacity Improving by-product output through sustainable and integrated closed loop biorefineries
7 October 20146 October 2014 Tecnalia leading a BIO project on paints and varnishes New products using natural, renewable resources to replace conventional solvents