19 January 202313 January 2023 Anellotech Offers Drum-Quantity Samples of Recycled BTX Made From Mixed Waste Plastics via Plas-TCat® Process Based on a proprietary catalyst and fluid bed reactor-regenerator system, Plas-TCat provides a new, direct route to light olefins and aromatics from plastic waste streams
25 November 201920 November 2019 Like Fine Wine, Smellin’ Fine: The Digest’s 2019 Multi-Slide Guide to Anellotech’s Aromatics Get all the details on why Bio-TCat is one cool cat, details on their commercial plant planning underway now, and more
20 August 201815 August 2018 The road to biobased BTX: The Digest’s 2018 Multi-Slide Guide to Anellotech Anellotech CEO David Sudolsky gave this illuminating overview of the technology’s progress and promise as part of The Early Stage webinar series
12 January 201611 January 2016 Aromatics Ascending: IFP Energies Nouvelles, Axens to accelerate bio-BTX via Anellotech partnership Installation to commence in search of cost-effective bio-based aromatics
17 December 201516 December 2015 The Future of Lego Bricks is Bio-Based Forsaking its partnership with Shell, the Lego Group now wants to reduce its environmental impact and use sustainable materials
31 January 201430 January 2014 It’s 2014: Feel the pressure, turn up the heat, and get cracking Hydrotreating, catalytic cracking, pyrolysis, metathesis, supercritical, and catalytic reforming