22 August 20169 September 2021 Startschuss für die wissenschaftliche Begleitforschung zur stofflichen CO2-Nutzung BMBF stellt 15 Millionen Euro im Rahmen der BMBF Fördermaßnahme CO2Plus bereit
17 August 20169 September 2021 50 Hot Bio-Based Companies, 50 Quick Takes Which goals and projects should be considered top-priority in the coming years besides solar, wind and hydro-based companies in regards to upgrading biomass?
15 August 20169 September 2021 York chemists lead breakthrough in carbon capture Starbons keeping great potential on large scale high CO2 adsorption from waste biomass
11 August 20169 September 2021 Solar-Petrol: Finding sustainable petrol How solar energy can be transformed into fuel
Sonnen-Sprit: Auf dem Weg zu nachhaltigem Benzin Wie sich Sonnenenergie in Treibstoff umwandeln lässt
5 August 20169 September 2021 CO2 vernetzt – vom Klimaschädling zum gefragten Rohstoff Bewilligtes ZIM-Kooperationsnetzwerk "UseCO2" der IBB Netzwerk GmbH verwendet den Klimaschadstoff Kohlendioxid, um daraus nachhaltige Produkte zu fertigen
CO2 interlinked – from a climate risk factor to a highly sought-after raw material Recently approved collaboration network "UseCO2", managed by IBB Netzwerk GmbH, utilizes the climate risk factor carbon dioxide to develop sustainable products
4 August 20169 September 2021 Carbon XPrize aims to reimagine CO2 XPrize suggests that carbon could be used to make products like sustainable building materials, clothing and running shoes, automobiles and breakthrough medicines
3 August 20169 September 2021 Solar cell sucks up CO2 and spits burnable fuel out the other side Chicago University researchers discover new type of catalyst that can turn atmospheric CO2 into burnable fuels
2 August 20169 September 2021 So holen wir CO2 aus der Atmosphäre wieder zurück Israelischen Forschern ist es gelungen, Bakterien so zu reprogrammieren, dass sie Zucker aus Kohlendioxid produzieren können. Andere Forscher machen aus dem Treibhausgas Benzin
1 August 20169 September 2021 BASF and Linde successfully complete pilot project at National Carbon Capture Center in Wilsonville, Alabama Improved capture of carbon dioxide from flue gas at coal fired power plant
28 July 20169 September 2021 ASU Researchers Explore Idea of Creating Fuels from Thin Air Not all liquid fuels are fossil fuels, and fuels don’t have to be dirty
27 July 20169 September 2021 Scientists Harness CO2 to Consolidate Biofuel Production Process Neutralising of ionic liquids as lower cost process by recycling key ingredient
22 July 20169 September 2021 Bill aims to create tax credits for carbon utilization, storage Legislation would make tax credits available to companies based on the amount of carbon dioxide they avoid emitting into the atmosphere through carbon capture or remove from the atmosphere through utilization
21 July 20169 September 2021 PHYCO2 completes test pilots of Algae Growth, CO2 Sequestration at Michigan State Two advisory boards to focus on the commercialization of technologies for human nutrition and animal feed
19 July 20169 September 2021 Promise of sustainable CO2 utilisation technology to boost European industry EU-funded SCOT project showcased its innovative work in Brussels
Technologie für nachhaltige CO2-Nutzung soll die europäische Industrie fördern Mitglieder des EU-Projekts SCOT stellten innovative Forschungsergebnisse in Brüssel vor
11 July 20169 September 2021 Newlight Technologies Signs 15-Year Production License Agreement With Paques Holdings bv Companies will work together to accelerate the expansion of AirCarbon production capacity globally
Energy from Sunlight: Further Steps towards Artificial Photosynthesis Artificial photosynthesis is considered a promising element of a sustainable future energy supply
Energie aus Sonnenlicht: Weiterer Schritt zur künstlichen Fotosynthese Die künstliche Fotosynthese gilt als ein vielversprechendes Element einer zukünftigen nachhaltigen Energieversorgung
7 July 20169 September 2021 Clariant unterstützt Carbon2Chem-Projekt zur Reduzierung industrieller CO2-Emissionen Unternehmen stellt Methanolkatalysatoren und erforderliches Knowhow für das Projekt zur Verfügung
Clariant supports Carbon2Chem project for the reduction of industrial CO2 emissions Company provides methanol catalysts and the necessary application know-how to the project
In Germany more than 60 million euros for the Carbon2Chem project Aim of the project is to convert process gases from steel production – including the CO2 they contain – into base chemicals
6 July 20169 September 2021 Hochgeschwindigkeitstunnel für Kohlendioxid Tonminerale mit einem Schichtaufbau, wie Montmorillonit, sind interessante Kandidaten für die Abtrennung von CO2
5 July 20169 September 2021 The 20 Hottest Carbon-Capturing Technologies of 2016 First teams have registered in the NRG COSIA Carbon XPRIZE to develop breakthrough technology to help fight climate change through carbon capture and use
The top 20 ways to capture and make use of carbon Biofuels Digest focusing on companies that achieved highest degrees of visibility and credibility to date
30 June 20169 September 2021 Covestro starts brand launch for CO2 products cardyon® – The new brand for sustainable plastics production
29 June 20169 September 2021 Eating Air, Making Fuel: Weizmann Institute scientists engineer bacteria to create sugar from the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide E. coli to fix carbon could give researchers a new toolbox for studying and improving this basic process
28 June 20169 September 2021 Ein grüner Alleskönner aus Orangenschalen und Kohlendioxid ‚PLimC‘ ist der Name dieses grünen Alleskönners, der es erstmals ermöglicht, allein auf der Basis nachwachsender Rohstoffe ein breites Spektrum leistungsstarker Kunststoffe herzustellen
24 June 20169 September 2021 Power to Gas: progress in regions; obstacles in federal law dena’s Potentiality Atlas identifies four key regions - Strategy Platform recommends legal changes
Power to Gas: Fortschritte in Regionen, Hindernisse in Bundesgesetzen dena-Potenzialatlas identifiziert vier Schwerpunktregionen - Strategieplattform empfiehlt Gesetzesänderungen
21 June 20169 September 2021 Premiere for new raw material: Covestro launches industrial production of plastics using carbon dioxide Production plant opens in Dormagen - Innovative foam components manufactured with 20 percent CO2
Premiere für neuen Rohstoff: Covestro startet industrielle Kunststoff-Herstellung mit CO2 Produktionsanlage in Dormagen eröffnet - 20 Prozent Kohlendioxid in neuartiger Schaumstoff-Komponente
Methanol is a CO2 Utilization Pathway Serious policy discussion needed about biomethanol and the central role it can play in a clean energy economy
20 June 20169 September 2021 Turning CO2 into rock International study has shown for the first time that the greenhouse gas CO2 can be permanently and rapidly locked away by injecting it into volcanic bedrock
Speicherung von Klimagas – CO2 versteinert schneller als gedacht Wenn man CO2 unterirdisch speichert, wird es schneller zu Stein als bisher angenommen. Ein Durchbruch beim Kampf gegen die Erderwärmung?
15 June 20169 September 2021 Novomer Announces Successful Commercial-Scale Trials Of Converge® Polyols in Rigid Foams Materials enabled Ford to produce sustainable foams and plastics that meet the rigorous standards of the automotive industry - a first for automakers
13 June 20169 September 2021 Global competition on conversion of CO2 into valuable products – Carbon Capture & Utilization (CCU) How to participate at "NRG COISIA Carbon XPRIZE“ and identify the most promising and efficient CCU technologies
10 June 20169 September 2021 Bionic leaf turns sunlight into liquid fuel New system surpasses efficiency of photosynthesis
9 June 20169 September 2021 The Carbon XPRIZE: Exponential Approaches to Energy and Climate US$20 million global competition to incentivize technologies that convert CO₂ emissions into valuable products
6 June 20169 September 2021 Microorganisms team up to recycle carbon dioxide into biofuel Stephanopoulos group at MIT reports engineered microorganisms that can generate sustainable biofuel from carbon dioxide emissions
1 June 20169 September 2021 The Digest’s 2016 8-Slide Guide to Joule Unlimited Liquid fuel from the Sun
24 May 20169 September 2021 Preserving Mother Earth: Ford First Automaker to Use Captured CO2 to Develop Foam and Plastic for Vehicles Ford researchers foresee the new materials going into production vehicles within five years
18 May 20169 September 2021 Exhaust Filtered from Carbon Dioxide Geesthacht Polymer Researchers Develop New Membrane Method
12 May 20169 September 2021 Photosynthese als Vorbild: Chemiker entwickeln künstliches Blatt Forscher haben den ersten lichtgetriebenen Wasseroxidationskatalysator entwickelt, der auf Mangan-Vanadiumoxid basiert
Pentair Haffmans introduces CO2 recovery system for biogas Minimizes the plant’s overall CO2 footprint, and allows for a wider choice in feedstock
10 May 20169 September 2021 PHYCO2, MSU announce breakthrough in algae technology Technology can capture significant amounts of CO2 for high-density algae cultivation with the PHYCO2 patented algae photo bioreactor
9 May 20169 September 2021 Increased CO2 levels are greening the Earth From a quarter to half of Earth’s vegetated lands has shown significant greening over the last 35 years largely due to rising levels of atmospheric CO2
28 April 20169 September 2021 Covestro in der Kritik – Ist die stoffliche Nutzung von Kohlendioxid Öko-Schwindel? Umweltschützer sind gegen „Dream Production“-Projekt von Covestro